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             "Andrew." I called, my voice making it out weak and shaky.
He made steps closer to me, he moved further towards me, as he moved a step front to cover the little space between us, I put my hand in between stopping him. His eyes looked into mine, with curiosity of why I was acting different yet how my whole body had already betrayed me.
             "Don't start what you can't complete, your teasing drives me crazy and I don't like being left hanging." I said softly.
Much as I wanted him, this was not another one of those nights or moments where he teases me then leaves yearning, making my whole next day a crazy one, only fantasizing of how things would have ended. Andrew gave me a smirk, he looked like he was enjoying what he was doing. Today I am also more than ready to keep my guard up, for me at least. With my hand I pushed him a side gently, I quickly walked past him before I even change my mind.

            "Valerie." He called, his voice deep. His firm strong hand suddenly holding my hand. In a quick spin, he turned me facing him. Before I could even think or process any of this, he was already carrying me up, sweeping me off my feet, one of his hands gently carrying me up as the other pulled off my towel from my body leaving me bear naked.
My tongue froze when he pinned me on the wall, his chest covering my sharp pointed nipples, my legs spread around his waist, our faces only inches away from each other, one hand on the wall while the other hand around my waist carrying me up. My breath a bit fast, my heart beating so fast.
          "You got me all wrong honey, I said I would like to shower with you nothing more." He said more like a whisper.
He moved his hand from the wall resting it on my thigh.
         "Does.....( I heavily breathed out when his hand gently began to move up my inner thigh) ...." I could not speak.
        "Does..... what?" He asked, seeming more steady.
        "Does this..." I heavily breathed out when his fingers gently moved further on my inner thigh, almost to the middle of my spread legs, his fingers bring shiver, like electrification on my body, they make me yearn. But this is exactly what I was talking about, this teasing.
        "Your nipples are so hard against my chest, you are already wet that I can feel it beyond my shirt." He said with a smirk.
        "Andrew..." I loudly called, giving him a little push.
Andrew giggled gently lowering me down, this is not embarrassing but why do I find it embarrassing.
       "Valerie." He called with a smirk but I just continued to walk to the bathroom.
Hardly had I reached the door when an idea popped up in my mind, I stopped then turned looking at him with a smile. His eyes fixed on my body, up and down, side to side looking at every inch of my naked body.

       "What are you thinking?" He smiled.
       "You." I bluntly replied.
Andrew was startled at my reply, though his smile showed he liked it that way.
       "Come join me in the shower." I smiled, softly my voice came out.
Andrew smiled and I smiled back.
       "You can't shower dressed." I softly said gently walking close to him as he approached me as well.
Our eyes locked, my hands down to his waist, softly I moved them to his pants button opening it.
      "You can't undo what you're starting hope you know that." He said softly but sounding more like a warning, but hey what's new, what haven't I seen?. I thought further my fingers slipping down to unzipping his pants. A small smile popped up on my face.
His pants slid down a bit exposing his undergarments.
     "I'm waiting." I smiled my voice coming off as seductive as I could try to sound then tiptoed kissing him softly on his cheek almost close to his lips. Andrew smiled widely, his eyes full of admiration, just slowly, gently and seductively I walked away from him entering the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I hurriedly walked past my bathtub to the glass enclosed shower opening the water, the bathroom door opened Andrew coming through. I gently turned looking at him, from head to toe, absorbing every inch of his naked body, admiration filled my eyes, wanting every inch of it but on the other side dying of laughter, my plan had come through.
      "Come in." I smiled.
I bursted into laughter as he entered the shower.
      "Why are you laughing?" He asked standing before me.
      "Now am satisfied." I smiled.
      "With?" he asked.
      "Well, now we are even, how many times had you seen my naked body but I had never seen yours." I smiled.
Andrew giggled, I could feel how he felt very cheated.
      "Valerie." he called.
      "What?, you said you wanted to shower together, so let's do it." I said with a smile.
      "I didn't mean exactly showering together no, actually no, I meant not just showering together I wanted more." he said.
Well I got that part too.
     "Then use your words right next time." I said.
Andrew laughed softly. A little revenge never hurts.
     "I'm glad there is next time." Andrew said, he moved steps closer to me, gently kissing me on my forehead. I smiled widely at this.
Much as the idea of showering together without doing anything more seemed so easy at thought, it wasn't. The way Andrew played with water, soap and his dick was very tempting, his eyes on me, watching every body part of mine like he was feeling it with his eyes. Yet my proud ass was telling me not to give in, to stick to my plan and revenge.
I turned facing him with my back, trying my best to come off as sexy as I could, to make him realise that he can admire but not touch. Immediately I was done with showering, I moved out leaving him.
     "Valerie..." He called as I walked out.
     "Big day tomorrow." I said with smile.
Andrew smiled slightly looking at me.

After all the long day, I got dressed in my night gown finally got into my bed, heavily I sighed lying down. There was a door knock on my door again.
      "Come in." I softly said closing my eyes.
The door was opened and closed again, to my surprise I felt my blanket being lifted up, I opened my eyes landing on Andrew who was widely smiling at me.
      "My bed is suddenly uncomfortable." He said then got inside.
I didn't mind lying and cuddling with him, gives me so good comfort and warmth. His hands around me, mine around him, my head in his chest and peacefully sleeping, waiting for the day tomorrow hoping it would be positively better than this one, but one thing I'm hoping not to change, my current situation with myself and Andrew, this personal growth we both need.

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