Chapter 13

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AN- ASDFGHJKL THANKS FOR 1K READS! I know it isn't much but the number is slowly growing! So the picture with this chapter is the cover of a new fic I'm working on, and I'm wondering if you guys want me to post it at the same time as this story or just do this story for now? Anyway I would love your input! Thanks so much again!___________________

*Tauriel's POV*

Uruloki Poison. I knew it when I saw it. The dragon's blood arrow. Coating the head of the arrow with the poisoned blood of a dragon, orcs shot it at its target, sending dragon's blood surging through the victims vein. Slowly and painfully, the poisoned blood replicates and turns it's victim into a dragon.

I haven't seen this since I was young, not even 100 years old. Why have the orcs started using it again? I looked at the wound that appeared charred by fire. It takes a lot to heal this. I know only one person who can. And we need to reach her quick.

"Kili, pick her up. I'll pack some things and we need to move". He stared at me with a desperate and puzzled expression. "It's Uruloki Poison, the dragon's blood arrow. If we don't get her to Mirkwood now she will turn into the reptile you despise" I say firmly. All he does is nod, fearing the dragon she might become. He picks up our daughters limp body and carries her out of the council room, not even caring to say anything to Fili or Thorin, who stand there with a worried but confused expression on their face.

I run to our room, grabbing the few things that are necessary, then quickly head put of the door. We make out way to the stables, grabbing three ponies. I quickly saddle my Fresian mare, and grab Areth's Gypsy Vanner gelding, strapping Areth's unconscious, limp body to her saddle. Kili tacks up his pony as well, and mounting up, we head out towards the woodland realm. I lead Areth's horse beside me, and squeeze my horse into a canter. We need to reach Mirkwood.

*Areths POV*

Flames rage around me, but I don't burn. As I breathe, fire flares from my nostrils, but I don't feel the heat. I move over the flaming coals beneath my feet, but the bottom of my feet don't feel the flames licking at them. I take a step forward and something is different. I take two more steps, wondering why I feel this way. I feel very evenly balanced, almost like I have four legs. My senses are sharper, and my vision is very vivid, seeing colors I have never seen before. I follow the pattern of flames; they are leading me down a dark tunnel. As I walk over the flames, they increase in size, raging larger than before.

Though the flames flicker with a fierce, hissing sound, my now heightened hearing picks up screams. Not any screams, but the screams of my family.

I sprint as fast as I can, my legs carrying my body at an alarmingly faster rate than they did before. I twist and turn through dark halls lighted by the inferno that follows me. I follow the shouting as it gets louder and louder, closer and closer. Suddenly i burst into a large hall, lined with carvings of dragons. I turned around, looking or the screams emitted from my parents. I see them tied up in the center of the room, struggling, trying to break free of their binding as a small flame inches towards them. I walk towards them a few steps, but the fire follows me. As I inch forward it does to. As I try to get closer, the flames trailing behind me swallow the little flame. The flames suddenly bursts into a fire that touches the ceiling. I run away from it in horror only to watch it follow me. I keep running forward but it keeps following behind me.

I realize with horror that I cannot save my parent with this fire following me. Why is it trailing me? I frantically look around, trying to find the fuel for the fire. I look behind my parents and the wall is covered in a smooth, shiny surface. I peer into the reflection and see a magnificent red dragon staring back at me. It's scales burn bright reflecting the light of the fire, and it's nostrils are flared. It stands tall and noble, wing folded to its side, not showing how powerful they really could be. My heart seems to stop in its tracks as I peer behind me, ready to face the fierce, red dragon, but when I turn it isn't there. I look back towards the wall and my eyes meet with the dragon's again. It takes a moment for it to register in my brain, but when it does, I drop my jaw in horror. I am the dragon.

I shrink back in horror, crying out at the fact that I can't save my family, the only people who care for me. I watch slowly as the flames slowly encroach them. I try and scream out to them, but fire escapes my lips, joining with the flames flickering towards my parents, only making them move faster. I cry silently as I watch in horror as the flames get closer. I can see the fear of the pain to come on their faces and I can't do anything to help them.

The fire is now only inches away from them, and I shit my eyes tight, not wanting to see the fire engulf them. I listen for their pained screams, but all I can hear now is a pure twinkling sound coming from all around me. I slowly open my eyes and see leaves falling around me. They look like leaves from the trees in the woodland realm, but these are slightly different. I watch one drift to the floor past me in what seems like slow motion. It is transparent, like class, with veins filled with crystals running through it.

I slowly watch the leaf drift to the floor. I look up at my parents, seeing the fire close the final inch between it and my mothers toes. I clench all my muscles, not wanting to watch what happens next. All of the sudden, as I watch a leaf hit the floor, the flames start turning bright blue. The room gets colder and the fire starts to die out. When the last flame is about to go out, a loud banging noise fills the air and a bright flash erupts through the space. Then everything was dark. Absolutely dark.

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