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" You would only break my heart

After I was already in Love

You're right, you aren't good enough"

Summer break. I can Finally have moment of peace. I've been hanging out with Evie more and the gang less. Together we look at colleges and she tries to help me find boys who would be good for me, but I can't keep my mind from wondering to Dallas. We haven't talked in 3 months, but I see him every day.

Today Evie has me sat up on a date with a Soc boy, she swears he's sweet. She graduated with him this year. She bought my outfit and did my hair, which had grown about 2 inches and now hung over my forehead and neck in wisps. I look like a soc. I cringe.

His name is Trent

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His name is Trent. And He's a straight A student, off to Harvard next year. I'd never tell the gang about him, they'd see me as a traitor.

He's nice. He's handsome. He's tall.

We shared a date in the diner, one milk shake 2 straws. A date in the park, he brought a picnic. A date to the zoo, he bought the tickets. Everything was going so perfect, I was really in love with this boy. I swear it was just about the way I felt for Dal- I push him out of my mind. Trent looks like fairy dust and he smells like candy floss. His hands are soft like fresh laundry and his voice is melodic.

"This is so one sided." He yelled at me randomly. We where in his car, driving to a theatre outside of town.

"What are you...What do you mean?" I stammer. his brown trimmed hair covers his eyes.

"I do everything for you! You never pay, you never plan!" He yelled. "You're getting boring, I thought greasers where easy, but I can't get you to stop playing hard."

I just looked at him in shock.

And it happened again. The hurt.

next was A boy Named Corey... He was dumb as a box of rocks and rude too, worked at a convenient store. Not grease but not soc.

He was kind and he had a shaped face with a sharp jaw. We went on a few dates to drive ins and to diners but no matter how hard I tried to impress him, or make him jealous he'd always zone, one time on a date when I tried to hold his hand he slapped me, I pushed it off, I've seen worse happen but i felt like a kicked puppy... He only called me when he was off his rocker drunk or higher than the Empire State. So he ended up two timing me with his ex girl.


And then a boy named Rich. Sweet as honey, from the country, one date in and she never heard from him again, a week later heard he was in a car wreck, snapped his back and died.

all I could think about was Dallas and how he'd never do some of these things— even if I knew he could and probably would

Burnt Out || Dallas Winston x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now