Chapter ~54 White Flames

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Katherines Pov:

My world seems so distant, almost non- existent. I must be in a far away dream, lost in this void. One minute, I was doubling over in fiery pain, and the next I'm surrounded by complete darkness.

The faint voice repeating, " I've got you, I've got you", begins fading into the abyss.  " Whose there"? I yelled out to the unknown. Instead of a response, something or someone begins tugging me from behind. I spun around to see who or what, but I was met with an invisible force. No one is there. What the hell? Then, it happened again, this time from all directions. Fire erupts in my chest, looking down, I see a bundle of white flames crackling to life. The light illuminating my translucent body. " What the fu.."

The words cut off from my lips, as an explosion of light burst forward. So bright, that I had to shield my eyes with my arms. Which didn't help, since my body is that of a Ghost. Left with no choice but to look, I seen Whit, my wolf walking towards me, glowing like the Aurora Borealis, also known as The Northern Lights, that light up the night sky in Alaska. She has to be the most beautiful thing, that I've ever seen.

"Whit, what's going on"? I asked my wolf as she approached. Standing on all four paws, and three times my size. She lowered her head down to my  level. I rested my forehead against hers, and we stared into each others eyes. " why does this feel like a goodbye"? I whispered. She closed her eyes, and I wrapped both of my arms around her neck, burying my tears into her fur. " don't leave me... Please don't leave me." I begged her. " I won't let you go. We are one, you and I. I can't live without you. We can fight this together. We have too. We need more time. If you go, then I follow."

My wolf whined softly, and I could feel her pain, with my own.

The tugging began to happen again. " No.. NO.. NO!" I held on as tight to my wolf as I possibly could. " I won't let go! I'll never let you go!  Do you understand that?! I'll NEVER let you go! "

The walls around us started to shimmer and crack. I held on to my wolf, refusing to let her go. I cried harder, knowing that this is the end. Confused on how we ended up here to begin with. Nothing is making any sense. If my wolf dies, than that means I'll no longer be mated to our mates. I'll no longer have my best friend, my wolf.

" Whit, what happened to get us here?" I asked her. My wolf opened her eyes to my question, and I couldn't help but to look into them. In her eyes, replayed our final memory. The betrayal of my father and mother. The price of their selfishness. A life for a life. It's not fair. That should be on them, not us. The last thing my wolf showed me, was my swollen stomach and the water pooling around our feet on the floor. " The pups.." I whispered to her in realization. She nodded her head. It started to make sense to me now, as to why she was sacrificing herself to save them. I just held onto her tighter and cried harder.

" I don't want you to go. I know you're only doing this to protect us all. I want you to know, you'll always be my best friend. No one will ever compare to you Whit. I love you with every essence of my being. Without you, I'll always be incomplete. Thank you will never be enough for the sacrifice you are making."

The final tug, yanked my wolf from between my arms. Kicking and screaming out for my wolf. I wasn't ready, I'll never be ready. Staring at her as she bowed her head one last time. Seeing the love, the pride, the respect, the sacrificing, in her eyes. I watched as she raised her head to the sky, and let out the most precious howl of her life. her final goodbye.

The walls exploded in flashes of white. Whit and I was flown backwards.  In an instant, two white silhouettes holding hands descended from what used to be the ceiling. It was mesmerizing. It was to bright to make out their faces. I searched the room for my wolf. As soon as she came into my view, I jumped to my feet and took off into her direction. Upon reaching her, I threw myself at  her and wrapped my arms around her neck yet again. I hugged and kissed her.

Two hands reached out and grasped either side of my shoulders, trying to pull us apart. " NO! I won't let her go. I won't let her leave me. You can take us both!" I cried out.

" My love, It is but us. Cas and I ." A familiar voice spoke from behind me. I shook my head, " It's impossible. Please don't take my wolf from me. Take my father. Take my mother. This is all their faults, not hers!" I pleaded .

" Beautiful, we are here for both of you. No one here is going to die today. Not you, your wolf, Kareem, Myself, or our wolves. " Cas spoke.  At the sound of his promise, I turned my head around to face both of them.  It can't be real. Yet, here they both stood.

Both men wrapped Whit and I into one giant bear hug. Taking comfort in their embrace, and still having my wolf at my side, I was definitely not expecting to have my tears licked away by another wolf. Wait. Another wolf?  Pulling away from the bear hug, I spotted two giant Wolves staring at me, while wagging their tails.

"Xavier!", "Alastair!" . I screeched. Apparently, my wolf decided to be me to the punch. She darted out from the men and tackled both of her mates.   I watched as our wolves nipped at each other's ears, and played like puppies. Wasn't too long after, the men stood on either side of me. Each one wrapping an arm around my waist. All three of us, watching our wolves.

Crossing my arms, to break through the laughter, I asked. " So... Who wants to tell me what the hell is going on?  Since when, did you two Alphas become best friends. If this show is all in my head, and I'm dreaming. I need to know now.  "

At my questions, our wolves stopped wrestling and playing around and sat down in front of us, staring us down as they perked their ears, while tilting their heads waiting for answers.

Kareem was the first to speak. " It's a long but short story. We realized in order to save both you and your wolf, that we needed to come together. "

" Don't forget, we learned about a way to break the spell." Cas butted in.

When I say, my jaw hit the floor. It hit the floor. " Wait, what? How?" I asked.

" It's simple. " Cas said. " We found a loophole with the spell."

I turned around to face both of my mates. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A loophole? Is that even possible?

" The spell called for one life for another. So, basically you and your wolf makes two souls. That's why on the surface, you were still alive. Because on the inside, both you and your wolf were fighting for who lived, and who dies. If your true mates, and their souls were to merge into your life force. It's possible to over throw the spell. Think about it. Each of us have two souls. The soul as a human, and the soul as our wolf.  If you add all the souls here now, there's six. The spell only needed one. Therefore, having six souls combining should break the spell. " Kareem explained.

" Okay... What about the pups? I had five pups inside me. Wouldn't that had made it twelve including mine and my wolf's? That's more than what's here now. How come that didn't work on the spell?" I asked seriously. 

" The spell doesn't work on innocent lives. All five pups were born healthy and alive. So, that meant, it was up to you and your wolf. " Cas explained.

" Wait, how were you two able to join me? Please tell me you're not dead!"

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