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Stefania's POV

Today is the day. To say I am nervous would have to be an understatement. I know everything is put through adoption wise, but the judge could do anything and say no. I have to remain hopeful that everything will go our way.

We have our lawyer with us just in case we need her, but she said that she most likely won't be needed.

I am laying in bed, stroking my little girl's hair after I woke up this morning. She is still wrapped up with Danielle, who is also still peacefully sleeping. 

I decide that I am going to get up and make some french toast for us. I quietly make my way out of bed and down into the kitchen. I quietly make the french toast, making sure I am not too loud.

I hear little footsteps coming down the hallway and know it's piccola mia (my little girl). "Hi, bambina." I say with a smile. She comes towards me and I pick her up. "Hi mamma. May I please have some french toast?" Nat asks me sweetly. "Of course, principessa (princess)." I tell her with a kiss to the cheek and put her down. 

"Can you sit at the table and wait for Mommy to come down?" I asked her sweetly. "Okay, can I get us some juice to put at the table?" Nat asks. "I can do that, Nat. You don't have to do that." I mention to her sweetly. "I want to, Mamma. I want to be your helper in the kitchen." She says.

"Only if you want to, baby. I want you to make sure you know I am not making you do anything you don't want to do." I reassure her as I reach over and kiss her on the head. "I know. You and mommy have been so good to me. Am I still getting adopted today?" She asks shyly. "You are my figlia (daughter). Is that still something you want?" I ask her, making sure she knows that she is in control of all of this. She gets the juice and puts it on the table as we are talking. 

"I really want this, Mamma. Have you talked to Ms. Ellen and Ms. Krista about it?" She asks like the smart little bambina she is. "I did. I also have a surprise for you, but you won't be able to know what it is until you make your debut next week. Are you excited for that?" I ask her in a happy voice. "I get to be on the show with you and Mommy! And Mr. Jason gets to be my TV dad. Everyone makes me so happy and I really like being there." Nat explains.

Just as we were going to continue talking, Danielle comes down the hallway. "Mommy!" Nat says and Danielle has that sparkle in her eye and smile on her face just hearing that. "Hi my girl, what are you and Mamma doing?" Dani asks. "I just set out juice for us and Mamma is making french toast for us!" Nat excitedly explains to Danielle. "Wow, thank you for the juice love bug. That's so nice of you and thank you for the french toast, baby." Dani says and gives me a kiss on the lips. 

"Mamma, can you teach me how to make yours and mommy's coffees? I really want to be helpful." Nat asks. "I will teach you as long as you promise to be very careful, bambina. Coffee can be very hot and I don't want you to hurt yourself." I tell her seriously. "I'll be careful, I promise!" Nat says with a big smile.

"Okay, big girl. How about we sit down and eat before we have to make our way to the courthouse. I have another surprise for you when we get there." I tell her excitedly. 

We all sit down to eat before making our way to our rooms to get changed for the big day. I go with an all maroon jump suit with a creme colored top to go under it with black high heels. I left my hair down and styled it wavy. 

Danielle came out of the bathroom wearing a long sleeve black dress and black ankle high boots. Her hair was styled wavy. She catch me staring at her because she called me out on it. "Hey! Take a picture, it'll last longer." She says, pulling me out of my trance. "Okay, I can't help it if you're a hot mama." I smirk at her. "You're not too bad yourself, mama." She counters. 

"Hey babe?" I ask her. "What's up, my love?" She asks me back. "Are you happy?" I ask her. "What do you mean?" She asks me, confused. Rightfully so. "Are you happy with Nat and I? I feel like this happened all very fast and you inherited a child with me after a few months of dating then agreed to move in as well." I say, panicking myself a little bit.

What I wasn't prepared for was her eloquent and thoughtful answer.

"When you walked onto set for the first time, I wasn't prepared for your pure beauty and I think that was lust at first sight. I didn't know that I loved you, even as a friend until we hung out for the first time with our friends. You were incredibly kind and cooked us dinner at my house, then insisted cleaning everything up. You have always been incredible at being a friend and a a shoulder to lean on. I think I fell in love with you in the beginning of season 4 when we knew it was going to be a heavy season. You ensured that I was doing okay after a heavy scene, even though you were done for the day or weren't needed at the moment. Even though we had to fight on set, you made sure I was okay after the scene was over because you know how much I hated those scenes. You were always there for me, and I sometimes cannot believe that I manage to be able to call you my girlfriend. Sometimes I feel like girlfriend is an inadequate label for us. You are my partner. My partner in crime, my partner in life, and my partner in motherhood. By the way, our kid is already so incredible. One day, I hope to make you my partner in life who I refer to as my wife." She finishes with a huge smile on her face.

"So to answer your question, I am so happy and to me, I don't care how long we have been dating because to me we have been it for each other since we met each other, we just didn't speak up until now." She adds on with an even bigger smile.

"You are incredible, Danielle. I am so lucky to be able to call you my partner in everything we do together. Also, I agree. Our bambina is so kind, thoughtful, smart, and talented. I thank my lucky stars that she is becoming ours today. Do you think she'll like her surprise?" I ask her.

"There's only one way to find out. Come on, baby. Let's go make our daughter legally ours. I love you." Danielle says. 

"I love you more." I say and wrap my arms around her with a kiss. We make our way to the kitchen as Nat comes out of the room in her attire. "You look so pretty, bambina." I smile at her. "Thank you, Mamma. I picked it myself." Nat says proudly. "You have good taste then, my girl." Dani says with a smirk.

"Come on, my girls. Let's go tell the judge to make us a family officially." I say. They smile as we make our way to the courthouse.

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