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I woke up in Jackys arms. We had fallen asleep in my bed? Jacky and I were using my towel as a blanket, except it was only covering his waist. I looked down to see Jackys hip bones peeking out from under the towel.

"Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no." I slowly tried to slide out from under the towel.

"Hey." Jacky smiled at me, before seeing the worried look on my face, and looked down. He flipped the towel off to reveal Nightmare Before Christmas shorts. "It wasn't what it looked like, I'm clothed. Just got sort of cold." I sighed and wrapped the towel around me.

"Not that I, ya know, with, but, no, I mean, yeah, just not right now, with ya know?"

"It's all right Athens, don't be so worried."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep, specially in just my towel. I hope you didn't see anything."

"No, no. I kept everything to myself."

I busted up laughing. "Good. Thank you Jacky. I should get dressed though." He nodded and rolled out of my bed. His back was so muscular, and his arms were so toned. I guess I never noticed. He always looked so scrawny in clothing. After he closed my door, I checked the time. It was seven thirty in the morning. I grabbed my sweats and pulled them on. They had stains on the thighs, I wore these when I first met Craig. I smiled to myself at the thought. I should really call him. I pulled on a baggy black v-neck, and put black socks on. I looked in the mirror. "Ew." I was flabby and gross from being pregnant. The doctor said that my body showed signs that it would snap back to the way it was before within a couple weeks, I just wanted it back sooner then that. I lifted my shirt and stared at my tummy. I used to have a daughter in there. My tummy was gross and had a few stretch marks. Tears swelled in my eyes, and I punched the mirror. Glass shattered to the floor. "FUCK!" I screamed as the glass cut my knuckles.

"Athens? Are you oka-? Oh my goodness!" Jacky ran over to me. "What happened?"

"The mirror was looking at me funny."

"Athens." He pulled me by my waist to the bathroom, rinsing the blood from my hands. "You are a beautiful girl. Why do you do this?" He began pulling small of pieces of glass out of my hands.

"I hate who I am."

"Well don't. Because I rufv yor." Something muffled came out of his mouth.


"Nothing." He bandaged my hand and kissed my fingers.

"I need to call Craig."

"I will be cooking breakfast, come down when you are done, and please try not to hurt yourself." He gave me a small hug and walked out. I sat on the tub and picked up the phone.


"Hey Jack-off! What's up?"

"It's not Jacky, it's Athens." I held my breath, afraid of what to come.

"Why are you at Jackys?"

"It's a long story Craig. I really need to see you. I-I-" I sniffled.

"I'll be there. Give me an hour and a half."


Craig hung up and I went downstairs. I was hit by the smell of different spices, and my mouth automatically started watering.

"OH MY LANTA! Whatever you are cooking, smells amazing."

"It's a recipe of my moms. Are you hungry?"

"Of course!" He served me a big plate and I slowly took a bite. "OH MY GOSH IT TASTES EVEN BETTER!" Jacky laughed and served himself some, taking the seat next to me. I scarfed it down, and rubbed my tummy. "I was hungrier then I thought. Thank you Jackybaby."

Tragic Magic (FIR And ETF Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now