Chapter 51~ Kat & Cas

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  After dismissing both of my mates, I asked my best friend Sov to help me back to my room. I couldn't stand being in the same room as both of them. I also wanted to talk to him one on one and find out what had happened, and to check on how he was doing. I just wanted his comfort. He never lies to me, or  keeps things from me like Kareem does.  Sov actually cares, and I can confide in him about anything. I want his opinion on my love triangle going on. Fuck, everything just seems like to much.

  We stopped by the kitchen per Sovs demand that I eat something. Cream cheese bagels seemed to be the only appetizing thing in the whole kitchen. He grabbed the food supplies along with some orange juice and placed them in a tote bag so he could toss it over his arm and still help me to my room.  Exiting the kitchen, he took us a different direction than where my room was.

" Where are we going? My room is the other way." I asked him.  He stopped and looked down at me and spoke.

" Your room has a busted window and isn't safe for you. You need to be on the lower floor level without stairs. Alpha arranged for you to have your own suite. It's not completely done yet, but you shouldn't mind the coming and going for awhile. I'll be there with you to help keep you company. You know... It was Castiels idea . 😅 . It was the one thing they both agreed too when it comes to you."

"Oh.." was the only thing I was able to reply.  So if it wasn't for Castiels concern about my safety, then Kareem was going to keep me in our room with glass everywhere?  Would Kareem have even stayed in there with me, or left me alone?  What is his fucking problem? He's sweet and caring one minute, then hateful and dangerous the next.  Is this his way of showing love?

*Sigh*  I have other things to occupy my mind right now.  Sov took us to the east wing of the pack house. From what he said,  this wing hasn't been used in decades for anything other than storage. There used to be a nursery for all the pack pups. He pointed at several doors aligning the hallway, "those rooms used to be for schooling.  Each door held different grade levels. Ah.. and here.... This room, is now your room".       

  He opened the door and I was almost blown away.  The room was magnificent. It looked fit for a queen. Creamy lavender drapes mixed well with the soft plush of light grey carpet. The furniture in the room was all deep cherry oak and hand carved. Walking towards the bed, my fingers itching to run across the engravings in the headboard.  In the middle of the wood was a carving of a Luna wolf who held her body like she held all the power. Her head was  in sync with the crescent moon. The more I stared at the wolf, the more I got lost in the eyes looking back at me. I swore the wolf bowed her head at me before going back to the statue mode she was engraved in.

  Sov interrupted to say, " over here is where we are needing your help to decorate".

I looked at him confused, " decorate for what?"

He smiled as he shook his head before saying, "the nursery silly. Have you forgotten about the little pups in your belly?"

" Oh... Of course not. But hey, do you think that I could just take a quick nap before we talk about everything? I have a feeling I'm going to need the energy to go over nursery ideas."

  Sov smiled again, and helped me to the bed to lay down. He even tucked me in like a child. I swear when he finds his mate, she will be spoiled and super lucky to have a man like my best friend.  I really am thankful for meeting him and growing so close to him. Other than my pups, he is the best thing about coming into the wolf world.  I watched as he exited the room quietly, and my mind went to Castiel as I dozed off.

So, before I start the next part. I want to add the Artist, and the song I'm currently listening to, as I write Kats and Cas part. It's NOT my song lol. Just have to state that. It's just the music choice for this next piece.  "Surrender", by : Natalie Taylor.

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