Casa Lontano da Casa

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Stefania's POV

I know I shouldn't have been eavesdropping on Nat's phone call, but she was speaking Italian and it turned out be her grandparents. 

She was also talking about how her aunt doesn't treat her well and how she has to pay for everything on her own. MY heart broke in that second. I stayed in the shadows until she was off the phone.

I was going to try to walk away, but I think she saw my shadow and I heard footsteps coming toward me so I came out.

She just stared at me wide eyed, not saying anything. "Immagino che il mio segreto sia svelato (I guess my secret is out)." She says to me. I nodded cautiously. "Casa Lontano da Casa. My favorite restaurant back home. I knew Luca and Giada. They were my friends in school and before I moved to the United States. I didn't know about you, but I can see them both in you." I tell her with tears in my eyes. 

"You know, I thought I would have hid it for longer. I'm only eight and I have so many problems. Nobody cares for me other than Ms. Connie. My aunt is so mean to me. I'm eight, I shouldn't have to grow up. Perché nessuno mi vuole? (Why doesn't anybody want me?). She says and breaks down. 

I approach her cautiously. "Lascia che ti tenga, bambina (Let me hold you, baby girl)." I tell her, and she slinks to be ground. I see Dani approach and I subtly shake my head no for her to not approach and overwhelm Nat. She holds up her phone, signaling she will text me.

I got her up and carried her in my arms to my trailer next to hers. I set us down on the couch and just rocked her back and forth, singing her an Italian lullaby. At one point she started to sing along.

I didn't even realize she had stopped crying until she started to talk again. "My mamma used to sing that to me every night, I sing it every night and cry myself to sleep half the time because I miss her so much. Why did they have to go? Perché dovevano andare? (Why did they have to go?)" She cried out again.

"No lo so, bambina. No lo so. (I don't know, baby girl. I don't know)." I continue to rock her back and forth. I miss the top of her head and leave my lips on her head. One of my hands is wrapped around her body and the other is supporting her head. 

I cannot even imagine what is going through her mind right now. "Lascia che ti metta sul letto. Hai bisogno di dormire, bambina (Let me put you on the bed. You need sleep, baby girl)." I tell her and she nods from my chest without protest. 

I pick her up in my arms again and lay her on the bed. I give her my favorite blanket to snuggle to keep her familiar with my smell. I kiss the top of her head softly. "Dormi bene, piccola mia (Sleep well, my little girl)." I whisper to her and go into the main area of my trailer.

She has been sleeping for an hour when I pull out my phone to text messages from Danielle.

Dani: Hey beautiful. What can I do to help? What do you need?

Dani: I just picked up some lunch for the both of you when you're up for it. And your favorite coffee from that Italian shop you like :)

I smile looking at these messages, luckily this was only about ten minutes ago. She is so kind and generous. 

Stef: Hi bambina. I just got Nat to sleep. I'll wait for you outside my trailer, she's in here. I'll wake her up after you've been here a bit so we can talk.

I step outside my trailer to wait for Danielle. About five minutes later she comes around the corner with her hands full of goodies. She sets them on the table outside my trailer and wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

Her embrace makes me feel all the butterflies. "You doing okay?" She asks softly while still in the embrace. "I'm alright." I say, releasing her from the hug. 

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