Chapter49~ Run!

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  Shuffling around the room in search of some clothes or something I could use to cover up my naked body from all eyes in the room to see.  Wasn't much hope for anything. " Shit". I huffed out.  Only option I have is for Whit to shift us into our wolf form. I'm trying to avoid having to keep resorting to that, for the sake of the lives growing inside of our belly.  While I stood trying to use my hands and arms to shield my father from seeing my bare skin, a shimmering light started dancing across my skin and clothes began to appear.

Umm... Okay that's new. Did I really just do that? I looked up at my father who still stood in front of my mother, who now was on her knees crying into her palms.  He glanced back at me before speaking, " I would have pulled my eyes from their sockets if they laid on your bareness. I contoured you some clothes, with magic".

I let out an awkward laugh at his serious tone. I mean, I get it. I wouldn't want my father to see my birthday suit, and I can imagine how awkward and uncomfortable that would be for both of us.

" Thanks. So what's the plan? What are we going to do with her?" I asked. He lifted an eyebrow and looked down at the woman crying at his feet. He sighed as he looked back at me.

" I will handle her. But first we need to approach this cautiously. The world needs to know the truth. A truth that she will tell them herself. There's a bunch of people who believe me to be dead for over two decades. I will place a magic spell on your mother to keep her quiet, almost sedative until we need her.  I, however need only to ask a favor of you. "

  I nodded my head in agreement. Shit really did hit the fan, and the worse has yet to occur. I still have to find my best friend, along with my mates. Gah! My head is spinning from all the drama and mess I got myself into.  Now how the hell am I supposed to get out of this?

" Before asking of your favor. Just know, I didn't expect any of this to happen. I'm still new to this world. I have millions of questions, that are needed to be asked. I will save them for now, for BOTH of you except one. Can you help me find what she did with my Mate and his Beta?"   I tried so hard for my voice to have a begging tone, when asking my father where they were.  

" The Beta and your Mate are here in this room. Your mother casted a magical barrier wall. She wanted them to see your final moments, and drive them to insanity. She never wanted you to be happy. There is a lot of things your mother has taken from you, that even you are unaware of. It will all come to light when she tells everyone what she has done. I'm assuming she didn't know you found your soulmate and already mated until she felt your energy.  "

The words left his lips as panic creeped up my spin. Shit...shit..shit! So much for me telling Kareem, that I am also now mated to Castiel. Wait.. if both of them are in this room, that means my best friend seen me naked! Oh, my fu-...

  " Katherine, Get out of your head and check on them." My father demanded as the shimmering magical glass shattered onto the floor.  Silver eyes barely visible through the redness consuming them, was beaming right at me. That look, and those eyes told me all I needed to know. My body was shaking the closer I managed to get my feet to slide in front of the other, towards both of the men chained to the wall. When I reached them, I released my best friend first. He seemed like the lesser pissed off wolf in the room, he actually was thankful and wrapped me in a tight wolf man hug.

  I watched as Sov approached my father and shook his hand thanking him for saving my life, along with theirs. The moment would have been fudging "fantastic" , if the other wolf in the room wasn't here.  I turned my head back around, trying to avoid looking at him. So many emotions flowing through me. I wanted to laugh, cry, beat the living hell out of Kareem, hug him, kiss him etc.  " Chicken shit". Whit murmured inside my head.

  Technically, yes you could say at this very moment, that I am a chicken shit. There's no telling what unleashing this pissed off wolf will do.  Maybe I should leave him chained up here, just until he calms down, or ask my father to see if he could use some mojo magic and knock his ass out. You know... For all our safety. ( 😂. ) Actually that sounds like the best idea, " hey dad do you think..."  I was trying to ask my father before Kareem interrupted my question with his deathly growling.

( 😅). " Heh! Umm.. don't eat me". I said nervously to my mate, as I looked up at his face.  Damn. He didn't find that comment funny. I was hoping for a comeback. You know something sexy. Instead, I got more growling.  Our faces now, inches apart. I could feel the heat of his intense breathing hitting me in waves after waves. The vibrations of his chest, as the growling became deeper. Left without any other option, I stood on my tip toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and darted out of the room, while yelling at my father to give me a head start before releasing Kareem.



   Was it adrenaline, fear, or the needing to be stalked and chased as a prey that had me running a hundred miles an hour in the opposite direction from Kareem?  I had no plans of stopping. The more distance between us right now, the better. Well, that was until my body came crashing into Castiels.  Double Fucks!

  Damn, I was really out of breathe and out of shape. The hit itself about knocked me out. My lungs were fighting for air as Castiel asked if I was okay and why I was running like my life depended on it.  He looked me up and down and checked what he could of my body without stripping my clothes off.  Only words I was able to spit out between deep breaths were " Kareem knows... Gotta run." He kissed me with so much passion, my body wished he could take me here and now.

  I broke the kiss off and gave him a look that said I'll be okay, before returning to my game of chase with Kareem. My legs were burning all over, and my body was beginning to ache. I wanted to just stop running and take a break. But I couldn't. Kareem's loud howl echoed through the trees, alerting me that he was now freed and on the hunt. He was in wolf form, and Alastair was taking my challenge.

  As much as I wanted to just give up and let him have me, I couldn't. If I can make it back to the pack house before him, then hopefully the run will calm them both down.  Catching my breath, I hauled ass. If he wants me, then he's going to have to catch me. 

  Hours passed, and Kareem was getting closer. My body was numb with pain all over. I kept having to look down to see if I was even still running. The pack house came into view. I used the last little bit of energy to force myself to continue. Kareem let out another howl, he was close, really close. I couldn't tell if the beating sound was my heart against my chest, or his paws beating the earth beneath them.  Whit never asked to take over this entire run.  She knew that we've done enough that's already caused more damage then we should have.

  My legs gave out just as I barricaded our bedroom door before Kareem's howls bounced off every wall in the pack house. A cool breeze hitting my drenched skin, reminding me that the window was still busted. Crawling on my hands and knees to the bed, I was able to pull myself on to it. The need to rest and sleep overwhelmed me. I let the darkness consume me, no longer caring about the chase. It's pulls were to powerful, and I was too weak to fight sleep.

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