Lady Tsunade

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The group walked along the calm cattle trail silently. Fei was looking at the lush greenery on either side of them without much thought. She hoped that her guardians wouldn't mind her sudden departure; she had left in a hurry after all. But hopefully they'll underatand: she's doing this for Sasuke, and the whole village by extension. She was walking alongside her best friend of this world, who was deep in his thoughts, until he spoke up.

"Pervy Sage, those guys... what are they after me for?" He asked, stopping in his tracks, "You know, don't you?"

The sage paused before answering, "Those guys are not so much after you as they are after what's inside you."

"Inside him?" Fei asked, looking st the blonde boy, "What's inside you?"

"That's what I want to know...what's this thing anyway?" Naruto asked as he placed his hand on top of his stomach, then he looked at Fei with slight worry, "This is the monster that attacked the Leaf Village, right? That's why everyone's scared of it." He continued, eyeing Fei's reaction.

'Does he mean... The Nine-tails?' Fei asked herself as she looked between the two. She had read many stories about the Nine-tails. A monstrous creature with massive power that caused great destruction to the Village. The only way it was stopped was through the sacrifice of the Fourth. All accounts given by villagers and shinobi who survived described it was a terrifying event in the history of the village.

"Why do those guys want it?" She asked, curious herself.

The Sage continued to explain the situation, and Naruto used it to fuel himself as Fei smiled, looking at him with awe.

"He's amazing. Despite being in such a terrible position, with S rank criminals after him at all times... he can keep such a high spirit.' She thought to herself as she hummed, 'Maybe, I can do the same.'

The Sage moved on to describe the important lady they were looking for, known notoriously as the Legendary Sucker because of her incredible losing streak in gambling. She was gonna be a difficult find, but the group was determined to use every bit of that time to good use.

Fei was a little excited to meet her as well. A known medical prodigy and the granddaughter to the First. Despite her gambling, she must be full of charisma and dedication to the village because of her upbringing. At least, that's what Fei supposed.

The trio arrived at a big and bustling town, full of life and activity, to gather information. Or rather, just the Sage. Having bantered with Naruto about money and taking away his Froggie, he gave Fei and the boy cash to enjoy the festivities of the ongoing event in the town. After that, he left both kids to venture on their own.

And they were enjoying themselves, playing the festival's minigames and challenges, putting on various festive looks, and so on.

As Naruto and Fei walked to see more activities, they stopped at a small food stop to buy a small snack. Naruto looked at the kebab stick in front of him with a deep look before he got the ravenette's attention. He hesitated for a bit, "F-Fei?"

"Yeah, Naruto?" She answered as she munched on her stick.

"You don't... you don't think of me any differently after what I said before, right? About what's... inside of me?" He looked at her with sad eyes. Fei stopped chewing, looking at him with wide blue eyes, "You were one of my first friends when I was a kid, and I used to think it was because you were different from the others. And you really are! You're a cool and kind person who really gets me. It used to confuse me so much when people attacked me for no reason, it made me upset. But when you came along that day... you made me really happy."

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