Chapter 31~ Syringe

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  “STOP!!”  I yelled out to Sov just before we entered through the border. He slammed on the breaks, I didn't wait for the vehicle to come to a complete stop. I opened the door and jumped out. “ Whit I know you can feel this too, shift now!” I yelled to my wolf.

 My heart was racing. My body had frozen, like I had just been zapped right before I yelled at Sov to stop. I don't know what this feeling is in my gut, but I'm going to find out. Whit and I searched and searched trying to seek what this source is.

Finally, we found it. Whit dropped her snout to the object and sniffed. She let out a whine as we both knew what it was. It was a syringe that had dried blood on the needle. It was Kareem's blood. My insides started to feel like they were crushing in. The once thought to be a joke, now sinking into reality.

 Whit let out a loud howl, to let others know we had found something. Sov was the first on the scene. He had shifted into his wolf form as well. His wolf was a creamy colored light brown. His eyes were a lighter shade of brown, almost similar to yellow.  He looked down as whit patted the ground with her front paw.

 Sovs' wolf shook his head before shifting back into his human form. “ There's nothing here…” he placed a hand against his temple, was he upset with me? I can clearly see this object, why can't he?

 Whit let out a growl, and kept looking back and forth between the object and him. The patrol guards had made their way to us. We were still outside the packs border. We let out another growl, before whit bent her snout back down and carefully bit the syringe. She had successfully managed to grip it between her Caine's.

 She turned around, almost knocking one of the guards down with her tail. All eyes stared at Whit. Sovs' eyes looked as if they were about to bulge out of their sockets. “ Whit do you think they can see it now?” I asked my wolf. She replied with she hopes so. We may be crazy, but not today.

 " Someone go grab me a zip lock bag, quick.” Sov shouted to one of the guards.
Within no time, the same guard came back with one in his hand and handed it to him. “ Drop the syringe into this zip lock bag, gently please.” Sov advised.
So she did. Once it was in the bag, and out of her mouth. They all had the look on their faces like it disappeared again. What the fuck, I thought.

 Sov zipped the bag close. The guards still stood there staring. Were they staring at Whit or the bag? " Go gather some clothes that will fit your Luna, so she can shift back.” He ordered another guard. They nodded and left.

 Clothes were dropped at whits front paws, shortly after. She let out a small growl warning them to turn around, so we could shift. Once they weren't looking, Whit and I shifted, and I took back my human form. I quickly grabbed the clothes and put them on. They were baggy and soooo… Not my style of clothing, but I don't have time to complain.

 I cleared my throat, and they all turned back around to face me. A couple of them looked like they were blushing, or could have been embarrassed.  I stretched my arm out," hand me the bag.” I demanded, as I examined the syringe.

 " So… All of you can only see this when I'm touching it correct?” I asked, and They all nodded. Hmm… Definitely weird. “ I want to talk to the guards that were there, along with the pack doctor.” I ordered. They all bowed their heads, and said Yes Luna.

 Sov had spoken up after I was done and told the men to bring them to their Alphas office.  Once they left, he looked at me “you sure you're ready to meet everyone?” I gave him a death glare and walked ahead of him to the car.

 Once past the borderline, there stood a twenty foot at least black iron gate. It opened up and allowed us entry. We drove up to a turn about in front of an enormous gray mansion, that had to be at least four stories tall. It was truly breathtaking.

 One last look at Sov, worry on his face. One of the men came forward and opened my door. I stepped out, not sure if I was ready to do this, but I have to. You can do this, Whit chimed into my head. She gave me the extra boost I needed. God, what would I do without her?



Alright guys, I finally figured out how to add pictures. Lol. Above is the closest I could find of a mansion, that looks similar to what I Envision it to be.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! You can always leave me comments or questions if you wanted too…😜

Anyway, hope all is well. Thank you for continuing to read my book. Means a lot.

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