Theres Always Time For A Clean Slate

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Athens POV

I opened my eyes to see Craig sound asleep. His chest slowly rising and falling. I smiled and sat up. I had used Craigs tummy as a pillow. I looked around my room to see everything neat, just the way we left it. Craig had some of my clothes bundled up to make a pillow. I stretched and made my funny noise as usual. I looked to see if I woke Craig up, he was still asleep. I got up slowly. I had slept in my jeans, uh, I hated doing that. I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and a spagetti straped shirt. I went to the bathroom and changed, throwing my dirty clothes on the floor. I put my hair up, and washed my face. Putting only a little eyeliner on my top lid. I went down stairs to see Monte passed out on the couch with a game controler in his hand. I shook my head and walked to the kitchen. It was a reck. There were dishes everywhere, moldy food in the fridge, and the trash was overflowing. "Ew." I got to work, if there was a girl living here, the place is going to be kept clean. I organzied the dishes stacking the plates in one area, cups in another, silverware in another, and bowls on the island. I decided cups were easier, so I started with them. I filled the sink with cups and turned the hot water on, pouring soap over them all. I went to the trash and picked everything up, balancing it on top of the already full can, then put a bag over top and tipped it over. They bought the jumbo trash bags, so everything fit. I took it outside and pulled the trash to the curb, seeing a trash truck coming. I went back inside, turned the water off to the sink. I then collected all the moldy or expired food and took that bag out to the curb.The trash guy waved at me, and I waved back. When I came in and walked to the dining room, I finally found Max. Passed out on the table. I laughed and drapped a throw blanket on him. I definitely had to start on dishes then. It took me about an hour to complete everything, dry the dishes, and put them away. I wiped the counters, and swept and moped the floor. 

"Damn, you are a girl aren't you?" I turned around to see Monte looking at the kitchen in amazement.  

"Shut up! It was dirty, so I simply cleaned it. You guys need to keep on top of everything." He laughed.

"Yeah right, that isn't happening." I rolled my eyes.

"Holy shit!" Max walked over by Monte. "The kitchen is spotless!" I smiled and wiped my hands. 

"Wow!" Robert walked up behind them. "Thanks for cleaning up our mess." I started to blush. 

"Guys, have you never seen a clean kitchen or something?" 

"When we first moved in." Craig said coming around the corner. My smile grew bigger. 

"Oh, by the way. I took pictures of you guys last night!" Max got excited. 

"What do you mean? Us cleaning?" Craig looked at Max. 

"No, you guys were so cute. Sleeping." Monte interupted. 

"What?" I giggled. 

"Yeah, let me show you guys!" Max ran up stairs. 

"So, I know I don't have a job, but I will be looking for one so I can pay rent. First I have to get black hair dye though." Craig shook his head.

"How about, if you continue cleaning you don't have to pay anyhting?" I smiled.

"Uh, alright. I still need to get a job so I can buy my necessities." 

"Nope, don't worry about that either. If you clean our bedrooms too, and bathrooms, then I will buy you anything you need." He say up on the counter. "By the way, I destroyed your phone. Your parents woke me up by calling it. When I answered they started bitching about you being a whore. So I broke it." 

"Dammit! How am I going to get ahold of Jaksen?" Craig looked confused. "My boyfriend. I don't know if I ever told you about him. I talked to him the day before you came to get me. Shit, I have to text him and tell him what happened." 

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