Ch 14: Playing Detective🕵️

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Date: 17/10/2011

Saturday, 11:07am

It had been 2 days since the 'talk' with his cousin and honestly he still needed to be sure of his feelings. Since it was his first time feeling this way it was better to be cautious and not come to conclusion yet.

The last 2 days he tried his best to be near the blond to see how he feels and stuff but things weren't going as easy as he thought.

Someone from somewhere would always pop out of a corner and snatch Atsumu away. It was like they were purposely trying to keep him away from the blond and he did not like it a bit but it's not like he can do anything about it so he let it slide.

Today is a free day in the camp cause it's a Saturday so everyone was allowed to do anything they want. If they want to practice they can, if they wanna go out they can and if they wanna go to a club and get drunk THEY CAN'T! Cause come on they're underage.

Anyway our beloved raven head was lying on his bed, wearing earpods, listening to a song and scrolling through Youtube trying to find something interesting to watch.

While he was scrolling through he saw a thumbnail of delicious french fries with a cheese dip on the side, with the caption 'Try once and you'll get addicted'. Seeing this he decided one thing 'I could make that'. Just as he was about to click the video a loud booming sound captured his attention.


"Huh? What's happening there?" Kiyoomi said to himself before getting up and going out of the room. (Yes he wore a mask before going)

When he went outside, he saw a bunch of people crowding the area and in the middle he saw Bokuto standing there with 2 girls. Seems liked the girls were accusing Bokuto of something and he was furiously denying it.

He went a little ahead, where he saw his cousin and captain standing and decided to ask them what the commotion was all about.

Kiyoomi- Captain, Motoya. What's this all about?

Iizuna- Oh Sakusa-san good morning.

Kiyoomi- Good morning captain.

Motoya- Hey Kiyo! You haven't get out of your room since morning! What's up with that?

Kiyoomi- You know how I am and you still dare to ask that?

Motoya- Yeah your right. My bad.

Bokuto- I told you I didn't do it!

Kiyoomi- Oh right answer me. Whats this all about?

Motoya- Oh that well, A few cheerleaders came here to our dorm to use the ladies bathroom to change clothes cause their's was full. When they were changing one of the girls saw that there was a peeping tom spying on them. She immediately shouted and alerted everyone else. The few girls who were dressed, immediately went to chase the guy but when they opened the door they colided into Bokuto and fell down. The girl who saw the peeping tom before said that even though she wasn't able to see the guy's face she was able to see the clothes he was wearing and apparently Bokuto and the guy were wearing the exact same hoodie. So the girls thought that he was the peeping tom and accused him while Bokuto and his friends are defending him.

Kiyoomi- Oh so basically they think that Bokuto-san was the pervert who was peeping on them.

Motoya- Yeah.

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