Chapter34~ Liars

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Katherine's POV:

   After holding the syringe, so the doctor could swab it. Then talking to each guard that was there, and comparing their words to what they previously stated in their statements. I was able to come to the conclusion that there was possibly very little magic involved. When the results came back for the blood, it indeed came back positive for Kareem's. Which, honestly I figured that it would be a match.

   The serum that was in the syringe came back as a strong knock-out drug mixed with wolfsbane, that not only knocked out my mate but his wolf too. I had called the same witch as my mate had called before from our neighboring pack. The same one who claimed her brother had helped saved me.

  Part of me wants to ask her if she knew my parents, my family, and my pack. But right now, I needed to focus on bringing back this packs Alpha. I'll have to save these questions for a later, more appropriate date.

   When she got to the pack house, Sov escorted her to Kareem's office where I sat waiting.  He told me that he would fill her in on the way up, because I looked exhausted and it was the least he could do. I was thankful for that, but there's still questions that need to be asked.

   When they arrived to the office, I could sense somewhat of a change in Sovs' Aurora. Was he terrified of the witch, or had she said something that terrified him?  The witch sat down adjacent to me, while she crossed her legs and rested her closed hands on top of her knees.

   " Could you examine this syringe, and tell what kind of spell was placed on it? I'm the only one who can see it. It disappears for everyone else when I'm not touching it. " I asked her.

  The Witch, nodded and opened her palms for me to place the object into. Once I did, she sniffed the syringe first before she mumbled a few words causing a purplish misty cloud to cover the syringe. " This was a weak spell. So whoever placed it, is either new to the crafting world or the spell was placed a long time ago. "

    For some odd reason, the witch kept looking back and forth from me and a beautiful painting of honeysuckles that hung on the wall behind me. Does she see something that I don't?  Perhaps she's just confused as I was when I first glanced around. I mean, a picture of honeysuckles has nothing to do with any of Kareem's decor. It honestly goes with nothing and just sticks out. Wait...

   After realization dawned on me, I immediately ran over to the painting. I used both hands to gently take it off the hook on the wall. " Holy fucking shit! There's a safe behind it." I mumbled out loud.  I quickly looked to Sov asking if he knew about it. Well of course he knew, he was Kareem's Beta for crying out loud.

  " Sov what's the passcode? It needs to be six numbers. " I asked him.  He looked at me while shrugging and said he didn't know. Seriously?! I highly doubt that, but what evs... I'll figure it out myself. Just gotta figure out dates of things, important things. I asked Sov at least a million different things, none of which worked. Shit, what the hell could it be?

  " Sov, this safe was behind a painting of honeysuckles. Does he have a thing for them, or is there a certain place he goes that has them. It could be the longitude and latitude coordinates to the place." I asked him. He stood there rubbing at his neck again, that's a dead give away, he knows something and doesn't know how to say it.

  I told him to spit it out already, Kareem's life is on the line and something could be in here to help give us more clues. He told me he didn't think it was a good idea. I marched over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the desk. " I am your Luna am I not? I tell you everything because you're my best friend. If you can't be honest with me and just fucking tell me, then I'll leave and you can find Kareem yourself ."

  I didn't want to hurt him. Hell I didn't want to be doing what I currently was doing to him. But I don't have the time nor do I have the fucking patience.

    " It's your scent. Your scent smells like sweet honeysuckles. It drives Kareem batshit crazy. He put that picture there to remind him of you while he waited. So, his passcode is your coordinates or whatever. I swear that I don't know what his code is.  " he argued. I let him go and ran over to the safe.

  So the code has to do with me. I tried the day we met at Luigi's, that didn't work. I even asked his Beta if he knew the date of the fire. That also didn't work. " My birthday!" I shouted out loud. Sure enough.. zero, five, one, four, nine, zero. The lights went green and we heard a click of unlocking metal.

  I opened the door to the safe, and reached my hand inside to grab out the items that laid inside. One by one I pulled them out, and laid them on his desk. When I was sure there was nothing left to take out, I walked back over to the pile.

   There was a package, I examined the outside and it had my name on it but no return address. Weird, I wonder who it's from. I sat it aside so that I could finish going through the rest. There's a diamond ring, probably a gift or family heirloom. An envelope of photos, which were all of me....umm... Not even gonna say that's not stalkerish. A newspaper about the fire at the school years ago. And then, there was a journal.

  I unclasped the leather strap, that wrapped and protected the pages. I'm not sure that I should be reading his private thoughts. My heart is racing and my hands are trembling. It just doesn't seem right, so I closed the journal and set it back to the side. I picked up the package, and opened it. A far familiar smell hitting my nostrils. I know this smell, but I just can't place how or what it is.

  Inside the package, there's a note addressed to me. I was assuming it was from my mate, along with the items inside. I mean, a creamy lavender dress.  One I would kill to put on right now!  There was a gorgeous golden necklace with a honeysuckle pendant. Then lastly, a picture fell out. It was a picture of at least forty people, all huddled together for the photo. The woman in the middle of the picture caught my eyes. She looked identical to me, except slightly older. 

  This couldn't be....could it? I frantically opened the letter and began to read it. Tears slipped and fell from the corners of my eyes as my eyes trailed the words before me. My real parents are alive, this whole time. And this wasn't a gift from my mate. Yet he kept this from me?! Kareem had lied to me once again. He's kept things from me that I should have. He's prevented me knowing really anything about this fucked up world.

  I looked up and yelled to everyone, including Sov to get the fuck out. I don't want to see anyone right now. Right now, I just need a few quite moments to myself to process all of this. Moments where I'm not being stared at and judged because I'm overreacting. I asked my wolf Whit, if she had been lying to me too. In the note it said she would know where to find them, but she apologized and said she didn't.

  All I wanted to do, was to hug myself tight in fetal position and cry it out. So that's what I did on the floor of Kareem's office. After some time, the world spun into darkness as I fell asleep.

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