Met him last night 01

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Summer, 1971.

A couple days ago you had turned 23 and you and your friends didn't really get the chance to really celebrate it except for a quick lunch so today they surprised you with entree tickets for a local indie festival. 

You and the girls were walking down the street after spending way too long picking the right clothes to wear, you eventually went with long flare pants in a olive color that almost touched the floor and a dotted blouse in a matching white and sage color, and as a finishing touch white booties just peeking out from underneath the pants.

Upon arriving, your attention went straight to the stage where the soothing music of an unknown indie band came from, your friends on the other hand seemed to be eyeing all the eye-candy around them. "(y/n), he is totally checking you out.." Your friend Natali nudged your shoulder to which you quickly turned your head. "huh?" you carefully looked in the direction your friend was looking at to catch a gaze of an older looking guy who was gently rubbing his short shaven beard as he leant against the wooden bar they had set up. You turned back to you friend with a concerned look. "Yeah...not for me." You giggled before looking back at the stage. Your other friend friend Grace put her arms around you and Natali. "Why don't we all go to the bar and get our birthday girl a drink?" Grace said and everyone agreed. You nodded. "You guys know what I like, I think I'm going to go over to the stage and reserve us a spot." You said as you nodded towards the stage. "Alright, we'll see you there!" Natali said before they walked off.

You walked over to the stage, walking alongside of freely dancing people, you were looking around trying to take in everything until you suddenly were put to an halt as you walked into someone, making them drop their drink. "Oh, I'm so terribly sorry!" You said as the long haired guy turned to look at you with a little shock in his eyes. He shrugged and shook his head. "It's alright, new time look where you're going, daydreamer." The guy spoke in a soft English accent. You blushed and smiled. "Will do.." You replied before slowly walking away, keeping your eyes on him for a couple seconds more before looking forward, feeling incredibly embarrassed.

a couple minutes later your friends joined you and handed over a sparkly fruity drink, you and your friends had settled in a stop not to far from the stage but not too close as to where it was impossible to not bump into other people while dancing. "English? you don't see a lot of those around here.. anyway was he hot?" Natali asked after you told your girlfriends about the embarrassing event. You bit your lip and chuckled. "Well, yeah-" your friends interrupted with whooping and squeals of excitement. You covered your face to hide your embarrassment.

The day grew older and night began to fall; the music only seemed to get better, the warm sun on your skin being cooled by a slight breeze, good drinks and your favorite people around was the perfect mix for a great day turning into night. Dancing like no one was looking while slightly tipsy felt almost magical with the sunset in the background. Natali pulled you in to tell you she and the girls were getting refills before walking off. You nodded mindlessly as you kept swaying to the music like everyone else around before feeling a tap on your shoulder.

You turned and there he was again. "If that isn't the daydreamer." He said with a cheeky smile as he seemed to mimic your airy moves. You smiled and nodded, feeling a little flustered. "David.." he said while taking your hand gently and placing a kiss atop it. "(y/n)." You replied, turning his hand around and doing the same. "Bold, i quite like that.." David said before pulling your arm up to make you spin around while keeping his body movie. "Good." You chuckled and moved in sync with him to the music.

He obviously wasn't sober either but, compared to other guys here, you felt safe with him. Something about his presence radiated warmth. Could just be the heat and the drinks, or the way his long hair frames his face. His gaze was locked in on you but in an adoring way rather than a predatory way.

"What brings you here? Apart from your great musical taste.." David asked with a chuckle as he pulled you close so he could tell you close to your ear. "My friends, they got me entree for my birthday which was last week." You replied smiling. David raised a brow and slightly turned his head to place a gentle peck on your cheekbone. "Well happy birthday.. I'm glad your friends brought you here." He said before leaning back with a smile. Even though he sounded so confident, his smile looked shy, like he was hiding a bigger smile.

Not another word was spoken after, just swaying to the music with only eyes for eachother. For a moment your eyes wandered and you saw your friends in the back, staring at you and the mystery guy, they were smiling and whooping but it could barely be heard over the music, being so close to the stage. You cracked a smile and looked down. "What's going on?" David asked softly and leant down to try and catch your gaze again. "My friends, don't mind them." You said as you lifted your head again. David looked over his shoulder, swiping his hair out of his face, seeing the group of girls. He smiled as he saw their excitement before returning Hsi attention back to you. "Looks like a fun bunch." "They sure are."

"Looks like they don't mind me stealing you for a while.."

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