This Bitch

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Craig's POV

"Let go of her, now." I can't believe this is happening. I mean, Athens and Leila are so amazing together. They laughed almost the whole way here, and then this bitch has to start something. RIGHT IN FRONT OF LEILA.

"Or what?" Bitch snarled.

"Or, I can take Leila are just go home. Because you know you only get her until tonight."

"Whatever. Now go away, and leave Leila here. And take this slut with you." She shoved Athens down to the second step.

"Hey!" I rushed down to pick Athens up. Her leg was still bleeding. The scratch didn't look to bad, so why was it bleeding so much? Actually, thinking back to the morning when she turned around in her thong, there were tons of scratches on her leg. Little bruises, some looked pretty fresh. I picked her up and walked her back to my car. "I want to talk to you about something." I said seriously.

"Look, she isn't a big deal. I just won't ever come back here. She was ju-"

"No, about your leg. It's still bleeding. Let me have a look." I was trying to sneak my way to see the cuts again.

"Uh....No, no, no, it's okay. I just picked it again." She looked down sheepishly.

"No, you didn't. Let me see your legs." She looked up into my eyes, and then pulled her sweats down to her knees. Don't worry, she still had shorts on underneath. On her left leg there was giant bandaids. Soaked in blood. I kneeled down in front of her leg, and pulled on the gauze. She winced as the gauze just flaked off. Underneath was a two huge, long, deep cuts. The second bleeding far worse then the first. "ATHENS? What the hell happened? Did you do this? How do you feel, this is a lot of blood you're losing." She sat down in the seat.

"I have a problem. I can't stop, don't try to make me. I feel a bit light-headed, but I'll be fine. It isn't that deep." She pulled her sweats up again.

"You have to stop, really. You could hurt yourself badly! You need to go to a hospital. You're gushing blood." I picked her legs up, put them in my car, and then shut the door. I ran around the other side and jumped in. "We are going."

"No, just take me home okay? I don't want to do this anymore. What even is this?" She looked over at me.

"This is me, taking you to the hospital. This is me, trying to get to know an apparently very damaged girl." I looked back at Athens whose eyes were filling with tears.

"I'm not damaged. You make me seem like some sort of kids toy." She looked out the window.

"Well, maybe we just met, and introducing you to my daughter is crazy, but I don't care. I'm trying to prove to you that you weren't a one night stand. I was us to be friends, close friends. I want you to actually meet my band, and even Falling in Reverse. Even though me an Ronnie have some unfinished buisness. We have talked it out for now. Knowing this about you though makes me not want to ever leave you alone. Which is crazy, but you aren't a kid anymore, you can take care of yourself." I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. She was looking at me.

"You are so sweet...I don't know any guy that would go this far just to show a nobody you care." She put her hand down on my leg. I pulled into the driveway of the hospital and shut off the car.

"You aren't a nobody." I smiled at her. Athens leaned in an we kissed. Long, but soft. No hints of lust, just love. It was full of passion, and for the first time ever, I think I felt sparks.

She slightly pulled away, her face centimeters away from mine. She softly kissed my lips again. "Craig, let's go inside." She half smiled.

I jumped out of the car and walked over to her side, opening her door for her. I leaned down to pick her up bridal style, and she laughed. We walked into the clinic, and signed her in. The doctor came out right away and took her away in a wheel chair. I walked over to the vending machines to get a Dr. Pepper. One of my favorite drinks. The machine was old, I could tell. It made weird noises and spit out three Dr. Peppers instead of one. "Oh well." I shrugged and grabbed the sodas. To tell the truth, hospitals really creeped me out. All white, and the hint of death around every corner. Even though it wasn't often that people died in hospitals, the scent was just there. People magazines were all over the little coffee table. Not what I usually read, but I have a wait. I grabbed one that said, "Kim K's Divorce After Only 72 Days!" To be honest, I always thought Kim was ugly. Her and her sisters, but I have heard about her marriage a million times, I figured it'd be funny. As I read the article, I got tons of weird stares. Mostly older women, and some old guy coughed, "fag." I just shrugged it off, and kept on reading. The story sort of reminded me of a reverse love story. My mind always worked backwards though.

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