Dinner Mate

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               At exactly 5:00pm I was at my fashion company.
              "Mrs Smith!.." Kate was surprised to see me.
              "Kate, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that." I said as I entered my office. Kate and Jenny entered as well.
               "Ahh.. Sorry but I thought....."
               "Yeah I know I said I wouldn't be here till next month but I am here." I said while sitting.
               "Does that mean you no longer trust me?" She asked.
               "You and Jenny are just the best and I trust you a lot." I  smiled a bit and they smiled as well. And I did trust them they run everything beyond expectations.
               "I just have to meet someone and I need to change." I said.
               "A date !!!" They mentioned at once.
              "Not exactly but something like that." I said.
              "Andrew?!!!!..." Kate said.
              "No, Leon Collins." I said.
               "He so HOT, he came earlier at the office." Jenny said smiling so hard, I laughed and they laughed as well.
             "I will get the clothes and you choose." Kate said.

            "By the time you come here to choose clothes, not going to your stylist. That means you don't want Andrew to find out." Jenny said as soon as Kate left.
            "Yes..." I said, much as it was hard to admit.
           "He is such a jealous man." Jenny quietly said.
           "But that's cute, anyway who wouldn't be jealous over you." Jenny added but I was silently trying to process her comments, she was the second person to say Andrew was a jealous guy, how come I didn't see that I wanted to ask how Jenny knows or sees that he is so jealous but I just smiled along.
           "Valerie, come on." Kate opened the door saying.
I stood up, walking to the dressing room,
           "Jenny, you are now off duty." I said as I entered the dressing room.
           "Mrs Smith !!" Jenny called with a smile.
           "Take the car with you." I said.
           "Aren't I supposed to..."
           "Go rest, go date." I said to her not letting her complete whatever she was going to say. I entered inside the dressing room,
           "Should I help you with the dress?" Kate asked, normally I would say yes but I didn't want her to see my bruises.
           "No, thank you." I said.
           I chose the dress then moved out.
           "Woow!!" Kate was pleased with my look and so was I.
           "By the way Kate?" I said.
           "Yeah?" She said as she held up my hair.
           "Do you think Andrew ..." I wanted to ask but I stopped myself.
           "Is what?..." Kate asked.
           "Never mind." I smiled.
At exactly 6:30 I was at Conner foods. Being here reminded me of the old days, I can't believe it still exists, I got in and Leon was already inside in the same spot we used to sit in, I smiled looking at him,
           "Wow judging from you being able to get this seat, you really came early." I said sitting.
           "Honestly yeah." He admitted.
The waitress brought the menu and glasses of water.
           "This is where we first kissed." Leon said bluntly.
I looked at him surprised, he still remembers.
            "You're right." I said then sipped my water.
            "I am sorry about earlier." He said.
            "Its okay." I said.
            "Shall we make orders?" I added, I was really starving
            "Yeah." Leon said.
We both made our orders and I sipped my water again.
            "Do you love Andrew?" He bluntly asked and I almost chocked on my water.
            "Sorry." He said gently tapping my back as I coughed.
           "I'm alright." I said sitting up straight.
            "Do you?" He asked.
            "What do you want me to tell you?" I asked back.
            "That you don't, because I want you back." He said.
I remained silent.
           "I want you Val." He added .
           "So what do you want me to do, divorce Andrew?" I asked.
            "Yes." He said.
I giggled a bit. Though not happy at all.
            "Do you think things will ever be the same Leon?" I said.
            "Valerie!!! " He called.
            "Do you have any idea how you left me, back then yes we were young and we make promises we have no idea of how heavy they can be..." I said trying to be calm.
            "but we had just dating, my love for you was at the maximum and you promised to never leave me." I said angrily.
           "Valllll.." He seemed hurt and sad.
           "Just after that promise you disappeared, I waited for you on my 16th birthday." I breathed out heavily.
         "I waited and waited but you had GONE without saying 'goodbye' or telling me why you were going." I said.
         "That's the worst day of my life and it's that day that my whole life changed and you expect me to drop everything and run to you?" I said angrily.
          "I'm sorry Val." He deeply said.
         "I know you are." I said.
         "But for us to have something even close to what we had, there is much work to do." I said.
The  food was brought by the waitress but my appetite was gone, I even felt like my seat was burning.
          "Thanks for what seems like a date." I said then stood holding up my bag.
          "Val, please." He begged.
          "I will pay for my food." I said then walked away.
I left Leon seated and walked to the counter and paid for my food, maybe if he had chased me here I would have gone back and sat with him but he remained seated, I moved out then got into my car driving away.
'What a day this was!', I thought as I drove slowly not even feeling like going home to face Andrew.

            In traffic jam I leaned my head against the window feeling so low and hungry.
Someone suddenly knocked at the window. I raised my head and my eyes landed on Hayden, yes, Amanda's father. I lowered my window clearly looking at him, he bent down leaning on the car with a smile.
           "The birthday boy." I said jokingly with a smile.
           "My soulmate." He smiled.
           "What!!!" I was confused.
           "Didn't you buy me the neck tie, you became my little soulmate." He said lovingly with his hand raised passing his finger in my let down hair.
I froze, wondering if this was part of the undefined relationship. But I liked it. I smiled to him widely.
          "The cars are going to start moving so pull over in front there." He said then moved to his car besides mine.

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