Ch:6 New Roommates 🤩

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Date: 12/10/2011

Monday, 11:17am

After receiving their no. they all went to their designated rooms to unpack their stuff, since the others were probably at practice. When Atsumu reached his room he entered it and as expected the room was empty. There were four beds. Both of them were bunk-beds, just like how he had at his home, just more spacious. Though he noticed that only 2 beds were taken and the other 2 were still empty. He thought that his school was the last to arrive but apparently their is 1 more school left to come. He unpacked his stuff and chose the top bunk of bed no. 2 to stay in. He noticed there were some kinda writing pads at the end of each bed, hanging from a nail kinda like in the hospitals. He went near them and read the contents. In it there was space to write your name, age, year, school, position in the court and your quote. He was surprised by this. He didn't know schools did that, well maybe only this school did it, he guessed. Before filling out his form, he went near others form to see what was written there. On the bottom bunk of his bed was written:

Bokuto's Form:

Name: Bokuto Koutarou
Age: 16
Year: 2nd year
School: Fukurodani
Position: Ace, Wing spiker and Outside hitter
Quote: Spiking isn't just about slamming the ball to the floor.

"Wow" he thought. He didn't expect Bokuto Koutarou to be his roommate, one of the top 5 spikers in the whole of Japan. Then he had another thought that made him excited. "If Bokuto Koutarou is here, does that mean I get to set to him 🤩. Uwah~ I'm so lucky". Then he went to the next bed. In the next bed also, the bottom bunk was taken. He went to see who his other roommate was.

Sakusa's Form:

Name: Sakusa Kiyoomi
Age: 15
Year: 1st year
School: Itachiyama
Position: Ace and Outside hitter
Quote: I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.

"Wow. I'm really lucky! I not only get to set to Bokuto Koutarou but Sakusa Kiyoomi too🤩 one of the top 3 aces of Japan. Ahhh this camp is better than I thought."
After that he went to write his own form and went to sleep due to exhaustion.

Atsumu's Form:

Name: Miya Atsumu
Age: 16
Year: 1st year
School: Inarizaki
Position: Setter
Quote: People who can't hit my tosses are nothin' but scrubs.

After he went to sleep, 1 and a half hour later (12:37pm) he woke up to someone unpacking their stuff, on the top bunk of the other bed. He rubbed his eyes and asked the other person:
Atsumu- Hey. Who r ya? Are ya the other roommate?
???- Uh yeah. Sorry for disturbing your sleep.
The other person bowed his head.
Atsumu- Ah! Ya don't need ta bow yer head. 'M Miya Atsumu. Inarizaki's setter an' a 1st year. Nice ta meetcha!
???- Oh nice to meet you too. I'm Oikawa Toru. Aoba Johsai's setter and captain, and a 2nd year.
Atsumu- Oh I've read about ya before!
Oikawa- 🤨 Where?
Atsumu- On the internet! I saw ya got the 'Best Setter award' in Middle school! Congrats!
Oikawa- Oh! Thanks 😊. Sooo why are you here? Shouldn't you be in practice?
Atsumu- Ah that! Are school arrived here half an hour ago. So we're takin' some rest. I think we'll go for the afternoon practice or something.
Oikawa- Oh Where do you live?
Atsumu- Hyogo! You?
Oikawa- Miyagi. Ne I wanna talk more but I'm really tired (yawns) from the trip. So can we talk later?
Atsumu- Oh sure! Sleep tight!
Oikawa- (yawns) Mhm you too.

After that Oikawa went to sleep and since Atsumu was bored and he didn't have anything to do, he also went to sleep.


Both of the boys were sleeping peacefull until someone shouted their names.
???- Oi! Atsumu! Wake up ya sleepyhead!
???- You too Oikawa! Wake up!
After shouting for some time they both started to wake up.
Atsumu-- Ughhh who's shouting?! 🤬 Can't even let a man sleep!

ikawa- Ugh who is it? (He asks rubbing his eyes)

They both wake up and look down to see their brother and best friend standing down there. Just staring at them.
Atsumu- Samu?
Oikawa- Iwa?
They both say at the same time.
(Atsumu- A, Oikawa- K,
Osamu- O, Iwaizumi- I )
A+K - What are ya/you
doin/doing here?
O+ I - We came here for ya/you.

+ K - Oh Ok. But why?

Osamu- It's already 1:42pm ya should wake up now an' go get yer lunch. I an' the team already had lunch. We were waitin' fer ya but ya never came. So we jus' started eatin' lunch hopin' ya would come In-between an' join us. In the end ya neva came, so I came lookin for ya jus' ta find ya sleepin'.
Atsumu- Oh sorry bout that. I guess I was jus' really tired, that's all.
Osamu- Makes sense. Afterall ya basically stayed up the whole night.
Oikawa- You stayed up the whole night too!
Atsumu- Huh?
Oikawa- Jeez Iwa, no need to shout. Oww my ear drums.
(He says while rubbing his ears)
Iwaizumi- (Sigh) First you skipped lunch and now you stayed up the whole night too. What am I gonna do with you. (Smh)
Oikawa- I didn't skip lunch ok. I'm going down to eat now.
He said while jumping down.
Atsumu also jumped down after him and went down with him to eat.
O + I - Wait!
A+K - What?
Iwaizumi- Our afternoon practice is gonna start at 2:00 and it's only for the schools that came late. The people who came early already practiced their half.
So their in the shower's rn. They don't have afternoon practice so don't expect them to come. All the schools will come together at night at 7 to 8 and practice together.
A + K - Hmm ok.👌
Osamu- Also our afternoon practice will end at 3:30pm. It's only 1 and a half hour session.
A + K - (Nodding their heads)
Ok. Can we go now?
O + I - Yeah. Enjoy your/yer lunch.
A + K - Hmm. Bye 👋.
And then they went down to eat their the lunch while the other 2 went into their respective rooms and waited for their practice to start while chatting with their roommates.






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