Our Little Family

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Stefania's POV

Nat and I had a surprise set up for Danielle when we got back home. We've been wanting to ask this for a while, but there was never a right time to do it. 

We were finally able to to get Dani over for dinner and a movie night. She has been incredibly busy while we were on our break from the show as she is directing small films and in small roles to pass the time. 

Nat has especially missed her during this time because it was fresh after her life changing event. She even expressed this one day about a month in from the break when she was frustrated only seeing Dani once a week.


"Bambina, Dani will be here tomorrow. I know you miss her, I miss her too a lot."  I tell Nat. "She's never here, Mi vuole anche lei? Farebbe molto meno male se fosse solo onesta con me (Does she even want me? It would hurt a lot less if she was just honest with me)." Nat says as she breaks down in full blown sobs. I let her cry into me for a good thirty minutes and then I knew that I needed to call Danielle since she wasn't stopping.

I only called her when it was an emergency since we talk every day anyway, it was easier for her to call me instead of guessing if she'd be available to talk or not.

I call Danielle on FaceTime and she picks up almost instantly. "Hi baby, what's wrong? What happened?" She asks with a look of concern on her face as she puts her headphones in and walked away from where she was at. "Do you want me to tell her?" I ask Nat. "N-no. I don't want to make her mad." Nat says in a whisper into my chest, barely audible to me. 

"What's wrong, my princess? What can I do to make it all better?" Danielle asks sweetly. "C-come home." She sobs out. "I'll be there tomorrow before you know it, my girl." Dani counters. "You're never here anymore, I barely see you. You're here one day and then have to leave the next. Is it my fault that you don't want to be here?" Nat asks and I think my heart broke in that moment. 

I hug onto her even tighter, stroking her hair as Danielle think carefully at what she is going to say. I can visibly see Danielle slink down a wall and put her head in her hand momentarily. "There is nothing more I want to do then to be back with you and Stef. I want to be there snuggling with the both of you more than anything. You have done nothing wrong, baby girl. If I could get out of these obligations, I would in a heart beat, but I can't break my contract. I love you so much, Natty. I will see you tomorrow, I promise. Then we have a week before I need to be back here. We will spend every day together while I am there. Maybe you and Stef can come with me this time?" She finishes hopefully. I mouth 'really?' excitedly and she nods before Nat brings her head up and brushes hair out of her face to ask Dani, "really? Can we really?" Nat asks with her tears seemingly stopping.

"I think we can arrange that. As long as you're okay with sitting on set watching me. And I can make sure everyone is signing NDAs for when they see all of us." She says, pointing that last part to me. "I just want to be with you and spend time with you. I miss you." Nat says. "I miss you too, baby girl. I will see you tomorrow. I love you both so much." Danielle says as she blows us kisses. We blow kisses back as we both say, "te amo."

End Flashback

Nat's POV

Stef and I are getting finishing touches done before Dani comes over to our house. I cannot wait for this surprise, I am so excited for it. 

"Stef, do you think she'll like it?" I ask nervously. She opens her arms for me to go into. I go into her embrace, the feeling of being safe and sound consumes me. "I think she will love it, bambina. I think she will love that you came up with a lot of this." Stef tells me.

Just as we release from the embrace, the door bell is ringing. I run over to the door, waiting for Stef to come up behind me so I can open it. I open the door and Danielle is on the other side. I give her a big hug before pulling back so she can greet Stef. They give each other a quick kiss before coming inside. 

"Dani! Look what we made!" I tell her with a smile, pulling her into the kitchen. "Is this my favorite Italian meal?!" Danielle asks excitedly. "Yes, Stef helped me make it or I should say I helped her. And Alberto and Bianca dropped off cannoli and your favorite chocolate from their store." I told her with pride.

"Thank you both, this is very kind of you." Dani says as she gives Stef a peck on the cheek and me a kiss on top of the head. 

We all sat down to eat and the food was delicious. Stef did most of the work, I was more an assistant to the chef. We make small talk until we make our way into the living room to have dessert. We sat on the floor over the coffee table so we didn't make a mess with the cannoli. "Can I give her the present now?" I ask Stefania excitedly. "Sure, bambina. Go grab it." Stef says to me.

I go out of the room and grab it from my room. I come back as Stefania is gesturing that her lips are sealed to Danielle. "Here, Dani. I made this for you. It's from Stef and I." I tell her.

She opens the gift with various things inside and gets to the question we wanted to ask.

She reads it out loud. "Dani, thank you for taking me in and treating me as your very own daughter. Now I want to be a true family, will you move in with Stefania and I?" She read.

With tears in her eyes, she comes over and wraps Stef and I in a hug. "Yes, I will move in with you both." She finally says. There is one last gift and I had them made for all three of us. I handed one to both of them. It had our initials engraved on them. NDS. 

They both looked at me with tears in their eyes and hugged me again. "You are the best, bambina. I am so happy to have you in my life." Stef says.

Just as I was about to answer, Stef's phone rings and she said she needed to take it. Dani and I snuggle up together as we wait for Stefania to return. 

She returns five minutes later with tears in her eyes, but she is smiling. "What is it, baby?" Danielle asks sweetly. "That was the courthouse, we have to go there in 2 days to finalize the adoption." She says as her voice cracks. 

I lay there with my mouth open before I snap it shut and get off the couch. I run over to Stef and jump into her arms as Dani comes and wraps her arms around us as well. We stay there for a little while before I remember I wanted to ask them something when this day came.

"Can we sit down for a minute? I wanted to ask you both something." I say as Stef carries me to the couch and we sit down together. "So knowing this day would eventually come, I want to ask you both about my last name." I pause and they look at me intently. "I don't have a middle name, so I was thinking if I could take your last names. I would like to be known as Natalia DeLuca Savre-Spampinato. Only if that's okay with you both." I say nervously as I look at them both with tears in my eyes. 

I look at them as they have tears in their eyes as well. "If that's what you want, bambina then I would be honored for you to take my last name." Stef says. "I agree with Stef, I would be honored as well." Dani says.

We all snuggle on the couch before making our way to Stef and Dani's bedroom. They asked if I wanted to sleep with them tonight and I said yes. I got changed and crawled into bed, nestled in the middle of them. They both gave me a kiss on the head before wrapping their arms around me as we all drifted into a peaceful sleep.

This was my family now and I am so thankful to where I ended up.

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