Chapter 32~ I'm your Luna

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 Guards were positioned all along the front and surrounding areas. I could feel the majority of them looking at me as I began my walk to the entrance of the Mansion. When I approached the two guards that stood on either side of the large white doors, they hesitated opening the door.

 I get it, I'm new, and their Alpha should be the one walking through these doors, if not without me than beside me. One of them looked at me and asked for my name. He was a bit taller than the other guard. Muscles similar to Kareem's, I guess all werewolves were built muscles upon muscles. “Luna, Katherine Baskerfield. I am mated to Alpha Kareem Huxley of the Huxley pack. “ I replied with authority in my voice.

 They looked back and forth between me and each other. I was about to just say fuck it and walk in anyway, until Sov came up behind me. He whispered in my ear,” show them the mate mark.”
I turned my head to give him a look, like seriously, but he just nodded his head forward telling me to do it.

 I reached up to the collar of the shirt, and yanked it down just enough to show them the mark Kareem had left in the crease of my neck and collar bone. The same guard approached me and sniffed the area, it sent cold shivers down my body. When he pulled his head back, his pupils looked blown. He dropped to one knee, and bowed his head before apologizing. “ I'm sorry My Luna, I was not aware. Please forgive me for my actions.”

 I told him he was forgiven. The rest of the guards around that were in my view, all bowed their heads showing respect for their Luna. The guard that was still bent on one knee, jumped up and opened the door for me to enter. “ Thank you.” I told him as I walked into the magnificent lobby, with Sov behind me.

 I would have loved to just stand here and take in this view. I mean it's incredible. There's two rows of what looked to be white marble staircases extended before me, curving up to the middle where another row curved and extended upwards to another level. 

 All the chatter that was going on before I walked in, changed to utter silence. All eyes were on me, the adrenaline had vanished replaced with a dry hard lump stuck in my throat. My body stilled, as my nerves started to overwhelm me. I could still feel Sovs' presence beside me, without having to look.

 I kept telling myself I could do this, I could do this. Not only that, but I needed to do this, I needed to prove my worth if not to this pack, or to my mate, than to myself. I deserved that much. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat, and spoke to the hundreds of eyes before me.

 " I am Luna Katherine Baskerfield, I am mated to Alpha Kareem Huxley of the Huxley pack. I know this comes as a shock to all of you before me, believe me when I say that I am just as shocked as all of you, if not more. Your Alpha, my mate felt it was for the packs own safety, along with my own to keep my identity secret. I am not here to cause chaos among you all, I am here to find Your Alpha, and my mate. My identity is of no secret anymore, as this packs safety has been breached. I only ask that you all will trust me and not to cause any more chaos. I hope to meet you all properly once I bring your Alpha back home. Until then, I have important matters to attend to. Before I go, here is your proof I can sense you're wanting to see.” I once again showed off Kareem's mark, this time proudly as I felt a surge of accomplishment course through me.

 After what seemed like forever of people staring, they turned back around and continued their chatter. Only a select few bowed their heads towards me. Which is fine, I know I'll have to earn their respect. I took this opportunity to follow Sov up the giant marbled stairs to Kareem's office where guards and the doctor we're waiting for me.

 I walked into the room and everyone stood and bowed their heads in respect. Furthermore, I noticed that the guards in the room were the same ones with Kareem the day I let Whit take over, and she bit him on the ass. I remember the doctor from before in the bathroom in his secret den.

  Great, I didn't need to reintroduce myself, it's honestly exhausting.

  " I know you guys have told what happened over and over again, along with statements. But I need you to tell me what happened, and if you can think of anything unusual that stood out. “ I told the tired men before me.

 I looked at the doctor next," I found a syringe outside the border, that has dry blood on it. I need you to run some samples and see if you can find out what Kareem was injected with, and if you can match the blood on the syringe to him. “

 Sov cleared his throat, and gave me a look then looked at the syringe. “ Oh, by the way Doctor. I'll have to hold the syringe while you process everything. “ She raised her eyebrows with questionable look.  I rolled my eyes as I showed all of them, how the syringe disappears when it's not in my hands.

 " Sov and I don't understand it either. I do, however, think we require the Witch that was with us the night I first met you. It could have something to do with magic, and she could be a key to this mystery.” I spoke as I looked from Sov to the Doctor.  They can't expect me to know her name, hell I don't even know the doctor's name. I just keep calling her doctor.


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