Chapter 6~ Good-bye

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 I walked into my father's office expecting him to somehow put today's events all on me, as if it were my fault. He cleared his throat,” is it true?”
I know he must've felt it through our link, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself. “ No Sir.” I told him. The expression on his face, was a mix between anger and fatherly. “ What do you mean, No? You forget, I'm not only your father, but I'm also your Alpha!! Don't tempt my patience right now.” He snapped at me.

 “I…. I don't know, me and my wolf both felt it father. She IS our MATE. But she is human, how is that possible? Alastair, couldn't sense her wolf. It's impossible for a wolf, especially an Alpha to have a human mate.” I expressed to my father, hoping maybe he had answers. He started pacing back and forth, with his arms crossed above his chest and one of his hands rubbing his go- tee. The look of concern, splashed across his face.

 “Sit boy.” He demanded. Doing as I was told, I sat in one of the black leather chairs across from his desk. Waiting for more information, perhaps his Beta found out her name At least. “ You are to finish your schooling here, I have men out there tracing your last steps. I'm aware you broke the number one rule. NEVER shift in front of humans!! Thankfully, my men are trained to handle the situation when it arises. You are to forget about Katherine, and move on. I don't believe what you felt was the mating bond. It was fear and concern for a life.” I cut him off before he could finish. I knew that was a mistake, but I didn't care.

 “Katherine?” I said with an adorn look across my face.  Wrong move, I felt my father's fist collide with my jaw. “I said forget about her!” My father yelled, basically foaming out of his mouth. If looks could kill, my father would be dead right now. I gave him the “don't fucking touch me again look” and I could see his pupils glow with a hint of red. The voice that came out of me was not from but from Alastair. “ If you ever disrespect me or my Mate again, I will kill you on the spot! If you think I couldn't take your weak wolf, try me! The only reason, I haven't ripped your fucking throat out, is because you are Kareem's father, which is also a part of me. You will not stand in the way of our Mate! "

  Before I could try to take back over, Alastair shifted and hovered over my father. I could feel my father's wolf debating whether he wanted to accept the challenge or back down. His Beta and Gamma were already in wolf form, no doubt mind linking their Alpha to see what they should do. Alastair's snout opened, revealing glistening sharp canines while a deep threatening growl reverberated throughout the pack house. Then he jumped out his father's window, and took off through the woods, headed toward the hospital.

  Once the hospital came into view, Alastair stood at the edge of the tree line and let Kareem shift back to his human form to take over. “ We need to calm ourselves first before we go in. We will talk later about what just happened with my father” I told Alastair. 

  We walked into the front entrance, and was greeted by a friendly receptionist. “ How may I help you, today sir?” She asked. “ Yes mam, I'm looking for the girl I saved from the burning school today… Her name is Katherine. I'm sorry, I don't know her last name. I truly need to make sure she's okay.” I replied. The receptionist looked up at me in “awe”, her expression making my stomach want to vomit all over it. “ Let me call up to her nurses station, and verify if she's allowed visitors. “ Moments later she put the receiver down and said, "come dearie, they will allow you to see her. After all you saved her life. I'll escort you to her now, so follow me.”

  On the way up, I couldn't help but wonder what I would tell her. A million questions I needed answers too, that I just didn't know how to ask.
When we reached her floor, the smell of the human world was gut-wrenching. Took everything in me to keep moving forward. The smell of honey-suckles lingered, I tapped into my wolf sense and could see the trail of her scent. I followed it to her room and what I saw changed my life forever.

  Katherine was still unconscious, which startled me. The nurse who came in said it was just the medicine, she's asleep. They wanted to help keep her comfortable and let her rest. She will make a full recovery, the oxygen is helping to get rid of the leftover smoke fumes in her lungs. She was lucky I saved her in time, a couple more minutes than she wouldn't have made it. The nurse said she may or may not remember what happened, it's hard to tell. I asked if I could have a few moments alone with her. The nurse said of course, and also informed me that I was her only visitor.

 When she left, I immediately went to her bed side. Looking down, Katherine looked like the perfect Angel. I'd do anything to see her eyes. But being with her even now, is enough to calm my wolf. I wanted so bad, to reach out and touch her dirty blonde hair. It looked as if it were made from silk. Her skin, I could only imagine felt softer than a feather. Her Honey-suckle scent filled my nose, and you'd swear I was already in love. I could hear the soft beating of her heart as it played the most beautiful lullaby to my ears that I've ever heard. I took in everything of my mate, and memorized every little detail.

  Not only that, but I hated to leave her side, but the longer I stayed. The more it was to resist her. She needed her rest. I'm just a stranger to her, but in time that will change. I was determined. “ Goodbye my love, you may not know this now. You are MINE, and I'll protect you and be with you until the day I die. When the time is right, and I have more answers to whom you really are. I will come for you, I'll stay in the shadows until it's our time. “ I whispered in her ear, before exiting her room.

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