Chapter 23

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The pain was instant. My stomach felt like it was on fire, the pain mirroring how I felt when the uruloki poison cursed through my veins. I couldn't even cry out in pain and all that escaped my throat was a weak cry, coming out like a squeak.

I slowly looked down at my stomach, an axe now protruding from my abdomen. I looked up at the Orc that raised his axe and brought it down on me and he smiled a black hearted smile. Anger coursed through my veins as he laughed malevolently at me. Driven by my new found rage, I pulled one of my hidden daggers out of the waistband of my leggings and threw it. It landed exactly where I wanted it to. Right between his filthy eyes.

His body fell to the floor and seconds later, with my pain becoming to much to bear, I did too. I stared up at the bleak, grey sky, tears starting to slide down my cheeks. My hands lay beside means my fingertips felt a warm, fluidic substance on the ground. I didn't even have to look to know it was my own blood. My ears began creating white noise, blocking out the sounds of battle around me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Thorin stand up. His eyes met mine and the color drained from his face as he looked over my bleeding form. He quickly ran over to me, kneeling beside me and started calling for someone, though all I heard was a distant mumbling.

His hands were shaky as he grabbed the handle of the axe, readying to pull it out. I put my hand up to stop him, knowing it was to late. My vision started to fade around the edges and I could hear my weakening heartbeat in my ears. He started to speak to me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. The look in his face was sincere and I smiled a little when I read what his lips were saying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I treated you that way."

As an Orc came to attack him from behind and he turned around to meet it, he looked at me one more time before being carried back into battle. As my vision continued to blur and my heartbeats grew sporadic and weak, I truly knew it was the end.

I stared up into the grey sky as raindrops started to fall, mixing with the tears on my face and the blood in the soil. As the thunder rolled and my eyelids grew increasingly heavy, I wondered where I would go after I died. As I heard my heart beat one last time, I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. I had made my wrongs right.



The battle raged on around me. We seemed to be gaining some ground on the Orcs, though not to much. As I sunk my sword into yet another Orc, I looked around, scanning my surroundings for the red hair of my wife.

Me and Tauriel had spent the first hour or so fighting side by side, but the gravitational pull of battle had pulled us apart. Thought I knew she was a great warrior, probably even a better one than me, I was still worried about her. As I continued to fight, cutting and slashing orcs, I kept on looking. After getting tired of using my sword, I pulled out my bow and started firing at orcs in front of me. I got concentrated on picking off orcs and making sure to recollect my arrows, until I heard a cough and the feeling of something warn and thick spray across the back of my head.

Putting my hand in my hair, I drew it back to see it was covered in Orc blood. When I turned around, I saw am Orc fall to its knees, a sword protruding from its back and Fili smirking behind it. As the Orc fell to its face and Fili pulled his sword out of its dead body, I clamped my hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for having my back brother" I said with a smile. We both looked to see orcs rushing towards us; some of the last of them. "Shall we?" Fili asks with a smirk. I nodded and we jumped back into battle.

For what seemed like at least two hours we fought, killing off the last wave of orcs. As more and more fell, some were dumb enough to stay and fight, only to meet their doom in the end, while some of them fled, knowing defeat was certain. As I sunk my sword into the last Orc in front of me, I looked out and saw Tauriel about 50 yards away, finishing off an Orc with daggers by cutting off its head. After wiping her knives on her pant leg and sheathing them, her eyes met mine and she agilely made her way towards me, hopping over the bodies of the dead quickly and smoothly. I greeted her with a kiss, both of us happy and relieved to see each other unscathed. When I broke the kiss and snaked my hand into hers, I looked around to see where everyone was and if everyone was alright.

The company had started to assemble surround me, every one there seeming alright. Many dwarves were dusting themselves off and looking for loved ones across the battlefield. Some dwarves lay dead. My brother had ended the fight with me so I knew he was alive, but I gulped when I realized we were missing my uncle. My nervousness ceased as I saw him walking quickly towards us, but fear rose inside me again when I saw the sorrow in his face. He raised his arm and pointed across the battle field and I let my eyes follow.

He pointed to a female, splayed on the ground, laying in her own blood with an orcish battle axe deep into her abdomen. She was very small in frame and stature, and when I saw the unmistakeable flaming, red hair, the world slowed to a stop around me and my whole body went numb.

My daughter was dead.


AN- PLEASSSEEEE DONT KILL MEE!!!!! I'm so sorry, but believe me, you will want to keep reading, as something huge will happen next chapter ;) but I hope you enjoyed this chapter other than the sad things that happened. I think this chapter better reflects how much I've grown as a writes over the course of this story... Only 2 chapters to go!!! Thank you to all those who've been reading my story! Love you all❤️

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