perfume overdose

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As David sauntered in, followed in by a few autograph hounds, he turned to sign what they wanted before security ushered him inside to his desired location, the perfume counter. He bit his lip at the attractive woman in the suit jacket and skirt before ringing the bell upon the counter. "Excuse me, miss? Could you help me?" You look up from your little notes and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear as you looked up at him, inhales sharply as you smile a little suprised. "Of course Sir, what can I do for you?" You pushed your notes to the side as you felt your heart beat in your throat. A small breathy laugh left him as he smiled up at you from his slightly bent over position on the counter, his head propped on his hand. "I need to buy two bottles of perfume for two different ladies. I believe you would know what a woman likes, tell me. What's your favorite? Chanel? Dior? Calvin Klein?" "Hm, that's a difficult question..uhm I think, right now, my favorite is Jadore Dior. It's a very strong and, how I like to say it, love intoxicated one. Would you like to smell a sample?" You walked from behind the counter with tour hands on your back before leading him to one of the tables. You pick up the tall bottle and grabs a tester stroke to softly spray it on, you wave the paper to make the scent less strong and holds it out with trembling fingers for David.

David smirks as he takes the slip from your fingers and wafts it slowly in front of his nose. Nodding, he smiles and closes his eyes. "That's lovely. I'll take a bottle of that and in the box. What else might you suggest for a very dear person?" "Could you maybe tell me more about this person?" You said as you bend over to grab the little box of coffeebeans and holds it under his nose. "Sniff this, ot makes the strong scent dissapear." You chuckle softly and tilt your head. "Thank you," he says softly, almost purring. He sets your hands with the box down before pursing his lips in thought. He stood at his full height with his arms crossed over his chest. "She's very sweet and spunky. I owe her a great deal and she means an awful lot but I don't want to send the wrong message because we aren't like that. She's selfless and she isn't self absorbed," he paused briefly before nodding as he thought the woman in mind's characteristics, his dear assistant Coco. "She isn't the kind of person to be absorbed into fashion of the popular style, she has her own and she's also a very busy woman." You suck onto your bottom lip for a second before turning on your heel to open a glass cabinet and grabbing a matte soft green tinted bottle before walking back to him. "Calvin Klein One? This is one which has been on my makeip table for some time now and I love it. It is a clean and fresh scent, just imagine the tiny raindrops on the leaves in the morning after it rained." You let out a soft giggle before spraying another paper. "I'm actually wearing it right now and it brings me at ease somehow. Perfect for a busy woman." You wink and holds to paper under his nose.

He sniffs lightly before smiling broadly. "That's her to a T. A refreshing slightly feminine presence. I'll take this and if you would please wrap this for me, I'd like to purchase them." "Of course." You settle down the bottle before walking back to to the counter and grabbing two boxed and untouched versions of the perfumes and wraps them into some silver paper. "That will be..£56.00 with inclusive 50% procent off." You smile brightly and puts them in a paper bag. David pulls out his wallet and then his charge card before smiling. He balances his weight on his arms as he lifts himself from the counter closer to you as you turn from the card machine to him. "The first one's for you," he whispers in your ear before quickly kissing your cheek, taking his card from your hands.

Your lips part in slight shock as he leans back. "T..Thank you, but really, I can't take t..that." You smile weakly, trying not to freak out, as you hold up the bag for him and holding the counter with your free hand. David smirks as he pulls the box of Dior from the bag. "Yes you can," he whispers. "It's a present. You can help me with one more thing." He moves closer to you again as he tilts his head. "What is it?" You clear your throat as you try to keep up your smile while screaming on the inside. "Come to my place tonight with me," he whispers before licking his lips. "Go to dinner or a movie or a club. Anything. What time do you get off?" "4pm, a half an hour. B..but I thought there was a dear someone?" You say now lightly grinning as you look down while tapping your fingers on the glass counter. "Be that dear someone for me," he whispers as his fingertips trace down the black sleeve of your blazer. "Okay, I mean..I'm the only one working today, I coild close the shop earlier." You raise your eyebrow and reaches under the counter to grab your own Calvin Klein to spray your neck and wrists. "What do you think?" "It's very pretty. I take that as a yes?" "Let's go, shall we?" David holds out his arm for you to hold after closing the counter. He grabs the bag and waits patiently. "Where to first?" You holds onto his arm after grabbing yohr coat and purse. "There is a nice club just around the corner where we can eat or something."

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