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Nat's POV

Stefania and I were making dinner the night before needing to be at the courthouse. We were making our favorite meal to make together, PIZZA!

I 'accidentally' get some flour on Stef's face. "Bambina! You did not!" She exclaims. "Did what?" I say innocently. She comes over to me and lifts me up, she starts peppering kisses all over my face as she knows it will make me laugh uncontrollably. 

"What is going on in here? Does my baby girl need saving?!" Dani comes into the kitchen. "Save me, Dani!" I exclaim as Dani comes and scoops me into her arms as she sets me on the counter.

"What do you say we sprinkle a little more flour on Stef?" Dani whispers out of ear shot of Stef. I nod and we discreetly pick up some flour. "Stef?" I ask her with a shy voice. "What's wrong, my babmina?" She says as she turns around.

Dani and I both release the flour and it lands right on her face and in her hair. We both burst out in laughter then Stef blows out a breath and flour goes everywhere. We all start laughing so much. "You two are mean." Stef says with a pout. "But you love us?" I ask her with my signature puppy dog eyes. "You know those eyes work on my every time, it's not fair. But yes, I love you two very much." Stef says as she gives me a kiss on the head and gives Dani a quick peck on the lips. 

"Okay bambina, what are the toppings tonight?" Stef asks. 'Possiamo per favore avere solo peperoni e formaggio? (Can we please have just pepperoni and cheese?)" I ask them politely. "Sì mia principessa. Cosa ti va da bere? (Yes my princess. What would you like to drink?)" Danielle asks nonchalantly. My jaw is literally at the floor.

My eyes instantly tear up, no one has ever put in this much effort to learn my language. My aunt never even bothered. I could only speak Italian with my grandparents. Before I know it, my tears are falling down my cheeks and Dani walks over to me and wraps her arms up around me. 

"What's wrong, baby?" She asks me. Through my sniffles, I manage to talk. "No one has ever put in the effort to learn my language. I wasn't allowed to speak it to my aunt, just my grandparents. I think these are just tears of joy." I finish with a sniffle.

"My two favorite girls speak Italian, and I can't be at a disadvantage when you two try and speak Italian about me." She says as she is stroking my hair. "Mind you, the things you say are incredibly sweet now that I know what you are saying."Dani finishes with kisses to my head.

We finish making dinner and sit at the table to eat. We eat in a comfortable silence as we savor the amazing flavors and aromas in the kitchen. "May I be excused? I want to take a shower and read before bed?" I ask them. "Of course, baby girl. We will be in to say goodnight after your shower." Dani says as I go over to give her a hug and she kisses me on the head. I go over to give Stef a hug and she wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. "Te amo, bambina." She says. "Te amo, Stef." I smile to her.

I do my night time routine and read before Dani and Stef come in. We say quick goodnights before I fall asleep comfortably with the waves in the background from my noise machine. 

I am thrusted awake from the worst nightmare I have ever had. It was so a flashback from what happened to my aunt. I start to breathe heavily and I can't catch my breath. I notice that I am sweating and my chest feels tight. I start to sob quietly, but it's not quiet because I still cannot manage to catch my breath. 

Stef's POV

I had woken up because I needed a glass of water. I think it was because I was nervous for tomorrow, but I knew everything was finalized, but needed the judges approval.

I was making my way back to Dani and my room when I heard Nat awake. It was not a good sound coming from her room. I quietly knocked to see if she'd respond. "Mamma." I heard not croak out. I paused for second before opening the door. "Mamma, I'm scared." She says again, confirming she was talking to me. 

I am over to within a second. "Bambina, what's wrong? Tell mamma what's wrong?" I ask her, wrapping her small body up in my arms. "Bad d-dream. Can't breathe." She sobs out. "Okay, baby. Take some deep breaths for me. Listen to my heartbeat, that's all you need to do." I tell her, rubbing her back continually. We stay silent for a few minutes before her breathing is under control. 

"What was your bad dream about, bambina?" I ask her softly as I rock her back and forth gently. "My aunt. What happened to her." She says and my heart breaks. "I am here, bambina. I'm not going anywhere. I promise, you will always have me." I sooth her with my chin on the top of her head. "Mamma, do you and mommy still want to adopt me?" She asks shyly. Confirming that she actually just called us mamma and mommy.

I bring her back so I can see her tear stained face. "Mommy and I want to give you the world, starting with legally making you our daughter. Although, I already see you as my daughter. Sei mia figlia e ti voglio tanto bene (You are my daughter and I love you so much)." I sooth her. 

I rock her back and forth in silence, humming her favorite Italian lullaby to see if this will help her. Before it seems like like she is asleep, she begins to talk sleepily. "Can I sleep with you and Mommy?" She asks.

"Of course, bambina. Come on, I'll carry you." I say and lift her up with her head in the crook of my neck. She attaches herself around my neck as we walk down to our room.

We get to the room and Dani begins to stir. "We have our little bambina with us tonight, I hope that's okay, bella." I tell Danielle. "Mmm, my favorite girls snuggling with me all night. Yes, please." She says sleepily. "Mommy, can I sleep in the middle of you and Mamma?" Nat asks innocently. Dani flashes me a big smile quickly before recovering. 

"Of course you can my princess. Come here." Danielle says and opens her arms. Nat goes into her arms and gets comfortable. "Mamma, come closer." Nat says. "Okay, bambina. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I tell her as I come closer. 

I continuously stroke her hair until I know she has fallen asleep. "Hey, hot mama." Danielle whispers. "You're amazing." Dani finishes. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you." Dani says back. 

We all fall asleep as the little family we created, and I am excited to know that tomorrow will be the official start of the Savre-Spampinato family.

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