7. Flirting, Fights, and Friendships

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(Somehow this has already hit 300 reads- thank you so much! This is amazing for me, and I love coming back to see comments, reads, and votes- it makes me want to keep writing! Thank you guys for everything ❤️ Haven is above because Kaya is one gorgeous girl)

Raven is in the kitchen cooking breakfast when I wake up, so I help her out by doing the slicing, since I don't have to be nearly as careful as she does- I can't get hurt as long as I'm not caught off-guard.

"Thanks for helping me," she says happily, whisking a bowl of eggs together. "It's pretty hard to feed the entire houseful of mutants."

I smile in reply, still drowsy from sleep. The knife makes a rhythmic beat against the cutting board as I slice sausages into bite-sized pieces.

"Raven?" I ask after a while. My voice is tentative and completely unlike my own.


"Is Charles mad at me?" I know I sound like one of those children in primary school, ridiculously obsessed with other people's opinions of me, but it's just for Charles. I care about what he thinks, and I know he would as well, if he could get into my mind easily.

"Of course not, darling," Raven tells me. She stops whisking the eggs, though, so I stop chopping. The kitchen becomes strangely quiet. "I noticed he was acting funny yesterday, but he's always been difficult to understand. Maybe it's because he understands too many people."

"But you don't think he's angry at me? Have I done anything wrong?"

"No, I don't think he's angry, and you definitely haven't done anything wrong. If he's back to normal today, just ask him. I'm sure it's nothing."

I nod at Raven's words and we both go back to our tasks. The breakfast takes a while- scrambled eggs with pancakes, sausage, and a fruit salad. I've always been afraid of stoves, so I mainly just cut things up and decorate the fruit salad into a lite pattern.

The other mutants start coming into the dining room soon, so I set the table up.

"Heyo, Haven," Alex says. He punches me lightly in the shoulder- the two of us get along rather well after the incident with me falling unconscious.

"Morning," I smile. Sean walks in, throwing me a not-so-subtle glare ( which I appreciate), and Hank comes in at Raven's side from the kitchen.

"Charles and Erik are out for a morning run," Raven tells me. "They're having breakfast outside, but they'll be back before noon."

I nod in reply, and once everyone is sat down, we start eating. The meal is good, company even better, and conversation steers away from the idea of Shaw and his mutants. We're all a little afraid, I think.

"Haven, what's going on between you and the professor?"

I look up at Hank, who's pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Nothing," I say. "Why?"

"You two get along exceptionally well."

"We went to the same college."

"So why aren't you dating him?"

"Why aren't you dating Raven?" I say back, and Hank turns pink to his ears. Raven just smiles down at her empty plate. "Good answer," I joke, and Alex winks at me from across the table.

After rinsing off the plates with Alex and Raven, I return back to my room, reading a biography of Freud, the psychoanalysis researcher. It's getting easier to live in New York- easier to use my powers, joke around with the other mutants, settle down. I find myself missing Francesca and Oxford less and less, though I'll always love it there.

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