Why Can't I Catch a Fucking Break?

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Jackys POV

"Hey, Jacky. You awake?" Craig opened my door and ran to my bed.

"I am now."

"Can you keep Athens here? I am going out. I need a hit and I don't have anymore left. Keep her occupied for me okay?"

"Craiiiiigggg, you know she is going to find out that you are doing drugs. She has a sense for it."

"Not if I give her a promise ring today when I come back. She will be so happy, she won't even notice that I am high."

"Whatever. Tell her soon, get help, or I won't let you near her. What time is it anyway?"

"It's three am, John only meets early morning, you know that."

"Ugh." Craig left and I heard him pull out of the house. I shuffled around trying to go back to sleep but couldn't shake the thought of Athens finding out about Craig. I don't know if she could handle him on drugs, I've seen Craig get crazy. I got up and went to peek in on Athens. I cracked open her door and heard a soft muffled noise.

"Athens, you awake?"

"Jacky." Her voice sounded hoarse.

"Are you crying?"


"Oh babe." I closed the door and walked over to her bed. Her arms were open and she wrapped her arms around my waist. "What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about Ronnie. I'm worried about Craig. I don't know where he went. Is he cheating on me?"

"No, no, no. He went to go get you a promise ring. Okay? Don't tell him I told you. He went out early so you wouldn't know."

"Oh. Jacky, I feel so stupid."

"It's okay baby. It's okay." I knew she was holding back more, but I just let her hold me and cry. "Now, why are you worried about Ronnie?"

"Well, I just haven't talked to him in so long, and it's so hard to let go of something you loved. I love Craig, but it's not like he isn't on my mind sometimes. Then I wonder if he ever thinks of me, and if he is reckless like before I met him. I don't want or wish anything bad to happen to him. I want to talk to him, but he won't speak to me."

"I know what you mean. I've seen him though, and I can tell you that he is okay. He looks a bit rough, you can tell he didn't take you going to Craig to easily, but he'd never go back to drugs. Don't worry. He's written a lot of music. A lot of it is about you, his situation. He loves you, he always will, but he knows that it was never meant to be with you guys. I was over there before and he picked up the phone, was going to call, but he put it down because he didn't think you'd want to hear from him after what he did to you."

"Ugh, thank you Jacky. That makes me feel better. You always know what to say." Her tears stopped as I played with her hair.

"I love you Athens." I whispered softly.

"I love you too." I slid down lower and she put her head on my chest, I didn't stop playing with her hair until she went to sleep. I couldn't see her face, but she hadn't moved in a while so slowly I replaced myself with a body pillow. It was starting to get light outside and Craig still wasn't home. He usually got the stuff and came home to get high, but maybe he didn't want to come here with Athens. I shrugged and walked down the hall to my piano. I hadn't played in a while, so I sat down and took a deep breath. I played some sheet music, letting the music fill the house. It wasn't loud enough to wake Athens, but it was just soft enough for her to hear. I looked at the time and it was eight. I cleared my throat and cracked my fingers.

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