56 3 2

"But it doesn't 

and it won't

because you're beyond repair"

Y/n Pov (This is gonna be a long one with alot of backstory)

I wake up to the cold air biting my nose. I force myself into sitting up and try to untangle my hair.  my scar is sensitive to the cold air, i feel a phantom pain as I run my hand over the gealed pinkish-purple skin. I can almost feel the knife. I touch my sternum where the knife had also dug into my skin. I frown remembering that night, how it lead to me being in the hospital. How much money i have to pay for my insurance bills because of that night. Then I think of the gathering at my house, dancing with my best friends, my brother, and my Dallas. 'Tch' that night.

AS the sun rises higher, it gets much warmer out. I walk out of the church and into the sun. I have to walk back into town to get some stuff to do otherwise I'll be miserable. I have about $95. I rinse my face off and begin to walk back into the small town.


The long walk takes me back to the gas station and convenience store. I walk in, smiling at the man behind the counter, he waves. He recognizes me but doesn't bring attention to it.

 I walk through the aisles once again. I grab soap, a bucket, wash cloths, matches, more bread and jam, butter, a switchblade, hair brush, a canteen, toiletries, deodorant, an oil lantern, 2 small blankets and a shoulder bag.

"Camping?" The man behind the counter asks. I stutter in embarrassment.

"Yes sir." 

"Well be careful." I nod. "That will be $75.50" I hand him $80. 

A he deals me my cash back. I feel a chill run down my spine. I Look out the window and see a familiar car. Jackie. 

My breathing stops. I look at who gets out. No one I know. I release the breath I'd held and grab my things, all placed in the bucket.


After an hour and a half of walking I reach the church. "OK friends time to set up shop." I say to myself and the raccoons living in the walls.

I start by setting up my sleep area. Placing the blankets on the ground, one to sleep on and one to sleep under. I set up the lantern above where I'd sleep, using old rope I found to hang it from the rafters. I set up my supplies. Its enough to last me about a week and a half. I try and clean up a bit, but the dust is engulfing this place. Maybe I should try to sleep to fight off the boredom. 

I can only think. my mind won't shut off, so I just think.

"Toby I hope you're not disappointed," I say to the sky.

//Flashback 1 year//

I tighten my shoes, before leaving my desk. The halls are full of students, everyone trying to leave to get home. they want to get ready for the dance tonight. Sadie Hawkins. The girls ask the guys.

I hadn't asked anyone, I thought maybe I'd go with Two, or maybe Johnny just as friends. I knew who I wanted to go with wouldn't've gone to such an event.

I grab my books and approach the door. "Sunshine! Have you asked anyone yet?" I turn and see my close friend, a soc boy named Tobias skipping towards me.

I smile a cheeky grin, "Nope, I'm probably just not going." I say, pursing my lips together in a disappointed face.

"Ask Dallas," he says blatantly. I cover his mouth shushing him. This is why people think we are dating. My brain teases. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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