Ch 11: True Friends ☺️❤️

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Date: 13/10/2011

Tuesday, 9:45pm

Timeskip to nighttime

It was nighttime, the moon was clearly shining and showing off its luminous radiance.

A blond boy, after eating dinner was just walking outside when he spotted someone familiar.

The guy was facing his back but you could easily tell who it was by the persons hair.

Atsumu went near him and said hi, scaring the man.

Atsumu- Hi! Whatcha doin' 'ere?

Bokuto- AHHHH!!!!!

Atsumu- Woah! Calm down Bo-kun 'is jus' me!

After Bokuto saw the persons face he calmed down.

Bokuto- Phew. It's just Tsumu. So what are you doing here Tsum-tsum?

Atsumu- Well I was jus' takin a stroll when I saw ya. Ya were alone so I thought I would give ya company! 😁

He said flashing a bright smile at the other male. The other person showing him the same smile as the former.

After a few min of silence, they decided to visit the park that Atsumu and Akaashi visited that morning.

After reaching the park they both sat on the same bench Atsumu and Akaashi sat on. The fountain being their front view.

It was a comfortable silence between the two. Atsumu remembered his talk with Akaashi this morning and decided to ask Bokuto since they were alone.

Atsumu- Ñe Bokkun, can I ask ya somethin' ?

Bokuto- Hmm sure! What is it Tsum-tsum?

Atsumu- Well I wanted ta ask ya, when Akaashi-san said that ya sounded stupid with my accent instead of getting sad ya jus' smiled at 'im an' walked away in a hurry. Why is that? Is something wrong Bokkun?

Bokuto- .........umm.......

Bokuto took a look at Atsumu. The former was looking at him with a small smile. He didn't know why but Bokuto felt like he could trust him even though they don't know each other for that long. After contemplating his descision for some more time he finally decided that he couldn't keep it in anymore, so he told him the truth. The reason for his change in behaviour. But before that, he decided to ask a question.

Bokuto- Tsum-tsum.

Atsumu- Hmm?

Bokuto- When you first saw my emo-mode, what did you think of it?

Atsumu was a little surprised by the sudden question but nonetheless he answered it.

Atsumu- Well at first I thought it was kinda weird since ya have that out-going, cheery personality. But after awhile I got used to it.

Bokuto- don't think its annoying?

Atsumu looked at the latter for a while before answering truthfully.

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