Expect the Unexpected

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Athens POV

The motion of the moving bus made it easy to fall asleep. It was already easy for me to fall asleep in Ronnies arms, but even easier on the road. I turned my head and saw Ronnies back, bare and the blanket lying on his legs. We hit a bump and suddenly I didn't feel good. A nasty taste grew in my mouth and I lurched to the bathroom. I flung open the door throwing up in the direction of the toliet.

"Eww, what the fuck?" I opened my eyes to see I threw up on Dereks shirt.

"I'm so-" I threw up again.

"Are you okay?" He moved so I could get to the toliet.

"Yeah." I said in between throwing up.

"Here." He pulled my hair back and put it in a ponny tail for me. "I'll get Ronnie." He walked back into the room as I layed my head back against the wall. Ronnie came around the corner.

"Hey, are you okay?" He squatted and put his hand on my forehead. "You aren't hot or anything. Did you drink to much?"

I shook my head, "I don't drink at all. All I've drank is water." I puked again. Ronnie rubbed my back. "I'm done..." He helped me up and I washed out my mouth, brushing my teeth and using a shit load of mouth wash.

"Why are you so sick?" Ronnie looked at me concerned.

"I don't know. I haven't had my period, maybe that's whats wrong. I'm so irregular." We walked to kitchen as the guys all stared.

"Morning boys! It's our first day on tour and we have sicky here!" The guys laughed, all expect Derek.

"Yeah, it isn't funny when you're the one she threw up on." He had changed his shirt and pants. The guys laughed even more.

"I'm sorry Derek. I couldn't hold it in anymore." I sat down and Ronnie scooted in next to me.

"It's okay. Lets not have it again though." He winked.

"Heres breakfast!" Smiled Ryan putting a bunch of food on the table. The smell hit me and I had the urge to throw up again.

"MOVE!" I stumbled over Ronnie and ran back to the bathroom throwing up again, shutting the door behind me.

Ronnies POV

Athens was throwing up violently, and all the guys looked at me.


"Whats wrong with her?" Jacky asked taking a bite of his eggs.

"I don't know. She was throwing up when I woke up, but she said she didn't drink or anything. She just hasn't had her period so she thinks that is making her sick."

"Eww, I don't want to here about that." Ronnie F. commented.

"Dude, she hasn't had her period, she's throwing up. Anything else...like back pain, her boobs look a little bigger..Get what I'm hinting?" Derek smirked.

"No. She isn't pregnant. I mean, she can't be."

"Have you guys used condoms?" Jacky got more interested in the conversation.

"Uh, sometimes. Well, no. Maybe." I was confused, we never really worried about condoms.

"Ooohhh!" Ryan laughed. "She's preggers!"

"NO I'M NOT!" She slammed the bathroom door opened and stomped out. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT ME LIKE I'M NOT HERE YOU BASTARDS!" We all looked at eachother. "Oh, is that bacon? Ryan you're so sweet!" She hugged him. As I scanned the guys faces they looked a bit frightened.

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