Chapter 15

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🔹Chapter 15🔹


Everything stood out. The veins on the leaves, the bits of soil beneath her agile feet. The small bugs flying through the humid air in Mirkwood forest. Her ears picked up the sound of everything. She heard every little leaf crunch beneath her boots, the sound of birds chirping and small forest animals darting around. You would think it would
be beautiful to see and hear the world in a new, brighter light, but to Areth it was just torture.

Why did this have to happen to me? I must have repeated that question over and over in my head thousands of times. Every time I passed a small pool of water, I would stare at my reflection, which would glare daggers back at me with my haunting eyes. I didn't understand the concept completely, but I did understand I was nothing more than a hop and a skip away from becoming a dragon. I was thankful mother and father got me to Mirkwood in time, but part of me wishes they didn't. Part of me wishes I could become a dragon and get out of the hell I call my life.

I shook the thoughts out if my head as I heard my father call my name. It is the first thing he had said to me the whole journey back home. I gulped and walked up to him, looking at the floor, afraid to make eye contact. I didn't want to look into his eyes, afraid he would be offended by mine. The emerald green with piercing pupils; the eyes of a dragon. When I get to him, he des something very unexpected.

Father pulls me into a tight embrace, and I stiffen at the action. He pulls away, still clutching to my arms, "We thought we had lost you" he whispers. I sigh deeply, knowing I caused my parents worry. They already deal with so much. Being ostracized for their love, chastised about their daughter. "I'm sorry" I croak, the lump in my throat making it hard for me to speak. "It's ok Areth" father says, "look at me". I slowly look up at him, scared to see his reaction at seeing my eyes once more. When my eyes meet his, he does not look away or frown in disgust. "I am proud to have you as my daughter no matter what" he says, "and I'm sure she is to", he replies, gesturing at mother who is standing close to me. She embraces me and I hug her back, glad my parents aren't appalled at my appearance like I know everyone else will be.

When we make it to the entrance if the mountain, my muscles tense and I tip my chin towards the ground. I am afraid to look at anyone. I know they will point, laugh, mock and insult me. They did it already, now it would only be worse. I walked in between my parents through the halls of Erebor, not looking farther than the ground in front of my feet. I was scared about what others would say about me when they saw me now.

By the time I made it to my room, I had tears spilling down my cheeks, out of my dragon eyes. How was I going to go to my lessons? How was I going to go anywhere without being judged and laughed at? One can't live like this. Judged for something they had no control over. I didn't chose to get hit by that arrow, and I sure as hell didn't pick to be in so much pain. I don't want to be who I am. And I'm stuck. Stuck right where I am. As I stared at the walls, crying my eyes out, wishing I would close my eyes, then open them, and they would be back to normal.

AN- Sorry for the short chapter and my lack of updates! I just got the iPhone 6 and all of my writing was in the notes of my old iPhone so I had to transfer everything... I will start updating like normal agin!!!

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