You are Safe Bambina

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Stefania's POV

"Bambina, how do you feel about Danielle bringing us some dinner?" I ask, stroking the hair out of Nat's face. "Is she going to tell my aunt on me?" She says, starting to panic a little again. "No bambina, Danielle won't do that. We can talk to her while we eat." I suggest to her.

She gives me a nod."Hey, Natalia? How about we have a secret code word that you and I use in an emergency situation that no one knows? A word that no one understands but us. Then I will know that you need me right away, but won't be obvious to others." I tell her with a slight smile.

"Can it be Wall-E? That's my favorite movie, but I don't watch it often so I won't say it unless it's an emergency." Nat tells me looking up. "I love that, that is our secret word. No one else knows it." I tell her, giving her a kiss on the head.

Soon after, there is a knock on the door. It was Danielle, I had the others just go home so Nat wasn't overwhelmed after texting them. Nat flinches and wraps around me tighter. "Shh, bambina. It's just Dani. She's safe, she'll protect you." I assure her with a soft voice. She nods, buried in my chest. 

"Come in, bella." I shout loud enough for Danielle to hear. She comes in quietly, not to startle Nat. She comes over to me and gives me a peck on the lips and Nat a kiss on the forehead. 

She sits opposite from us and starts unpacking the food. "Alright my favorite pair of DeLucas." Danielle says with a chuckle. Nat picked her head up and looked at Danielle with a smile. "There she is, my princess!" Danielle says with a big smile. "I got you your favorite from the pizza place and I stopped by to see Alberto and Bianca. They insisted I be sent back with your favorite chocolate. I also have a surprise, but we will eat first, then surprise later." Dani explains with a smile.

"Thank you for getting me dinner, Dani. I will pay you back when I'm able to get money at the bank." Nat says to Danielle. "Don't even worry about that, Natty. It was my pleasure." Danielle says to the young girl.

Stefania's POV

It had been another two weeks of getting to know Nat more and adoring her. She is a smart young girl and she reminds me so much of Giada. She couldn't have had better parents, my heart breaks for her knowing they aren't with her anymore. 

She is an extraordinary actress, some days i cannot believe she is only eight. Even though her premiere isn't for another month on the TV screen, I can tell fans are growing on her through Danielle's and my Instagram stories and posts. Some of them even comment how we look so alike, it must be the Italian genes.

We recently did a live together on Instagram and everything was so kind to her. I was worried they wouldn't be so nice with her, but they were great.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing with a text message. I smiled when I saw it was Nat.

My face immediately dropped and heart sank to the floor. 

Nat: Wall-E

That's all it took for me to grab my things and hop in my car to go to her house. I knew where she lived because I dropped her off some days to give Connie a break. 

I tried calling Nat several times, but she did not answer. I am driving as fast and safe as possible to get to her house.

I called Danielle to let her know the situation. "Pick up, pick up, pick up." I say to myself into the phone. "Hi baby, what's wrong?" She asks as she can hear my breathing.

"It's Nat. Bella, her and I have a code word we use only in emergencies and she texted it to me and now she isn't answering her phone. I'm scared she's hurt or something worse." I say, on the verge of tears.

"Okay, you're okay baby. Just get to her and make sure she is safe. Let me know what I can do to help." She pauses. "How about I go to your house and set up a movie night for all of us? Even though we don't know what is going on, I'd rather be prepared for maximum comfort activities for you two." She says softly and genuinely. "I'd really like that, bella. You are the best." I tell her.

"I just want you and Nat to know that I am here, regardless of what it is. Now go make sure she is safe and I will see you soon, beautiful." She tells me and we hang up. 

I begin to pull into the road of Nat's house. I am met by many emergency vehicles, my heart is sinking wondering what happened. I am met by yellow police tape so that I cannot go any further. "Officer, officer. I need to get to Natalia DeLuca, she lives in this house. She texted me and won't pick up her phone." I tell the officer hurriedly. "Mam, you will need to stay behind the tape." She tells me firmly.

I begin to look around for Nat. I then hear a voice that is music to my ears. "Stefania!!" Nat yells out. "Can I go now?" I ask the officer, and she pulls the tape up for me to get to Nat. "Natalia, my bambina, you're okay! I was so worried about you. You scared me piccola mia (my baby). Te amo, te amo Natalia. I am so happy you're safe." I tell her with hot tears running down my face as I pulled her into my arms.

As I pulled her away, I saw the amount of blood on her. It's like mom mode kicked in and I checked her over all on her body. "It's not mine, it's not mine. It's Aunt V's. She's gone, Stefania. I tried to save her, she's gone." Nat cries out. "Shh, shh. I've got you bambina. You're safe with me. I won't leave you. I'm always here." I tell her with her wrapped tightly around me.

We sat there for what seemed like forever before someone cleared their throat behind us. I turn around to see a formal looking woman standing behind us. Nat clings onto me as I stand up to greet this woman. "Hello, I am Stefania Spampinato. This is Natalia." I tell her as I shake her hand. 

"I am Patty. I am a social worker in the city of Los Angeles for the state of California. My understanding is Natalia DeLuca is now without a guardian." She says. "This is true, but I will take her in. If that is possible, I will do it." I tell the woman. "Are you sure? That is a huge adjustment." She says concerned. "Yes I am sure. My girlfriend and I will take her in if that's possible." I tell her, momentarily thinking about Danielle.

"Okay, I will get the paperwork drafted for an emergency foster license from my car and I will be back soon." She says and then walks away.

I have to call Danielle to tell her what's happened. "Bambina, let them check you over again to make sure you are okay, I will be right over there where you can see me. I have to call Dani okay?" I tell her and she hesitantly nods so I can call her.

I ring her and she picks up almost immediately. "Hi baby, is Nat okay? Are you okay?" She says worriedly. "We're okay, baby. It's her aunt. She's died, and I think Nat found her. I'll explain more later, but I wanted to hear your voice and talk to you." I tell her.

"I'm right here baby. Whatever you need from me. I'm not going anywhere." She tells me with no hesitance. "I have to ask you something. I don't want you to feel pressured to do it. Don't feel obligated to say yes." I tell her, worried for her answer.

"My answer is yes." She tells me with no hesitation. "Before you ask how I know, I know what you're going to ask baby. I'm all in. You and Nat mean everything to me, I will doing everything in my power to be what you need and want." She tells me and I tear up again.

"I love you, Danielle." I tell her and I surprise myself by saying it. "I love you so much." I say again.

"I fall in love with you more and more every day, Stefania. I love you." Danielle says. "Do you need me to come get you both? What can I do?" She asks. "Actually, I am going to out and get some supplies. I anticipate you will be a while, I will take care of everything here. Take care of our girl." She says as she hangs up.

I go back to Natalia as we sit for a while before making our way to the police station to give her statement of events. tonight would be a long and hard night for sure.

I couldn't wait to get home with Nat and be with Danielle amongst it all. My girls together, safe and sound.

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