Chapter 21

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I simply couldn't sleep. Guilt pressed down onto me like the weight of all the gold in Erebor. I tossed and turned all night long, debating on whether or not to get up and tell Thorin, or stay were I am. My skin felt like it was crawling and my tongue felt dry. A million scenarios of what would happen if I didn't warn anyone played out in my head and almost all of them ended terribly. A scene of Thorin yelling at me played in my head, but one of the death of the people of Erebor did too. Was my humiliation and deprecation really above the lives of the citizens of the kingdom? No. These people had lives, jobs and a family. Society would miss them. But nobody in society would miss me. I stood up, determined to make sure Erebor didn't fall to a group of disgusting orcs. No matter what it costs, I would make sure harm didn't fall in any of them because of a selfish desire of mine.

I flung off my nightgown, pulling on a pair of thick, brown, leather leggings. I tug a light, flowy, white tiny over my head, lacing my leather corset over it. I take my sword from its place beside the door and fasten it to my hip, slinging my quiver of arrows over my shoulder, my bow following. Slipping a few daggers in various hidden places (a tip learned from uncle Fili), I slip on my boots and begin to braid my hair down my back. Looking into the mirror, I adjust my apparel and take a deep breath. I have to go and warn Thorin.

Quickly pulling my sheets up and putting my nightgown away, I make my way to the door. Right before I can turn the knob, a hand grabs my shoulder and I whirl my head around in surprise. "Where do you think you're going young lady?" My mother's voice asks in a stern tone. Dang it. Nothing gets past those elf ears of hers, even my seemingly quiet steps. "A battle is about to happen! I have to warn Thorin!". "What battle? Any battle that is taking place you are not participating in" she says sternly, gesturing to the weapons strapped to my body. "But mother! I know what's going to happen and if it's to late we will all be in danger!". She gave me a questioning look. "There's an army of orcs out there. The same ones that tried to make me the downfall of Erebor". She gives me a skeptical look but I counteract with a serious one. "Thorin didn't believe me the first time I told him, and I know he probably won't believe me now but we have to try!".

"What's going on here?" My fathers voice asks, appearing sleepily behind my mother. "Come on" she says to him, grabbing his hand and dragging him out the door. He gives her a puzzled look, but follows all the same. "Stay here Areth," she says sternly, "I mean it".


I waited for my parents to return. I hope Thorin took their words. I sat on my bed, tapping my heels together and chewing on my lip nervously. When would they be back?! My question was answered as the door flew open, my mother and father in a slight panic. I jumped up from my bed, following them as they dressed in their armor, obviously ready for battle. "What did he say?" I ask. "We didn't even have time to reach him. Guards in the northern guard tower saw them coming. We have barely any time to prepare. You are to stay here Areth. Do not leave, whatever you do" Father says sternly. I'm about to complain but my mother senses this. "Areth. Please don't argue with us" she says, grabbing my shoulders and kissing my forehead. "Hopefully we will be back soon".

With that, her and my father hastily make their way out of the door in all their armored glory. As the door closes behind them, the nervousness sets in and I think about the possibility of them not making it back. Both of my parents are some of the best warriors in all of Middle Earth, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about them. Take what happened to my father in the Battle of the Five Armies. Blog found his weakness (my mother) and used it against him. Luckily there was someone to give him life again, but there is no guarantees that is what is going to happen again if that situation arises.

I walk into my mother and father's room and lay on their large, comfortable bed. I put my hands behind my head and state out of the sky light my father put in on the ceiling to allow my mother to look at the stars. The sky is bleak and grey, showing the probability of rain. I let out a deep sigh, the sounds of war not yet reaching my ears. The silence built anxiety up within me, the minutes slowly ticking by. Maybe war had been avoided, or it was a false alarm all along? My answer came when I heard a loud battle cry and the shuffling of a thousand armored feet. The battle had started.

AN- Sorry for such a short chapter!!!!! :/ The next one is going to be a big one, and if I didn't stop this chapter here it wouldn't have made the next chapter as effective. Anyway I have been a terrible author and this isn't a great quality chapter so I hope I can get my act together for the final chapters of this story!!! Thanks for reading❤️

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