Ch 8: Be safe 😥

84 7 2

Date: 13/10/2011

Tuesday, 7:04am

Atsumu's POV

It was early in the morning when I heard my alarm go off. I woke up due to the loud noise. When I woke up the first thing I saw was that, the 1st bed where Sakusa-san and Oikawa-san were sleeping was empty. Both of the beds were neat and tidied up. I got up and switched off my alarm and saw the time. 7:06am. Why would anyone wake up at this hour? Especially when we don't have morning practice. Originally I intended to sleep a little longer but I wanted to see where those 2 went off to. So I got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, tidied up my bed, put on my tracksuit and went out for a jog, but before I could get out of the room I saw Oikawa-san's form hanging. I went back in to check it.

Oikawa's Form:

Name: Oikawa Toru
Age: 16
Year: 2nd year
School: Aoba Joshai
Position: Setter
Quote: If your gonna hit it,
hit it till it breaks.

I don't know why but I got goosebumps after reading his quote. After that I went to gym to check for those 2. When I reached the gym, I heard balls smashing against the walls. I initially thought that it would be those 2. But I was surprised to see Iwaizumi-san, Akashi-san, Hirugami-san, Shirabu-san, Komori-san and Sunarin practice together. Not because its weird....well a little weird but still! Anyway I was wondering why is Sunarin with them? Usually he wakes up late......well he's never late to practice, but I do know that he sleeps longer on off-days! So why is he up so early? And what's his relation with them? We just met them yesterday! It took me 'bout half a month to befriend him! Why is it so easy for them! This is so unfair!😡.

End of POV

While Atsumu was rambling on and on in his mind about how unfair things were. One of the players noticed him and went to talk to him.

???- Miya-san, what are you doing just standing there? If you wanna practice with us then we have no problem.

After getting no response from the blond, the raven haired guy tried again.

???- Miya-san! Miya-san can you hear me?!

The raven haired male was now waving his hand infront of the blond who was lost in his own thoughts. This caused the players to stop their training and come close to the scene.

Iwaizumi- Hey Akashi-san! What's the problem?
Akashi- I've been calling Miya-san for a few seconds now and he isn't responding at all. Is something wrong with him?

Suna understood everything and said:

Suna- Oh. Don't worry bout 'im. He gets like that sometimes when he is lost in 'is thoughts. Watch and learn.

After saying that Suna put his hand on Atsumu's cheek and said:

Suna- Ñe ñe 'tsumu. Yer so cute.

After hearing that, the players got confused on what he was doing. And then-

Suna- If ya don't wake up from yer little daydream, then no matter how cute ya are I'll eat all yer tuna infront of ya an' not spare even. one. piece. to. ya.🙂

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