Tutor love birds

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(WE'RE BACk,, kinda.. 🙂)

You just finished tutoring some kids about Math as you walked down the empty corridor you passed a full classroom. You stepped to the door and carefully watched through the window to see David standing there, your husband. You were the "cool couple" and you were both "down" with the kids....somehow. You looked around to catch a pupil looking at you, to make it not more awkward you knocked on the door.

David looked up from his wire framed glasses and smiled as he waved at you to come in. "Come on in, love," he said affectionately before opening the door and wrapping an arm around your waist."Hi babe, did I interupt you? I mean you still have," you said looking down at your watch before into the class and up to him. "40 minutes left." You smiled and patted his hand."We don't mind. Do we class?" He asked his pupils, all of them shaking their heads or smiling. "We were just playing a game," explained a student.You smile and let's go of him to walk to his desk and put tour bag down. "What game? I'm down." You chuckle as you leaned against his desk. "Just a little trivia. You've already seen my questions and answers," he said as he stood by the desk, looking to you from the side before looking back to his class smiling.

"Alright, last question and then I'll let you work on homework in class. What is the type of government which governs China?" "Bóring! Don't be so dusty, professor Jones." You grin and giggles."They have to know this for the test. Anyone care to answer?" He asked one student raised her hand. He pointed to her and nodded. "The Communist Government of the People's Republic of China." David smiled and nodded. "Very good. And you'll have to name their branches of government and political parties on the test."

You nodded and applaud. "Good, good job." You walked towards David and held onto him. "Now I have a question for you, want to have lunch with me?"A few laughs could be heard between students as well as a few "awes" but David ignored them, smiled, and kissed your nose. "Yes. Did I answer correctly teacher?" He teased. "Well, almost.. you forgot to add that you will pay like always." You chuckle. "Points for trying though? Right?" He asked hopefully before patting your cheek. "Fine." You sighed and put your ard around him. "I love you." You whispered. "Love you too," he whispered quickly before snatching a kiss on the cheek. "See you in the lounge in ten? I might let the class go early."You nod as you look at the pupils. "Yea, they deserve it." You shrug before reaching for your bag and waving at the class. "I suppose we will see each other again soon, bye."

"Bye, " they all shouted before David laughed and shut the door, holding a finger to his lips for the class to quiet down a tad.Someone raised their hand. "Professor can we go now? We can all imagine you can't be mate on your date with Miss.Jones." "Five more minutes or else other teachers will see you out too early and get me in trouble," he joked lightly before grabbing his bag and stuffing it full of papers. "You can pack up now if you like."The pupils started to put their stuff back in their bags and started to softlt chat with each other before someone raised their hand again. "Sir? For how many years have you and Miss.Jones been married?" "About four. Why?" He sat in his chair and grinned.

"Just because, could you tell is about it?" "About being married? It's wonderful. It's like having an incredibly fun time or comforting moment with your best friend. My wife has become my best friend and we don't do everything together because she needs her space and I need mine but whenever we can we go out enjoy things. We like to take walks in the park and one year we signed up for couple's dance classes." "That sounds nice, do you have children together? Or Pets?" Another student asked."No children, yet but, we're thinking about it. We do however, have a cat named Piddles and a Japanese fighting fish named Victor." He smiled as he emptied out a drawer and pulled out two confiscated items. "Come get your items, Thomas and Sanjay." The two walked over and collected their stuff before walking back. "Can we go now, Mr.Jones? Please?" "Yes, go ahead," he said in a bit muffled of a voice as he bent over to reach for his book which had slipped under the desk. The pupils quickly got up and walked out, the classroom slowly got empty again. From almost chaos to complete silence.

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