Days Go By..

41 2 0

Jackys POV

     I sat day after day in the hospital at Athens side. Watching her sleep, watching her toss and turn from the nightmares I knew she was having, watching them force feed her, couting the number of stupid reality shows I watched. It all became routine. Each day I would wake up, kiss Athens on the cheek, and walk down to get breakfast. Hospital food isn't half bad, it's better than tour food. The guys called a couple times here and then, but as time grew their calls faded. I barely had any connection with the outside world. I didn't know what any of the guys were doing, or how they were holding up, what was going to happen to the band. It was a crazy thought that my best friends were now gone. It has been six months. The hospital released Athens after two months and now she is intense therapy where I can't see her and have no way to talk to her. I don't know how she is, or if she is better. All I know is that I still love her. I am willing to wait for forever for her, but today I will go about my normal business again. I will get up, walk my empty house, and watch endless hours of cat videos on youtube. No one will check on me, no one will care. I don't even care anymore. I'd sleep until Athens got out if I could.

I managed a giggle as the cats played across the screen and stood to get more coffee before hearing my phone. I trudged to the front hall where my main phone lay and answered sullenly. "Hello, Jacky speaking."

"Jacky! Hi! I've missed you so much, how are you? You don't sound so good." An all too familiar voice was almost screaming at me in excitement.

"Ath-Athens?" I barely choked out.

"Yes silly!! I earned a phone call. You know this place isn't nearly as bad as you'd hink. I have made friends, all with similar stories and I fit in here. People talk to me, and accept me. It's great. Plus, I feel so much better. My therapist is so understanding. He works through everything with me, whenever I have a problem. I even have free visitation now. It used to be scheduled timing, but he said I am the type of person that needs to talk about a problem the moment I have it, so I get to see him whenever. How are you?! How are the guys?"

Tears swelled in my eyes as I listened to her angelic voice. "I'm great now that I hear your chipper voice again. Wow. I can't believe you feel so much better. I am so happy about that. Do you know when you are getting out? I'm great, as for the guys I don't know. They stopped calling altogether after you got out. We just lost contact, but I am sure they are fine. Oh my goodness it's so good to hear your voice."

She laughed and made a tear roll down my cheek. It sounded genuine and sweet. "Trust me, I am better. It's soooooo good to hear your voice too. Hun, you wouldn't believe how many people I have told about you. In fact that doctors told me about you. How you never left me, and every day you kissed me good morning, even sang to me. I love you Jacky, thank you. I am sure that played a major role in helping me get better." I was blushing wildly. "I don't know when I get out, but you can come see me now! They said that I could have more than one visitor, and I want you to come see me. I miss you soo much. Please come see me. Today?!?! Yes? Okay. Bring the guys! Call them! I don't know why you waited for their call, you should've called them. It's a two way street. They weren't going through this alone. In fact my therapist said that communication is one of the best ways to get over a loss. He also said something lost is something gained. He is very positive. Anyway. Come seeeeee meeeee!" She whined and I could help but burst out laughing. She was too adorable.

"Okay babe, I will come see you. I have really missed you and I love you too. I will call the guys, see how they are doing. I never thought of it that way. We will be there, say, 3 o'clock. Is that okay?"

"Yes! Yes it is! I can't wait! Oh, I have to go. Someone elses turn. Bye, I love you!" And just like that she was gone. I stood smiling foolishly to myself. I quickly dialed Ryans number to which he answered on the second ring.

"Hey Jacky."

"Hey Ryan, how are you man?"

"I'm okay. Coping. You know.. How are you?"

"Surprisingly amazing. Athens got to call me today, she wants us all to come see her!"

"REALLY?!" He got instantly happier. "I will be over in an hour!" He hung up so fast I couldn't even say goodbye. He sounded thrilled to be seeing her. I quickly dialed Derek.

"Hey, D-dick! How the hell are you man? I haven't heard from you in forever!"

"Hey Jack-off! I'm good now that you called. I was getting worried about you. Whats up?"

"Athens wants us to come see her. Want to come?"


The line went dead and I laughed all over again. The guys were so happy she was okay. I think secretly, we all loved her. She was a great girl, and whether we want to believe it or not, she took care of us. She was truly amazing. We all miss her to no extent. I turned to walk away and shower before a name popped in my head.


I stopped dead in my tracks. I hadn't heard from him at all since the accident..I didn't know whether him and Athens were even friends. But against better judgement, I turned around and called him.

"Hey Maxi-pad. How are you?"

"I'm fucking great! I got a letter from Athens. She apologized for everything and she forgives everything. She is an amazing girl! How are you?"

"I'm amazing too. She called me a few minutes ago and asked to go see her. Want to come?"

"HELL MOTHER FUCKING YES! OH SWEET JESUS BAG OF DICKS!!!" I heard a lot of banging followed by "Oww, ow, shit, fuck, ow, OWWW!"


"I'll be over soon. Soon. Ow. SOrry. Stepped on a fucking leggo. Theyre everywhere...Bye Jack-off!" I shook my head because Max was always the cute-dorksie one. Everyone fell for him because he was clumsy and adorable. It was good to hear from him. I trotted up the stairs and to my shower.

Sorry it was so short. Did it quickly during class! I will update more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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