chapter 26

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2 days passed since the gate in the sky appeared. Jin and I planned to go to the amusement park as planned but it took longer than expected since we have to run the guild. In the end, we got the workload small enough to throw it on Yu. 

Walking into the park hand in hand, people stared and whispered among themselves. We don't normally hold hands in public, but we just don't give a sh## at times. 

The internet has been giving theories about us alongside other famous hunters. Since we have matching weapons and try matching styles everyone can guess that we are dating and they aren't wrong. 

Since I lived in the US before I died I didn't know much about Korea other than the useless facts I found on the internet before sleep. When Jin and I started hanging out after the first gate he found it funny how I was like a kid finding amusement in everything and didn't know much about Korean culture. There are similarities between Korean and Japanese cultures but they are still different.

Jin had to fill in the gaps for me such as food, music, and memes. It wasn't till he figured out how I'm from a different world does everything makes sense. 

"There are more people than I thought, considering the current situation." This comment made me look around and he was right there was a lot. The fans who recognized us tried coming up to us but not wanting to deal with them I summoned my summons to block them. "Which ride do you want to try first?" 

Looking around the first thing that I took note is the rollercoaster that covered the entire park. Pointing up, "The rollercoaster!" We both had a smile on our faces as we approached the tall ride. It wasn't till it started going when Jin's smile faded just like the story. 

On the ride, it's understandable since we can jog faster than this but with that fact aside I still smiled and screamed as the cart descended from the tall peaks.

There was the tower where the machine pulls you up then drops you, one where you hop in and it spins you making you feel like spiderman, a haunted house, and a Ferris wheel. I could tell Jin wasn't having fun on the rides but every time he heard me laugh as we fell he would smile for some unknown reason. 

"I'll get us some food."

"Mkay." Sitting at an open table that was far from the actual restaurant a guy walked up. Short black hair and the same height as Jin, he wasn't that bad looking. Still no chance against my Jin though.

"Is this seat taken?"

"Yeah, I'm waiting for them to get back." Not listening to me he still sat down across from me. Propping his chin on his hands.

"What brings you to the amusement park." Noticing the questioning look on my face when I didn't answer. "Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Kim Ha-Joon."

"Jeong Ji-Soo." I was tempted to give a fake name since that's how I would ditch guys at bars in my previous life but my face is plastered all over Korea so what's the point. I have gotten used to the name Jin gave me quite quickly now that I think about it. 

Even when I'm talking to another guy Sung Jin-Woo plagues my thought. 

"Jeong, have you been on the old fashion rollercoaster yet?" 

"The one that looks like minecarts?" Nodding his head as confirmation. We haven't gone on that ride yet but I want this guy out of my face. I'm in public with a lot of watchful eyes to not look like a jerk A small smile should do. "I have." Although the guy is attractive, I'm already taken and I'm not a cheater. "My boyfriend should be back soon so you should leave."

"Pulling the boyfriend card. I'm guessing it's Hunter Sung who you are always with. If he is where is he? This dude's an a##. Straightening his back as he looked around. He didn't look around enough when a shadow cast over him.

"I'm right here." The smile the man once had was now gone while my fake smile turned real. Apologizing then scurrying off to who knows where. "Why was he talking to you?" 

"He must have seen an opportunity and talked to me since I was left alone. You should know not to leave a cute girl alone. He was an a##." Grabbing the carton of fries from the tray nibbling away like a hamster.

"You were smiling." I forgot Jin was oblivious to things. 

"I have a reputation to uphold as being the more joyful and kind part of this duo. I even tried pulling the boyfriend card but he was persistent. I'm glad you came when you did." Glancing up at him, his face had a small frown almost in a straight line as he looked at his food. "You were jealous weren't you?"


"Don't deny it." The pout he made as he messed with his straw was honestly adorable. 

Silence filled the space as we finished our food. So close to being done Jin finally spook again. "Were the ride a little slow?" The world of a novel still follows the plot I guess. The same line he said to hunter Cha.

"Yeah, but it was fun. It's the memories you know."

Jin grinned, "Why don't we go ride something actually fun?"

"Your di#k?" I succeed in saying this with a straight face but mentally I was laughing as the blush rose to his face and he stuttering over words.

"I mean we could but I was thinking of going for a ride on Kaisel." 

"I would love to but we need to stay in cell service range because you should expect a call about the gate. We should actually start heading to Seoul now." My now deadpanned expression told him everything he needed to know. 

"Are you sure? We should have a few days before it breaks."

"Oh we do but this isn't from the gate. The battle of monarchs is beginning."

words 1027

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