Chapter 11

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AN- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Anyways lol if you haven't noticed I changed the cover and description. In my opinion it is better... Tell me what you think! The picture for this chapter is Areth! I edited this picture from a blonde girl so that explains why her skin is somewhat yellow lol. For these next few chapters (next 2 about) I had a bit of writers block so it's not as good as I know it can be. Just stick through it because something major will happen!!! Anyway thx for those who keep reading!❤️ also... If I wrote another story would anyone read it? I will still be continuing this story for those who care, but I want to wrote a story about a girl who joins Thorins company, and they fall in love😍 I've been reading fanfics like that and omg I love them! Well... With out further a due...
🔹Chapter 11🔹

A mangled cry erupts from my throat as I watch a knife being driven through my fathers stomach. I try and run to him, but my feet are grounded. I try pulling my feet off the ground but they simply won't budge. I watch as mother faces off the Pale Orc that had just killed my father. I shout at her to stop, yelling and screaming, thrashing wildly, still trying to get my feet unstuck from the ground. I am still unsuccessful. I look up again in horror, as the Orc drives it's sword through my mothers head, her fiery red hair turns a dark crimson with blood. I scream until I can't any more. I yell and shout, shriek and cry, but nobody seems to hear. I soon give up, and fall down onto the cold, hard ground, my body falling hard, limp in the floor.

I snap awake, screaming for my father and mother. I try sitting up but when I move my leg, I feel pain sear through my limb. All of a sudden I realized what happened. My parents dying was only part of a nightmare.

My parents rush into the room, worried expressions on their faces. "Areth" father says, embracing me and placing a kiss on my forehead. "You finally woke up. We were worried you were in a coma". I gave him a confused look. "You were asleep for three days Areth" mother says softly, running her fingers through my tangly hair, not having been brushed since my incident in Mirkwood forest.

I use my hands to prop myself up against the pillow, being careful not to move my injured leg. I look around myself, seeing I am not in my room at home. I must have been brought to the hospital. "What happened after I passed out?" I ask. Mother sighs tiredly, "I ran as fast as I could with you in my arms all the way back. I brought you here worried it was a poisoned arrow, turns out it was. knowing healing, and saving your father from a morgul shaft before, I helped perform a healing spell to take the poison out".

"Is it out now?" I say worried. "Yes, but the dwarf healers want you here a little longer to make sure the wound heals" mother says reassuringly. Father takes my hand, squeezing it

. "I have to go work some more sadly", he says with a tired sigh, "this kingdom doesn't run it's self". He places another l
kiss on my forehead and walks out the door. "Will you be alright Areth?" Mother asks, obviously wanting to leave. "I'll be fine, I'm actually quite tried" I say, shooing her off. She gives me a grateful smile and walks off.

I toy with the edge of the sheets, wondering what had prompted the Orc to attack. Was there any others? Why did it shoot me instead of my mother? Where did it come from? I played with these questions in my head until I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes it seems to be night. I am awoken by a clatter of things around my room; a maid cleaning up things. "May I ask what time it is?" I say, causing the maid to turn her head. "Oh good, you're awake" she says. "It is around seven thirty at night, and your mother is coming back to take you home in a few minutes". I nod a thank you as she walks out of the room. I hear footsteps down the hall and then my mother and another dwarf woman appear in the doorway. The other woman must be the healer. "Areth, you are cleared to return home. I will give you some painkillers now, and allow you to take some home to take when your leg is hurting you" she says, busying herself by looking through a small cabinet on the wall. Returning to the bedside, she pulls out a bottle of a thick, green liquid. My jaws clench and my tongue tastes sour at the sight of it. "It won't taste the best, but it will really help the throbbing in your leg". She pours the sticky liquid onto a spoon and offers it to me to take. I reluctantly open my mouth, allowing the substance to slide down my throat. It tastes of dirt and something gone sour, and I gag a few times but manage to keep it down.

"Come now Areth" mother beckons, "it's getting late". I try standing up, worrying about the pain in my leg, but I am surprised that the feeling had been reduced to a dull throb. I start out behind her, giving a small nod of thanks to the healer woman. She gives the disgusting liquid to my mother and we leave.

As I limp down the halls of Erebor, I see a few people that I know... A few people that despise me. Boys from my classes point and whisper. The girls giggle at the sight of me taking my time to hobble through the halls. I try and put on a straight face, but their words really get to me.

"Even the orcs think she shouldn't exist"

"Dang it! I thought she wouldn't have to come back to class"

"The limp makes her look dumb"

Why must people be so cruel. Hot tears silently slide down my cheeks, and I look at the floor to avoid people from seeing them. I didn't ask to be this way. Why do they judge me for something that's not my fault.


I sat up straight, my legs crossed and lips closed. I was a good little student, always trying to be good to receive praise from the teacher. Even though I was almost always good, she barely ever said anything positive to me.

I was only five then, barely even able to count to ten or name colors. I didn't know that being of mixed blood was bad, and I thought I was like everyone else.

I was sitting in a circle like everyone else was, waiting for the teacher to come teach us something new. I felt a tap on my right shoulder and turned my head. "Why do your ears look like that?" A little boy asked. My fingers went up to feel my small, pointed elf ears. I always thought they made me special, so I told him just that. "They are special" I said to him. "No they are weird" he said, "right?" He asked the girl next to him. "Ya" she said, "I think they are quite ugly". My cheeks burned with embarrassment as the whole class eventually started staring at me. They commented on my ears, also starting to chastise my long, orange hair. "My hair is brown but hers is orange like a carrot" one said. "I don't like carrots and I don't like her either" another said. I just looked at the wall in front if me in shock, not knowing what to think.

Soon enough the teacher walked in, walking to the front of the room and placing her things in the corner. Everyone became quiet and payed attention to what the teacher would start to say. Everyone sat quietly and patiently, until the boy next to me raised his hand. The teacher pointed at him, allowing him to proceed with his question. "Why does she have ears like that?" He asked, harshly pointing at me. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, and I tried using my hair to cover my ears, but the small braids that ran down the side of my head prevented me from doing that. The teacher looked at me with a harsh look, causing me to look away and shy back in submission. She spit the words out like she was spitting out something gross. "Because she's part elf"

*end flashback*

By the time I get back to our home, I have wiped the tears away, but the hurt is still there. I open the door and hobble over to my bed, sitting down and letting out a big sigh. I lean back letting my head hit the pillow, trying to fight the tears from coming back. On the inside I'm the same. The exact same. Why do they treat me so different?

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