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Date: 5/10/2011

Tuesday, 6:45am

The day started off like any other day. They wake up brush,shower, eat and do all the necessary things you need to do before going to school. Since it's there birthday they said 'happy birthday's' to e/o at breakfast. Then they walked to school and met their new-found friend Suna Rintarou, waiting for them at the gate. He wished them happy bday and started chatting about the upcoming training camp. All 3 of them are best friends from all the other first years. There is one more guy who's there friend and that is Gingima Hitoshi. Though he's not as close as them. Anyway while they were chatting Atsumu noticed something, his brother and friend were close with e/o almost too close. But he didn't think anything about it since they were all friends, so maybe it was normal for them to be that close. So while they were all chatting among themselves, they were distracted of what was going on in their surroundings and as soon as they reached the gym the whole team was standing there with a banner that says 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIYA KYODAI'
(brothers or twins).
The both of them were surprised by this, not that their previous team didn't celebrate their birthday but it never was this grand and important. Their previous team just said 'happy birthday' and treated them for lunch in the cafeteria. Well using 'them' is not correct actually, they only ever invited Osamu since they didn't like or hated Atsumu. Not like Atsumu cared one bit about it. He said that since Osamu gets treated by them the money their grandparents gave them for lunch can be used for Atsumu, since he didn't get invited. And it's much better that way cause while Osamu gets lunch from their school cafeteria Atsumu gets to have what he wants from konbini stores and there food is much better than their stale lunch. So coming back to present, what their seeing is that the gym is decorated w/ balloons and other stuff. They have a table in the middle filled with gifts and such things. Kita came forward and said to them in a calm voice: "Why r ya jus' standin' there like statues. Come in, this is all fer ya both. Happy Birthday Atsumu, Osamu." He said to them while handing balloons to each of them. On the balloon which Atsumu received (which was yellow) was written: 'Your the best setter Atsumu. Don't let people say otherwise. Happy birthday from Inarizaki VB. We wish you achieve all your dreams❤️.' On the one that Osamu received (which was purple) was written:
'Your a great spiker/outside hitter. We're glad to have you both in our team. Happy Birthday from Inarizaki VB. We wish you achieve all your dreams ❤️.'
The both of them got teary-eyed by this. Just having them as teammates and friends was more than enough for them. They blinked back their tears and said:
A+O - Minasan arigatō gozaimashita.(Everyone thank you very much) They said while bowing and after that everyone gave them their gifts and walked towards their classes, since it was still morning. After that everyone in the school wished them and gave them gifts. They were really happy about this and when the classes ended they went into the gym just to find everyone looking like they were ready to go somewhere. They asked what were they doing and they replied by saying that since its their bday they cancelled practice and instead decided to go to a karaoke to celebrate properly. And since it was a all-expense paid trip (courtesy to their coaches) all went out and celebrated it to their fullest. Cause at the end of the night, no matter what happens either it be good or bad, you should always be glad that you have true friends who care about you. And that's why you should treasure them.









A/N: Sorry I just wanted to write fluff. Next ch you'll see what happens at the training camp. Though just a spoiler alert: if you think that this is one of those cliché 'love at first sight' things than your wrong. It will take a bit more for our characters to catch feelings. And besides I've read a lot of fanfic and saw videos, and in those they just make 'coming out' and liking another person just so easy. Real life is not that easy. So that's why I wanted to show everything from the beginning. Tho dw I won't add anything unnecessary. Also I'll add other ship lives to make it a bit more interesting. Well thats it

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