Ch 2: The training camp 🌟

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Date: 04/10/2011

Monday, 6:15am

The Miya Twins were already ready for school and were eating breakfast cooked by Osamu. It has been 3 months since that dream but Atsumu never once mentioned it, instead he found it weird. Weird because the Osamu in his dream said 'ya should make it true no matter what' instead of 'we'll make it true together'. It bothered Atsumu for quite awhile but he just shrugged it off since it was just a dream. So now here they are eating their favourite breakfast, onigiri🍙 and tuna🍣 with some rice🍚 and salad🥗 since it's healthy. And for finale they prepared any 15y/o should drink, Milk🥛. As they were casually chatting while eating they came across on a topic that was about their birthday.
Osamu- Ya know sumu, tomorrows r birthday.
Atsumu- Hmm So. (He said while drinking his milk)
Osamu- (Sigh) What if the team invites us fo' dinner? What will ya do then?
Atsumu- What do ya think I'll do? Obviously reject them.
Osamu-Listen sumu this isn't are ol' team and besides y'all get along jus' fine.
Atsumu- The problem isn't the team samu, tis me. I might've said smthin ta' offend them and they got upset 'cause of the truth an' are jus' bein' baby's about it 🙄.
Osamu- Ok now ya jus' describin' our ol' team 😑. C'mon tsumu don't be like that. Believe me if the team is doin' smthin fo' our birthday, then they will definitely invite ya even if ya say no.
Atsumu- And why should I believe ya? 🤨
Osamu- 'Cause tis not the ol' team 😐.
Atsumu- Ugh fine. I'll believe ya.

Osamu- Good. Now let's discuss about the training camp we're gonna have.
Atsumu- Oh right! The training camp. I totally fergot 'bout that. Tis next week right?
Osamu- Yeah. We're gonna have training camp with a few schools. Around 5-6 schools I guess.
Atsumu- Hmm who's hosting it? The school I mean.
Osamu- Yeah yeah I got that. I guess......Kamomedai High.
Atsumu- Oh😯 There in Nagano prefecture right?
Osamu- Yeah. Their coach Aaron Murphy invited us. He's the one hosting the whole event.
Atsumu- U~wah -betsu no gaikoku no namae~. (Uwah another foreign name)
Osamu- Yeah. I heard that he is the only coach in Japan that is non-japanese an' has experience in the pro league in volleyball.
Atsumu- Ah their so lucky. I wanted ta' be taught by someone like him. Not that I don't like our coach but still!
Osamu- Every volleyball player in japan wants ta' be taught by him atleast once in their lives tsumu.
Atsumu- Yeah yer right, 'sides we'll be one o' the people who gets ta' be taught by him 'cause o' the training camp.
Osamu- Yeah.
Atsumu- Anyway do ya know the name o' the schools that r invited?
Osamu- I guess. If I remember correctly then the coach said that there will be:
1. Shiratorizawa
2. Aoba Johsai or Seijoh
3. Itachiyama
4. Fukurodani
5. Inarizaki and;
6. Kamomedai itself.
Atsumu- Oh so 5 new schools huh. If I recall correctly then the first 2 are from Sendai!
Osamu- *Miyagi
Atsumu- Whatever! The second 2 schools are from Tokyo an' then tis our school an' Kamomedai from Nagano.
Osamu- Basically yeah.
Atsumu- We'd get ta' meet new people who r great at volleyball 🤩. Maybe I could make them my friends. Ahh~that would be fun😍.
Osamu- Wā mōsukoshi nagai nakama ni mi o makasete (woah hold yourself a little longer bro) There's still a week left fo' that an' yer already in volley paradise. (Sigh) What am I gonna do with ya?
And that's how Osamu got concerned thinking about his brothers mentality and Atsumu just daydreaming about his new-future volleyball playing friends. After that they left for school and did their normal routine that is:

1. Morning Practice
2. Classes
3. Break
4. Classes (again)
5. Afternoon practice
6. Go home and eat lunch, then watch T.V or play games
7. Do homework
8. Take a shower
9. Eat dinner
10. Go to sleep 😪






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