Chapter 16: New Threat

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"Wow, this fog is...thick...I can barely see my hand in front of my face..." Fei whispered, dropping her extended hand. She looked at her surroundings to see anything else, but she couldn't. She held her hand in front of Naruto's face, "look Naruto..."

"I can't, though..." he whispered back, grasping to find her hand as a joke. This caused her to chuckle. Sakura sweatdropped while Sasuke turned and crossed his arms.

"Losers." He muttered. Fei moved her hand from Naruto's face directly to his mouth so he wouldn't yell out.

"I got this..." she whispered. She then let go and grabbed a rubber band from her weapon's pouch. Subtlety, she made a finger gun aimed directly towards Sasuke, and let it fling with a good amount of strength, and chakra for good measure. Didn't know how much went in it, but that didn't matter to her. It slapped his right leg, causing him to flinch and let out a short hiss.



Neither Naruto nor Fei could contain a chuckle from their mouths upon seeing his reaction. Sakura lightly hit Fei's foot as a reprimand, as she saw her make the little finger gun but couldn't say anything.

"Stop that..." Sakura muttered, causing Fei to chuckle softly one more time.

Sasuke gave both of them a death glare, vowing to get them back. Naruto returned a glare while Fei simply grinned at both of them. She then closed her eyes and followed the sway of the boat. The boat the group was on rocked back and front against the waters of the sea. Fei found it quite tranquil and peaceful. She boated with her parents on occasion back in her world, but something about this is...different. Perhaps it is because she could be in danger, now that she is a ninja. She was interrupted as the rower spoke.

"The bridge isn't far now. Our destination's just ahead. The Land of Waves." He said.

The group looked up to see where they were. There right in front of them was the bridge: tall, imposing, and structurally sound. Fei felt small in comparison to the bridge they were going under.

"Incredible..." she murmured. Naruto, on the other hand, was not as quiet.

"Whoa! It's huge!" He exclaimed.

"Wha, quiet! I told you no noise! Why do you think we are traveling like this, cutting off the engine and rowing, moving through the dense fog so no one would see us!" The rower scolded.

"Mr. Tazuna, before we reach the pier I want to ask you something." Tazuna turned to face Kakashi, "The men who are after you, I want to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore."

It was silent for a moment before Tazuna let out a heavy sigh

"Then I guess I have no choice but to tell you. No, I want you to know the truth. As you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man." Fei held a chuckle at the description.

'Why would you start explaining his threat in that way?' She thought.

She zoned back in, "but he casts a very long and deadly shadow."

"Long and deadly shadow? Who is it?" Kakashi asked.

"You know him. At least I'm sure you've heard his name before... The most powerful man in the world: the shipping magnet, Gatou."

'Businessman? Also, Maybe it means something else in Japanese,' Fei questioned in her mind, 'I wonder just how dangerous this guy could be...'

"Huh? Gatou? Of Gatou Transport? He's a business leader. Everyone knows him."

"Who? Who? What? What?" Naruto questioned, still confused.

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