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Athens POV

After talking to Ronnie, I felt better, I felt like I had become something new. I had been carrying everything on my shoulders for so long, I don't feel like I've been hit by a truck anymore. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was midnight, right on the dot. "Fudge." I said into the air, "Why can't I sleep?" I rolled over on my side before hearing my door creak open. I sat up hoping to see Ronnies standing there.

"Hey, are you asleep?" Craig called out into the dark.

"No." I layed back down.

"Good." I heard him start to walk over so I turned my back to him. He slipped in beside me and tried to kiss my neck before I got up and turned on the light. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think this is a good idea. Okay?" I walked over to the door and motioned for him to leave.

"What? We can just cuddle, I mean, anything you want. Talk to me." I could see I had practically killed his ego.

"I just, I don't want to tonight. I'm confused on things right now, and I don't think it'd be fair." I motioned for him to leave again.

"Wait, wait, wait. Confused on what? We obviously need to talk, so let's talk about what's going on." He got up and shut the door, grabbing my hand and bringing me to the bed. "Now, what's up?"

I sat down and began to talk. "Look, I'm attracted to you, I mean look at what we've had so far, but you can see it is only sexual attraction. You're good at sex, you were my first, but I don't know that I have those underlying feelings that I should to build something from. And when I talked to Ronnie today I've told him things I could never tell you, because you wouldn't understand. I have feelings for Ronnie, that I am just discovering and it's overwhelming me trying to keep it from you. I just have to be straight up, I'm not sure all this is meant to be." I watched Craigs face as turned from innocent to hurt.

"If that's how you feel. I thought what we had was more then a sexual attraction. I really, really like you. I was hurt when you asked Jaksen to move in, I hated watching you with another guy, but I knew it made you happy. Once you got rid of him, I thought it was my turn to treat you right. It's whatever though, I'm glad you aren't leading me on." He smiled but I could see right through it.

"Are you going to be okay?" I stood up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He stood up, kissed my cheek then left my bedroom. I felt bad because I had never known he felt anything for me, but the sexual attraction. I turned off my light and laid back down. I didn't feel tired at all when I laid down, so I stared at the ceiling and thought about everything that had just happened. Maybe I should give Craig a shot? After Ronnie? Before? I really didn't know. It was to hard to try to choose. Maybe I loved them both, in entirely different ways of course. Who could tell though? I thought I knew love, but all these feelings are new and strange. I looked at my clock which was closing in on two a.m. I swear it was just twelve thirty! I sat up and walked to the door. I walked down the stairs until I came to Ronnies floor. Walking to his door, I slowly turned the knob trying to not make any noise as I walked in and closed the door back. I turned to see Ronnie sleeping with a tiny night light next to his bed. I smiled and shook my head to myself. Why was he so cute? I walkd over and slowly slipped into his bed. Warmth consumed my body and I began to lay down, feeling his body heat as I inched closer.

Ronnies POV

I felt something sliding into my bed behind my back. As the figure moved in closer, I felt it's leg touch mine, it was freezing. I slowly opened my eyes and began to turn over.

"Ronnie.." Her voice like candy danced to my ears.

"Hey are you okay?"  I was facing her, and slid my hand behind her back, pulling her close.

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