Ch 4: Miya Twin things😎

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Time skip to 1 week

Date: 12/10/2011

Monday, 5:45am

Today everyone in the Inarizaki VB was busy since today is the day they go to Nagano prefecture for the training camp. The camp will last about 2 weeks and since the host wanted everyone to get along and be friends with e/o, they will be given random dorm rooms to stay with strangers. If you are lucky enough then you might get someone you know, otherwise it's upto you if you wanna befriend them or not. Also since it's already written in the invitation letter each player will be living with 3 other people as their roommates. That means that total of 4 people will be living together in one room. And since their coach (Kamomedai) is rich&kind enough he let them have big rooms that could fit atleast 8 people in 1 room, so that they could have space and not cramp up the space and stay uncomfortably for the rest of the camp. Now since the train to Hyogo to Nagano takes atleast 5hrs and 58min i.e 6hrs, they have to leave early in the morning to catch the 6:00am train so that they could reach there by atleast 11:00am.

So usually when a group of people takes trips like these, there is always that person who comes at the last moment making them almost miss the train, but in Inarizaki's case it's actually 2 people or more specifically the twins.
Now this is how it goes down in the Miya household.
1st: they prepare everything a night before the trip, then go to sleep, but sometimes they put the wrong alarm to wake up or don't put it all, one of the reasons their late.
2nd: one of them (usually Atsumu) becomes so excited for the trip that their not able to sleep and when morning comes the other person doesn't wake up no matter how many times you shout their name or even hit them w/ a pillow or throw water at them.
3rd: once they finally wake up they immediately go and do their morning routine as fast they can. Then come down for breakfast only to find that there is no breakfast. Now they don't have time to cook so they immediately rush to a nearby konbini store and buy whatever they can to eat while running. Now comes the fourth problem.
4th: When they are buying stuff they don't see what they are buying until they are at the counter paying for stuff. But once they see what they are buying they both start shouting at e/o for what they took from the store. For example: once when they were in hurry, Atsumu accidentally took a bottle which he thought was sunscreen (because they were going to beach that time) paid for it and rushed out the store to catch up to his team. Finally when he got inside the bus, he took his seat beside his brother as always and infront of him was sitting Kita and Suna. Kita as the caring yet serious senpai he is, asked Atsumu if he got everything or not. Atsumu obviously said yes and took out what he bought to show the others that he got everything. After taking out everything he smiled and said: "See I got everythin'! Ya were worried for nothin'." But what he didn't notice is that everyone there, that means everyone in the bus was just staring at 1 thing w/ sweat running down their faces. Then Kita took the initiative to talk and lifted up the accidental sunscreen that he bought and showed it to him and asked:
Kita- Tsumu.....wh-what is this for...?
He said while showing Atsumu the bottle of lube that he accidentally bought. Though since Atsumu didn't really pay attention in his sex-ed class he doesn't know why everyone was so nervous about the item that he bought. Instead he just gave them a confused look and said:
Atsumu- Hmm that's sunscreen Kita-san! I bought it at the store in a hurry!.
At this they were filled with shock and didn't know what to say. After the silence that remained for awhile, Kita asked again in a shaky voice:
Kita- You.....ya think this is sunscreen.....?
Atsumu- Mhm why? What else could it be? Also why is everyone looking like ya guys saw a ghost or somethin'?.
Nobody answered his question and just kept silent. While Atsumu just looked at them confused. Later Atsumu found out what he bought and became embarrassed by the whole thing. He promised himself that he will pay more attention to his classes from then on. And he did, so that what happened that time would never repeat again.
Back to the example, they like always shouted at e/o for buying things they didn't need and wasted money. Well that will take about 5-10min to end and finally,
5th: when they are rushing they sometimes miss their bus logo or train and get on some other bus or train in a hurry. But they always get out in time before being driven off to some unknown place (courtesy of their teammates)
So yeah these 2 are really troublesome yet very beneficial for the team. And no matter what, the team is glad to have them.

But today, the day they go to Nagano was a different situation. When Kita arrived at the train station at 5:49am, since he is always the one that comes first in everything. He saw the twins standing, leaning on a pillar talking about something w/ their phones out, probably scrolling through instagram. He was shocked to see the twins arriving so early and moreover they were totally prepared. Their bags at their side while having relaxed yet a bit sleep deprived face.
They didn't notice Kita advancing towards them while they just chatted away. Once Kita was near them, he coughed lightly gaining their attention, then the twins said:
Atsumu- Ah! Kita-san! Ohayo!
Osamu- Ohayo, Kita-san.
Kita- Ohayo futari tomo (Good Morning you two). What are ya doin' so early in the mornin' here? Yer usually the last to show up?🤨
Atsumu-Ah. Samu an' I didn't want ta' be late today so we packed are things before time an' checked everythin' beforehand. Then we set are alarms a bit early, got up, did our routine, ate breakfast w/o bein' rushed and walked here slowly.
Kita- Oh. Well good. Let's wait for the others here then.
A+O - Hai!
Later onwards everyone arrived and they were all surprised to see the twins there. They chatted until their train came and then they left for their camp.






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