17. Dreams

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I know I thank you guys practically every chapter but I really appreciate all of your votes and comments and it just keeps me going everyday ❤️ sorry this is so short, I wanted to give you guys an update as soon as possible. On a side note, would any of you read a Tom Hiddleston fanfic by me? Comment your thoughts 😘



He stands in front of me, fidgeting with his hands, and I feel as if I'm five years old again, getting my heart broken for the first time.

He clears his throat.

"Would... Would you like a cuppa tea? Breakfast, perhaps?"

"I was just about to leave, thank you," I say, and maybe it's just me but I think his face drops the slightest bit, so I add the following comment: "you're walking."

"I am."

There's an empty silence between us now, and I'm tapping my nails against the table.

"I have to go," I say at the same time as Charles says "I missed you."

"You're standing," I say, even though I just mentioned it a few moments ago.

"Hank, uh, Hank developed a serum. It allows me to walk, but, uh, it takes away my mutation."

"Is it worth it?"

"I don't know," he tells me, running a hand through his hair. "Sometimes."

"Is it because of me?"

"I thought it could get you out of my head. I thought having my legs again could make things easier."

"And were you right?"

I desperately want to know.

He laughs dryly. "Far from it."

Charles is such a fragile shell of a man now, and I wonder if he sees me in the same light. If he notices all of the little changes like I do. If he wants to smile every time I make a habitual gesture that has remained the same.

If he feels the same as I do.

"I'm sorry for not telling you. About leaving. I thought it was best."

"I know what you thought, I just wish you hadn't."

"I loved you too much to say goodbye."

"And are you still in love with me?"

His eyes are the same clear shade of blue, despite the veins and redness. They seem to be flashing the answer right at me. I don't say it out loud, though.

"I don't know. Are you?"

"I don't understand how anyone could fall out of love with you," he smiles sadly, and I can imagine the memories flipping through his head like a book of photos.

"Then I suppose I'm still in love with you as well."

"Are you, really?"


"But you're going to leave again, aren't you?"

I don't bother lying, because I know that it would only break my heart further to stay with him right now.

"I don't think I'll stay."

"Then I suppose the gentlemanly thing to do would be to take you out to breakfast while you're still here." He walks over to the door and opens it for me, and I feel as if I'm walking into the past, walking backwards in time.

And strangely, I don't seem to mind it.

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