The Mysterious Green Mark

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Athens POV

I was sitting in the kitchen on Craigs laptop. He had to go get Leila, so I decided, I'd just stay. I was on tumblr, reblogging the usual. Bands, kittens, and fucked up images of people who self harm. 

"Eww, what's that a picture of?" I turned my head slightly to see Max Greens face on my shoulder. 

"It is a girl who carved fat into her stomach." I heard him fake gag.

"Well, that's kind of fucked don't you think? She isn't fat. What site are you on anyways? Oh hey, there's porn!" He shoved me a bit and took the computer. "Only one picture? That sucks." He gave it back and sat next to me. 

"This site is called tumblr." I looked back to my computer and kept scrolling. 

"So..You're hot. Let's hook up. No one is here. Besides Robert, but he took his sleeping pills and has passed the fuck out." I didn't look up from my computer. 

"No thank you Max. It's a nice thought, but I don't even know you." I smirked.

Max moved in a bit an kissed my neck. I didn't stop him as he slowly moved his hand to the other side of my neck and rested the other on my leg. I let out a soft sigh. I had to be honest with myself. I was horny. There is this weird thing that happened after Craig and I had sex, I want it even more. I turned a bit towards Max and ran my hand up his thigh. Am I really going to do this? My body is screaming yes, but my head is screaming no. I decided to give in to the need of my body. I felt Max smiling into my neck as he left little kisses till he got to my lips. He kissed me, and I kissed back. The kiss was full of need, and had every hint of vulnerability. Max slid his hands down my back and pulled me onto his lap. I tangled my hands in his hair, as he slightly scratched up my spine. I arched my back and let out a very quite moan. Max bit my lip which made me moan a bit louder. 

"Let's take this upstairs." I got up off his lap and sprinted to the stairs, Max chasing me. The first door I saw, I ran into, and locked the door. "Come on babe, open up." Max scratched the door a bit. I turned around to see I was in what must have been Maxs' room. Based upon the fact that above a mirror it read, "The Desire of Green." I laughed and slowly unlocked the door. I don't think he heard the click so I walked over to his closet and slipped out of my pants and shirt. Revealing a full set of D's and my hour glass figure. I looked down to my legs and there were no traces of cuts, scars, or even bruises. I shrugged and called out to Max, "It's been open!" He opened the door and stepped inside. Re-locking it as he turned around. "Damn, you have the body of a goddess. I love the pokemon bra by the way." He walked over to me, put one hand on my hip and the other on my neck. He looked in my eyes secretly asking if this was all still okay. I bit my lip as he moved in. We kissed as he took me down to the bed. I pulled away an scooted up to the pillows. Max following took his place between my legs. I pulled his shirt off, and he unbuckled his pants. He pulled them off, and threw them in any direction. He unclipped my bra and slid his hands down to my panties. He slowly pulled them off, going down my legs, and set them beside the bed. He looked over me before smiling and removing his boxers. We kissed for a few minutes before he finally went in. "Ow." I leaned my head back. "Are you okay?" He looked up with concern. "Yeah, just take it slow. You're bigger than Craig. And Craig's pretty big." He laughed and gently pushed. We were kissing and taking long strides, our bodies working together. Just then Craig opened the door.

"Athens! Get your ass up! We want you out of this house NOW. " I saw up an looked around. I was in my room. I rubbed my eyes and looked under the covers. I was completely dressed. It was all a dream. Oh god, I had a sex dream about Max Green. "I'm not FUCKING kidding. Get your ass up, pack your shit and fucking leave!" My dad ran over and flipped my matress, sending me crashing to into my dresser. 

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