Chapter 8~ Shopping ;)

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Back at home, caught in between the days events. Why is the universe pulling me to this man, one that I hardly know?

I can still feel his eye's boring deep into my soul. Can't wrap my head, around these emotions hitting me hard. Tracing the
sweet trail taste of our kiss, that lingered on my lips. Instantly sparking a reaction as if it just happened, the heat between my thighs blossoming. For now, I'll have to save all the confusion for another day. I'm completely drained, there's a dark empty room, with a bed covered in red velvet silk sheets calling my name.


Twisting and turning through every isle of this grocery store, forgetting what exactly it was that I came in here for. Ugh! It's been three weeks, since the meeting with Kareem at Luigi's. I've ignored every e-mail he has sent my way. The curiosity part wants to open them, but the confused part keeps me from doing so. Pushing forward, isle after isle, placing whatever looks good into my shopping buggy. Gripping the handle bar, as a tingling prickle creeps up my spine. My breast becoming tender, replacing my nipples with daggers. The sex between my legs swelling, causing a painful stir with every walk I take.

" Damn, what the hell is going on with me? The thought of Kareem sends my body over the edge, but this? Words alone couldn't express, whatever this is. My hormones are going in over drive. " I thought to myself.

Embarrassed from the current state of my body. Needing some kind of relief, even if it's a splash of cold water to the face. Dodging people, zooming through isles like an endless maze. Finally, reaching the grocery store restrooms, I parked the Shopping buggy outside. Opening the restroom door to see three bathroom stalls, peeking to see if there are feet belonging to anyone underneath each one.
Looks like I'm alone.
Reaching the bathroom sink, turning the knob to the cold water on and filling both hands with water. Drowning my face in the coldness, feeling as my body slowly calms back down. As I glance into the mirror to see my dampened face, a knock at the door startles me out of my daze. A man on the other side of the door, asking if there's anyone inside the restroom that the shopping buggy belongs to. "Yes, I'll be right out." I yelled out.

Sighing, I give myself one last look over in the mirror. Turning around, I'm met with this invisible wave of emotions hitting my whole body, not to mention my skin feels scorching hot. The bud between my legs, pulsating, aching, and swelling for the second time since being in this damn grocery store. Attempting once more to walk through the dizziness that consumes my body, I manage to enter the closest stall near me.

Struggling to unbuckle the smooth black leather belt hung around my waist, with much effort I somehow finally manage to pull the strap through the buckle. My vision blurring, as the intensity of fire rising and burning every inch of my inner core. If I don't get myself under control soon, I may not be able to see. Unzipping my jeans, I'm able to slip one hand into the plush pink laced undergarment. My fingertips finding the swollen bud, drowning in a puddle of sweet nectar. With every stroke, and every circular rub against my clit, feels like little bolts of lighting up my spine. Fighting back a moan that tries to escape from the stems of my being. Having no choice but to bite down on my wrist as everything around me is in a total blurred darkness. Except I can see Kareem's face looking back at me, begging for me to cum. Pushing my fingertips inside my swollen lips, the tightening contracting around them, while my thumb continues rubbing my clit. Body shaking as the flood releases me, from under this spell. Exhausted yet, so energized at the same time.
Afterwards, I Cleaned myself up before anyone walked in, that would surely be embarrassing sight to see I'm certain. Repeating the final look over in the bathroom mirror, pleading with the universe to let me make it out of this damn store.

Collecting my buggy and pushing forward to the check-out lane, trying to keep my composure as if I didn't just masturbate in their bathroom. Just thinking about it, my cheeks are reddened darker than a tomato. At last, I make it to my car without any more freaky shit happening and head home.

I collapsed on the floor as soon as I closed my front door, groceries falling out of the bags. No energy left to really care, I just sit there with my back against the coolness of the steel door. Mind racing, still attempting to process what the total fudge just happened. I can still see Kareem's face, the same face that was begging me to cum only an hour ago.

The sound of my ringtone going off in my purse, I don't really care, to be honest. But I let the curiosity win this time, I need the distraction. Using the fingerprint on the back of my phone to unlock it, I stare stunned at the notification alert on the screen. New E-mail from the man himself, Kareem...
Great, this is the last thing I need. Whatever If I respond, then maybe he will leave me the hell alone and this nightmare can go the fudge away for good.

I need to see you NOW!
Now Katherine!

"Wait, What? Who the fudge does he think he is? Fuck off! I don't..." I began yelling out loud in a rage before I was cut off, by some jerk off pounding at my door.

Jumping up and swinging open the door to see who the hell is outside my door, ready to cuss them out. The moment my door opened, I was pushed up against the door frame. Angry lips forcing their way onto mine, hungry strong arms pinning me against the steel. It all happening so fast, I felt a tight grip around my neck and a low growl of a males voice in my ear whispering." Did you enjoy yourself? I can still smell MY orgasm all over you. I didn't give you permission to pleasure yourself. You ARE MINE Katherine!" My body going numb with lightening bolts, the smell of his cologne teasing my nose. I knew without having to open my eye's that Kareem was the man who was pinning me against my door frame. Flashbacks of the incident in the Grocery Store now raddling my brain, so many questions. How did he know about that? No one else was in the bathroom with me. I can't even smell anything apart from his cologne, how the hell can he smell something that happened an hour ago? What does he mean "I'm His"?

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