Tragic Magic (FIR And ETF Love Triangle)

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     I opened my eyes to the sun beaming onto my bed. Of course I left my window open, it was so like me to forget even though every morning I hate waking up like this. I sat up moving my hair out of my face while stretching. "Good morning Lilla!" I said leaning off my bed to pet my beautiful pug who licked my hand. I flipped the blankets off of myself and stood up. "Oh my goodness, MAJORRR wedgie!" I said laughing to myself.

"Well, isn't that nice to know?"

I jumped out of my skin. I turned around to see a mysterious guy laying on the other side of my bed.

"Who are you?" I looked around my room seeing the remainder of my clothes which answered my question about why I was only wearing my thong and a shirt that clearly wasn't mine.

"Uh...Are you serious?" The guy sat up to where the sun hit his back perfectly, making it seem like he had an angel like glow.

"Yeah, doesn't get more serious then this. Seriously, who are you?" I crossed my arms.

"Craig. Craig Mabbitt? Uh, last night you brought me back here after the concert. We had a very adventurous evening." He laughed and ruffled his hair. "And since we are introducing ourselves, why don't you tell me who you are?"

"I am Athens Ashmanda Scott. What exactly did we do last night?" Craig stood up and walked over to me. He was way shorter then I had imagined. Or even noticed when he was on stage.

"Well, we sort of, had a thing." He laughed.

Rolling my eyes I looked up at him, "How did I even get you here? I mean, the concert was awesome and both Escape the Fate and Falling in Reverse were amazing. So how did I end up with you here?" I sat down on my bed taking in all the new information.

"After the show, you were wandering around, and in a weird haze. I asked you if you needede a ride home and you said that big bird was coming to get you. Of course while laughing and knowing you didn't have a ride, I just got out and stuck you in my car. I told the guys and they followed me here. Where we partied more." He smiled as if he was so pleased with himself.

"Wait! There are more people here?! Oh my gosh. How trashed if the house? My dad is going to kill me! Oh no! You have to leave! And your friends. But I have to see the damage first." I was rushing around my room trying to get dressed, freaking out because I could only imagine what rock stars could do to a house.

"Ya know, if this was a situation with any other girl, they wouldn't care because they had just slept with Craig Mabbitt."

"Eww, I slept with you too. Ughhh! Now I have to buy the morning after pill. Did we at least use a condom?" I yanked my pants up and looked at him with disgust.

"We did. Don't worry about that. I am always safe about that. I mean, I already have a three year old daughter because of that exact problem, why would I want another? Not that my daughter isn't the best thing that has ever-" I cut him off.

"Oh my GODDDD! AND YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER?!" I screamed and flew out my door. I stubbed my toe on something incredibly hard.

"OW! What the fuck?"

I looked down to see Ryan Seaman grabbing his side.

"I'm so sorry, but you need to get up and leave like now!" I ushered him up. I continued running throughout my house where various band members were slopped everywhere. One by one trying to wake them up. I heard someone moan, long and loud. "That better not be what I think it is!" I skipped up the stairs to my parents room, slamming the door open. I caught sight of some girl straddling the one and only, Ronnie Radke. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed. The girl jumped up pulling the bed covers to hide her.

"I'm really sorry! Is this your house?" She scurried to the bathroom. What was left was a very erect Mr. Radke.

"You too! Get up, and get out!" I said covering my eyes.

"Come on babe, what am I supposed to do about this! I'm not taking care of it by myself! You just ruined that for me." He whined as he sat up in my parents bed.

"I don't care what you do with that, but put something over it! Get dressed and go finish that else where!" I kicked some pants toward him. He stood up and grabbed the pants.

"Fine, but just know you ruined that for me." He said in between pulls of his very tight patns.

"Just, ew, just get out of here. Everyone else is cleared out already. You have five minutes before I get someone to force you out of my house." I slammed the door shut behind me and shuddered at what I have just seen. Not only had I slept with the lead singer of Escape the Fate, I just saw the leading singer of Falling in Reverse fully naked. I was a prude, a virgin, a good girl, I never did anything wrong, well I was all of those things until last night. I told Kell that the concert wasn't a good idea! It must have been whatever she gave me in that drink last night. It did taste funny now that I think about it. After that I don't remember much, not even bringing home all these guys, and I wonder what else I did that would forever mark my innocence. I just turned eighteen the day before yesterday, not planing on losing my virginity until the night of my honeymoon so I could be completely pure for my husband. OH MY GOODNES! What about Jaksen? He will be so upset. We have been dating for over two years, and I do this?! He will hate me I know it.

"Okay, leaving. Getting out right now. But once I am gone, you won't see me again!" Mr. Radke nearly scared me to death. He thinks he is being so slick. I don't want anything to do with him.

"Go ahead Mr. Radke. Leave, I don't mind it a bit." I said turning to look at him.

"Well, fine then. I will." He turned and took step by step extremely slow.

"I have to shower, just hurry up an leave." I turned and headed back to my bedroom. I shut the door slowly behind me and leaned my against it. I really just made famous members leave my house, but not I have to wash away the remains of last night.  I opened the bathroom door and stepped inside, slowly taking off the clothes I quickly threw on, turning to shower as hot as I could take it.

Knock knock knock. "Hey, uh, I think you threw on my pants when you were rushing to get dressed. They aren't anywhere to be found." Craig yelled through the door.

I stepped into the shower and yelled back, "Just come in an get them. Hurry up, and then just go. I don't want to remember anything about this morning or last night." I heard the door open and feet patter across the floor. Craig picked up his pants before I heard,

"I could use a shower. We can have a little relapse of last night!" He giggled.

"Mr. Mabbitt, I don't think so. I think it's be best that you leave." Talking through the shower curtain to the guy you just slept with and wanted to forget eas exactly what I wanted. How great right? Hell no.

"Why are you so formal? I heard you call Ron, Mr. Radke. You called Jacky, Mr. Vincent. You called me, Mr. Mabbitt! It is sort of strange for an eighteen year old isn't it?"

"Well if you must know, I like to treat people I don't know formally. Clearly, you should have known that. Now, can you stop being a prick and get out of my house?"

"I'm sorry. I just, I have never met a girl like you Athens. It's all so strange to me to think about a girl that doesn't want me here when I am a rockstar. At least let me make up my rudeness to you by making you breakfast. I cook a mean omelet."

I smiled. "Okay. Just let me shower first alright?"

"I will be in your kitchen!" He called as he paced out the door.

What have you gotten yourself into now young lady? This is going to end badly, I know it.

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