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Nat's POV

"Mamma, Mommy. Are you letting everyone know about me tonight?" I asked nervously. I'm nervous for the fans and public to know about me. I like being in the little bubble we have been in.

"Sì bambina. I know it's scary, but Mommy and I will be here. You have nothing to worry about. I think they will love you. How about I read to you the post that Mommy and I wrote out for Instagram before we post it later?" Mamma stated. "I like that, Mamma. As long as I am with you both, I will be okay." I tell her.

"Are you excited to see what Auntie Jess and Mx. Sara set up for you soon? Tonight's the night!" Mommy says as we sit down at the table for a snack before we have to leave. "I'm very nervous. I think I am more nervous for people to know who I am now. I was okay with the smaller roles I had, but now I am going to well known. Especially being known as your kid too." I say as I look down at my hands.

"We are so proud of you bambina. We are so happy that you are our daughter, no one can tell you otherwise. We will do everything we can to protect you. We find with being in the industry that you are safer if you keep people updated so people don't try to go to extremes if they want to figure out what is going on with celebrities. We will always keep you safe. Now come cuddle with Mommy and I on the couch before we have to start getting ready to leave." Mamma says to us as we make our way over to the couch.

We sit together just enjoying each others' presence. Mommy was stroking my hair and Mamma was rubbing my back soothingly. "How about we show you what we plan on posting tonight on Instagram?" Mamma asks. I nod slightly and nervously. 

Mamma brings it up on her phone and it reads as follows:

The biggest blessings come into our life when we least expect them. We are very lucky to have come into each other's lives in season 3 of Station 19. Who knew it took our other biggest blessing to finally admit our feelings to each other. There have been a lot of changes in our lives in these past months. As you can see we are dating and we've landed on being each other's partners. Partners for life. As you can see from the pictures, you'll notice a certain little girl. This little girl just so happens to be our daughter. We adopted Natalia Savre-Spampinato not too long ago, but we had an instant connection to her the first time she came to set. She is the brilliant Stella Russo in Station 19, who made her big debut tonight. We are so incredibly proud of her and cannot wait to see what she does in the future. We are here to support her as her mommas, but also as her best friends. Natalia has brought us together as a family and we are forever grateful for having her come into our lives. As we navigate this new dynamic, we ask you respect our privacy and we will answer questions with grace and sincerity as we see fit. Thank you all for your continued support and we hope this is some welcome news for you Stefanielle stans :) 

With all the love,

Danielle, Stefania, and Natalia xoxo

Stefania's POV

Dani and I look over to Nat to see that there are tears rolling down her cheeks. We wrap our arms around her and hold onto her tight. "Are you okay, princess?" Danielle asks Nat. "I'm more than okay. I am just so thankful to have ended up with you both. I'm still not sure how I was able to get so lucky." Nat beams at us.

"I think we are the lucky ones, bambina. We are so lucky to have you in our lives." I tell her as I kiss the top of her head. "Okay, my pretty girls. I think it's time to get ready. We don't want to be late, Auntie Jess won't be happy about that." Dani says with a laugh.

We all go off to get ready for the premiere. "Bella, I don't know what to wear." I tell Danielle, only in my bra and panties. She saunters over to me slowly and wraps her arms around my waist. "Mmm, if only it could just be this. But I really love you in a suit. Like, baby. Seriously, you are stunning always, but a suit makes me weak at the knees." Danielle finishes.

"Mommy, Mamma!" Nat calls from outside the room. "Come in, my bambina." I tell her. She walks in with a few clothes in her hands.

"You having the same issue as, Mamma, Natty?" Danielle said chuckling. "Yes I am. Sorry, Mamma. I didn't mean to come in when you were getting changed." Nat says suddenly alarmed she did something wrong. "No, no bambina. It's okay. I don't mind as long as Mommy doesn't mind." I tell her, assuring her that she isn't in trouble. "Welllll..." Danielle says with a chuckle. "Danielle!" I counter with her. "It's okay, princess. As long as you knock or announce yourself, then we answer you, it's more than okay." Danielle says. 

"Okay, let's lay out the clothes you have in your hands, principessa." Danielle states. Nat put her clothes on the bed to show what she had.

"What look are you going for, bambina?" I ask her. "I want to be comfortable, but I want to be dressed up." She tells us. "Okay, what do you think of this then?" I ask her as I am pulling some of the clothes off the bed.

I chose black leggings, a white shirt with a tan cardigan. Then black flats to go along with it. "What do you think, baby?" Danielle asks. "I like it! Thank you mommys! I'll go back to my room so you both can go back to getting ready. Love you!" Nat says to us. "Love you!" Danielle and I say back. 

"We literally have the best daughter." Danielle says as she wraps her arms around my waist again. "We really do. She is so kind and I hope we can continue to promote that for her. She will be a force in the future, I so happy we get to be there for her." I say, tearing up a little.

Danielle turns me around in her arms. "Hey, baby. What's wrong?" She asks with worried eyes seeing me cry. "I'm just so happy, but it also makes me wish her parents were here to see her." I tell her. "We will make sure that Natalia never forgets her roots, and where she lived. We will travel to Catania when we can to visit. We will do everything we can to make sure she is loved by us, but make sure she is still aware of her roots. I want to get to know more about where my daughter and future wife is from." Danielle finishes with a smile on her face.

"Future wife?" I say with a smile. "I cannot wait to make you my wife. Let's take this all in stride, but I am about 99.9% confident we will be married one day. The 0.01% is you saying no." Danielle says pouting. "Well that 0.01% can be added to that 99.9% because I would never say no. You have done everything right, Danielle. You have been perfect to us. You are the best momma and partner. I can confidently say that I would most certainly say yes if you were to ask me to marry you." I tell her with a kiss to the lips.

"If I wasn't such a romantic, I would literally get down on one knee and ask you right now, but I want to give you a proposal you deserve. I already know how you feel and to me, we were married when we moved in together, but making it official would just be the icing on top of everything." Danielle explained.

"I love you so much, Dani." I tell her with a quick kiss to the lips. "I love you to the moon and back, Stef." She says with a big smile.

"Let's go get our big star to her first premiere." I say to Danielle as we finish getting dressed. 

We met back up in the living room and waited for Nat to come so we could make our way to Jess' house for the premiere.

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