Ch 7: New Friends ❤️

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Date: 12/10/2011

Monday, 2:10pm

All the teams from Miyagi that came and Inarizaki were there. They all were just doing their stretches as the coach who invited them was busy for a bit but he promised them, that he'll come later. Since they all were alone a certain red-head decided to gather all of them together and made introductions with e/o in hopes of becoming friends. The red-head gathered everyone and made them sit in a big circle in the center of the room. Then he cleared his throat and started speaking:
???- Konichiwa minna-san.
(Hello everyone) My name is Tendou Satori and I'm the middle blocker of shiratorizawa, and I'm a 2nd year. I'd like to be your friend.
Everyone was just staring at the red-headed male in silence. To clear the silence he spoke again.
Tendou- Now that I've introduced myself I guess it's only fair that everyone else does it too.
Everyone was looking at e/o before Ushijima stood up and introduced himself.
Ushijima- Hello everyone. My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi and I'm the Captain, Ace, Wing spiker and Outside hitter of our team. I'm also a 2nd year. Nice to meet you. (He said and bowed)
After his introduction, he went back to his seat and sat down. After a few seconds of silence.
Someone stood up irritated and said:
???- Ugh don't just sit their staring and say something already. This is not a silent class ok. He introduced himself already so you should also do that.
"Then introduce yourself first!" someone said. And the male sighed before introducing himself.
Shirabu- My name is Shirabu Kenjirou. I'm a setter. 1st year. That's all.
He went back to his seat and sat down waiting for someone else to introduce themself. After that everyone started to introduce themselves one by one.
Semi- Semi Eita. Setter and a pinch server. 2nd year.
Ohira- Ohira Reon. Vice captain. Wing spiker, outside hitter. Also a 2nd year.
Yamagata- Yamagata Hayato. Libero. 2nd year.
Taichi- Kawanishi Taichi. Middle blocker. 1st year.

Oikawa- Oikawa Toru. Captain and setter of Aoba Johsai. 2nd year.
Iwaizumi- Iwaizumi Hajime. Vice Captain, Ace, Wing spiker and Outside hitter. 2nd year.
Hanamaki- Hanamaki Takahiro. Wing spiker and Outside hitter. 2nd year.
Matsukawa- Matsukawa Issei. Middle blocker. 2nd year.
Yahaba- Yahaba Shigeru. Setter and pinch server. 1st year.
Watari- Watari Shinji. Libero. 1st year.
Kyotani- Tch Kyotani Kentarō. Wing spiker, Outside hitter. 1st year.
And then the Inarizaki members introduced themselves. By the end of the introduction the coaches came back and they started their practice.

3:50 pm

After the practice was over, everyone went to take a shower, chatted a bit and went to their rooms. Oikawa and Atsumu were the last one to leave the shower rooms as they were taking their sweet time while showering. After they met e/o in the locker room, they decided to go together. Afterall their roommates. When they were walking together they were making small talk about their roommates, like what they look like and their personalities and such. After entering the room they saw 2 figures who were playing a game, turn their heads towards them. It was quiet for awhile until someone broke it.
???- Woah! You 2 are pretty!
Oikawa and Atsumu both were taken aback by this remark. Not because people haven't already told them this before, infact a lot of people have told them this. But because they have never heard it from a boy before. Sure there are fanboys who told them this before but that was different. This is the first time a boy so straight forwardly told them this, that's why their a bit taken aback. After composing themselves, they replied.
A + O - Thanks. And you 2 are?🤨
???- Oh right! I'm Bokuto Koutarou! Fukurodani's Ace and Captain!
Sakusa- Sakusa Kiyoomi. Itachiyama's ace.
Oikawa- Oikawa Toru. Aoba Johsai's Captain and setter.
Atsumu- Miya Atsumu. Inarizaki's setter. Nice to meetcha!
Bokuto- Nice to meet you too! (He said as the excited owl he is)
Atsumu- So whatcha doin'?
Sakusa- We're playing games obviously.
Atsumu- Ya I can see that. What game though?
Bokuto- Mario Kart!
Sakusa- I don't know what you're so excited about. You've been loosing for the past hour.
Bokuto- It's hard okay! You're so good at this, it's unfair! 😤
Oikawa- I'd like to give it a try✋.
Sakusa- Hmm ok. Just a warning though, I'm really good at this. So don't come crying to me like a soar loser after you've lost.
Oikawa- Don't worry about that 🙂. (He said while giving them a smile that sent shivers down the others spine)
Sakusa- 😥 ok. Then take Bokuto's. And let's start.
Oikawa- Hmm ok.😁

While the other 2 were competing. Bokuto and Atsumu were just watching it through out the entire time. Saying small commentary in between.
They played a total of 7 rounds and each round was won by Oikawa pretty easily. This frustrated Kiyoomi to no end. After failing for the 7th time. He finally gave up and asked:
Sakusa- How the hell are you so good at this?!
Oikawa- Hmm well, when I was a kid, my parents were busy all the time with work. My only elder sister who was in high school that time didn't have time to take care of me because of club activities and other things. So I always use to visit this arcade that was a few minutes from my house. The owner knew about my situation so, out of pity she let me play the games there for free. Sometimes she used to invite me to her house and made me play all different kinds of games with her and her son and daughter. So I guess eventually I got better at it.

After hearing this they (Atsu+Bo) felt sad for their new friend and tried to say something but were stopped by Kiyoomi saying:
Sakusa- Don't. If you say anything rn that will only come off as pity. It's better to not say anything and leave the person be instead of saying something that makes the situation worse by indirectly telling them that the other persons life is pitiful.
A + B - .....
Oikawa- ☺️ Thank you. Atleast someone understands.
Sakusa- Mhm. I've gone through something similar before.
Oikawa- Hmm.


Atsumu- Sooo the talk here is really depressing so imma jus' do this.
After that he went to his bed and picked up his backpack and picked a game CD out of it.
He showed it to the others. It was a horror version of 'Pac-Man 3-D' CD. He told them he wanted to play this game for awhile now and said that this was good opportunity to play it. Everyone agreed on playing it and enjoyed and (screamed sometimes) themselves till they went to sleep. Atsumu slept on Bokuto's bed, while Bokuto slept on the floor. Oikawa and Sakusa slept on their beds till someone came and woke them up.






Bye 😎👋

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