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Stefania's POV

I watched as Jessica and Nat stealthily make their way out of the courthouse, trying to leave undetected. Barrett and Jaina come over, right after talking to them. 

"Why did our daughter just try to sneak out without us knowing?" I ask the two of them. "Well, we were hoping you didn't see that. Auntie Bee and Auntie Jaina have been tasked with taking you out to coffee for a few hours." Jaina distracts us as Barrett is over with Ellen and Krista.

They smile and nod their heads, I'll have to figure out what that is about. "What is our child up to, Jaina?" Danielle asks sternly as her hand is on the small of my back. "I think she was going to meet Jess' kids. Jess said she would be at home in a few hours. She's been stressed with all of this, I think it'd be good to meet her kids!" Jaina explains. 

"I'm not sure I fully believe that's all, but okay. As long as my child returns safe and sound to our house tonight." Danielle says. "I agree with Dani." I say to her with narrow eyes. 

"Alright, let's get some coffee. You both need it!" Barrett comes over to distract from all of the questions. Ellen and Krista make their way out quickly, without another word. All of this is real weird.

We make our way to the coffee shop near set we always go to. Danielle has her hand under the table on my thigh since we are not officially out to the public yet, we have to keep us under wraps. She caresses my thigh with her thumb as I smile adoringly at her. "Alright lovebirds, we get it. You're in love and sickeningly adorable." Barrett complains. "Well hey, when you have a catch like Stefania, you can't help it." Danielle explains. I give her a smile, even though I really want to kiss her right now. 

We pass the time and before we know it, we've been there for two hours. Jaina tries to check her phone slyly, but I know something is going on. "Okay, how about we get you two home? It's been a long day." Barrett explains.

We all make our way to the car since Jaina and Barrett walked. "Movie night?" Dani asks them. "Sure!" They both say as we all climb in. 

We drive to the house and everything was dark. So Nat must still be with Jessica. I'll have to message her when we get settled in. We walk up to the front door with Barrett and Jaina lingering behind us. Danielle has her hand on the small of my back again. That's one thing I like about Dani, she is always in contact with me in some way. 

We put the key into the door and walk in to all the lights being out. Just as I put my things down on the side table the lights turn on and people shout, "SURPRISE!" 

I am startled and so is Dani. Jaina and Barrett just have smiles on their faces. "What is all this?" I ask with a big smile on my face.

Nat's POV

"Mamma, Mommy!" I say to them, running over to them to give them a hug. Mommy lifts me up and gives me a hug and kisses my cheek as Mamma rubs my back and kisses my other cheek. 

"I wanted to surprise you as a thank you for adopting me, but I wasn't sure if I was go to be able to do it because I'm only 8, you know. But I asked Auntie Jess if she could help and she helped with her kids and Mx. Sara. They played Callie on Grey's and they're coming back! But I'm not sure if I was supposed to say that, sorry Ms. Ellen and Ms. Krista!" I finish, pointing that last part at Ellen and Krista. 

"It's okay, sweets. They were going to know in a few minutes anyway. How about we tell them your news?" Krista asks. Mamma and Mommy look at me confused.

Mommy carries me over to the couch and we all sit down together. Everyone is gathered around as I tell them the good news. "Okay, a few things. My character will be on a few episodes of Grey's this season as a patient. Next, even though I am being fostered by Ben and Miranda, I will ultimately at some point be fostered and adopted by Maya and Carina." I pause with a smile on my face.

Their mouths have dropped wide open. "Are you serious?" Danielle says to Ellen and Krista. "It seemed only fitting." Ellen explained to us. "Are you happy?" I ask them nervously. "I think we are both so happy about this, bambina!" Mamma says to me as they both wrap me into a hug together.

"Okay everyone. Nat and I picked up dinner from Bianca and Alberto for everyone. So let's dig in and appreciate the food!" Jess shouts to everyone in the room. 

We all get up and grab a plate of the delicious food. I find myself seated between Mx. Sara and Jess as my parents are seated with Ellen and Krista, animatedly talking about this new information. 

"Auntie Jess?" I say to her. "Yes, my love bug?" She asks. "Ti piace Sara. Per favore, non negarlo. Vedo il modo in cui la guardi quando interagisce con i tuoi figli e come ti sorridi quando parli. Non indossi più la fede nuziale, quindi penso che il signor Gavigan non sia più nella foto, ma non l'hai ancora rivelato a nessuno. Ho capito che la Mamma e Mommy sono uscite abbastanza velocemente. (You like Sara. Please do not deny it. I see the way you look at her when she interacts with your kids and how you smile at each other when talking. You don't wear a wedding ring anymore so I think Mr. Gavigan is not in the picture anymore, but you have not disclosed that to anyone yet. I figured Mamma and Mommy out pretty quickly)." I whisper to her with a smile. She looks at me wide eyed and shocked. 

"Sei davvero troppo intelligente. È l'unica a sapere del divorzio. È l'unica di cui mi fidavo. Se n'è andata nella stagione 12 a causa mia e non abbiamo parlato per molto tempo perché non potevo ammettere i miei sentimenti per lei mentre ero sposato. Ho riconciliato la nostra amicizia, ma non ho ammesso i miei sentimenti. In un certo senso ho ancora paura, ma so com'è lei con i miei figli. Questo è ciò che conta, più di ogni altra cosa (You really are too smart. She's the only one that knows about the divorce. She's the only one I trusted. She left in season 12 because of me and we didn't speak for the longest time because I couldn't admit my feelings for her while I was married. I reconciled our friendship, but I haven't admitted my feelings. In a way I am still scared, but I know the way she is with my kids. That's what matters, more than anything)." Jess explains. "It can't hurt to admit your feelings." I tell her leaning my head on her shoulder. She leans over and kisses me on the head.

I couldn't wait until this were to play out. This was so exciting!

Author's Notes: What would anyone say to expanding on the Jess and Sara fanfiction? Could be fun!

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