Chapter 12

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🔹Chapter 12🔹

I tap my fingers on the tabletop, listening to the teacher speak. I get bored easily, as the teacher seldom shuts up. I let my mind wander to many places, some of them dangerous. What is my mother doing right now? Why must Thorin hate me so much? I wish me didn't hate me so much. What have I ever done to him?

"ARETH!" I hear the teacher yell, snapping me out of my day dreams. "I asked you a question" she says sternly eyeing me with a hard gaze. "Oh" I reply, "um... Sorry". She rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her breath. "You are all dismissed" she says, obviously annoyed by my lack of focus. I get up to leave, ready to get home. I wince a little as I stand, as my leg has started throbbing a little more than it was that morning. I slowly start limping towards the exit, trying to leave the presence of the teacher and my classmates as quick as possible. As I exit the door, two girls hit me as they walk by, being oblivious to the fact I was there, and injured for that matter. "Hey Areth!" I hear a rude voice yell my way. "What were you thinking about this time? Maybe you've finally come to your senses and realized you don't belong here. But again you are a stupid mixed blood, so you probably wouldn't be smart enough to figure that out anyway" the voice taunts. I don't even turn to see who said those hurtful words, I just keep walking.

As I continue, the throbbing in my leg continues to increase, cursing down my leg and up to my hip. Soon it is very painful to walk. With each step I take, hot tears spill down my cheeks, my fists clenched in pain. I try my hardest to keep walking through the throne room, knowing I'm only a few turns away from my home.

All of a sudden it hits me hard. The pain, almost like an arrow, knocking me of my feet. I shriek in pain as my legs seems to feel like it has burst into flames. I claw at my leg, trying to pull the pain away, only to make it worse. I cry out in pain, being consumed by the extreme burning sensation. I scream, feeling as I am being burned alive. Sweat drips down my face, my whole body contorting into various positions, trying to escape the hurt. I wildly look around trying to find anyone in the area. My body burns, and I claw at my corset, trying to free it from my body to relieve the pain. My eyes still wildly search for some one to help me. Nobody.

I feel as if I've been struggling for hours, but I know it hasn't been that long. The pain consumes every inch of me, making me wish I was being burned by real flames. At least I would be dead and without pain after a few minutes. Even though I have been oppressed by this pain for many minutes, it hasn't gotten more bearable. It's just gotten worse. There is still nobody in the area, and I need someone. Fast. I scream at the top of my lungs, sobbing in pain. I need help. I really need help. There is only one person I know that would be around here, and he wouldn't want to help me. In fact, he would probably get more annoyed with me because of my cries of pain. As the pain becomes even more unbearable, I curl into a fetal position, feeling helpless. More helpless than ever. I feel my consciousness going, and I try to stay alert, but the pain continues to try and pull me under. I have no choice. I need to get someone's help. And the only one who can help me where I am is my great uncle.

"THORIN!!!" I scream at the too of my lungs. "THORIN HELP ME! HELP!" . I scream and cry, the invisible flames still clawing at my body. "THORIN PLEASE HELP!" I shout. Nobody is coming. He probably hates me to much to help me. He doesn't value my life. I scream his name before my vision goes black. My mind barely holds into consciousness and I heard boots thundering through the room.


"Thorin!" I hear my name being yelled out. Its Areth. The reason Kili loved that elf is beyond me. I'm not to fond of the half elf, half dwarf girl. Any other time I would have ignored her calling out my name. But not this time.

I heard it in her voice. Pain, worry, fear. I got up from where I had been sitting in my quarters and walked quickly down the hall to the throne room. "Areth?!" I called, looking for where she was. I heard her scream my name, the sound of her desperate voice coming from the throne room. I ran towards the room, flinging the doors open. I saw her curled in a little ball on the floor, noiseless. My heart stopped for a second, seeing her motionless. I quickly looked for her breathing. I saw her chest rise and fall, and let go of the breath I had unconsciously been holding.

I picked up her limp, but alive body and quickly walked to find her father. I took a few turns to the council room. Fili and Kili were meeting in there to discuss the placement of the guards outside the mountain. I threw the door open, not concerned about interrupting there meeting. "Kili!" I shouted, "it's Areth". A worried expression rushes to his face as he rushes to his daughters side. "I don't know what happened" I say, "she just called for me and I could tell something was wrong. When I found her she was unconscious". Kili's eyes start watering and a terrified, almost blank expression shows on his face. He rips at her pant leg, tearing off the whole left side away from her leg. Dark blood seeps through a bandage wrapped around her lower thigh. Kili slowly peels it off, being careful not to hurt her, even though she is passed out. After unwrapping it, there is a large, ugly wound. The flesh looks charred and oozing with puss, and the blood that comes from it is a dark red, almost blackish color.

By this time tears have escaped his eyes and roll down his cheeks. He strokes her hair and mumbles something to her, not letting his eyes leave her. I feel something in my heart. The same love I feel for my nephews. I love them like my own sons, and I remember when they would get hurt when they were younger I would hurt to. I know what Kili is feeling, but I know what he is enduring is much much worse.

I turn around to the sound of footsteps. Tauriel walks into the room, carrying some food in her hands. "Kili, A'maelamin, I brought you...". She drops what she is holding when she sees her daughter. She rushed to her side as Kili did, a concerned but desperate look on her face. She looks at the wound on Areth's leg, then back at us. She clears her throat to speak. "That was no common arrow".

AN- So the reads are slowing down😁 I mean I am writing another story and if this one isn't getting reads I really don't want to post it... Anyway I made the edit that's with this chapter❤️

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